As a seasoned analyst with years of experience in the tech and cryptocurrency industries, I find myself deeply troubled by the recent arrest of Pavel Durov, the enigmatic founder and CEO of Telegram, in France. My professional journey has led me to closely observe the rise and fall of numerous tech titans, and I must admit, this latest development is unprecedented, even for an industry notorious for its volatility.

As an analyst, I’m reporting that I, myself, was taken into custody by the National Anti-Fraud Office (ONAF) agents in France. This incident occurred at Le Bourget airport on Saturday evening, following my arrival from Azerbaijan via my private jet. Accompanying me were a bodyguard and a woman, as per reports from French news site TF1.

Durov Faces Charges of Terrorism and Fraud Amid Allegations of Telegram’s Role in Crime

Durov found himself listed as a person of interest (FPR) due to accusations that his platform facilitated illegal activities. This listing was related to certain offenses in which his site played a significant role. The warrant for his arrest was issued by French authorities after an initial investigation. However, the warrant could only be valid if Durov was physically present in France. Consequently, when he traveled to France, he was immediately taken into custody. It’s said that Durov rarely visits Europe because he is aware of such potential legal complications.

Durov, the founder of Telegram, faces serious charges including terrorism, drug trafficking, fraud, and child abuse. There are allegations that Telegram’s strong emphasis on secure communication and end-to-end encryption might be contributing to or facilitating such criminal activities. This is because the platform seems to lack proper moderation and cooperation in sharing information about members of criminal networks with law enforcement agencies, which has tarnished its reputation and led some to view it as a haven for organized crime in France, according to French investigators.

On the upcoming Sunday, Durov is anticipated to face questioning by an investigative judge in relation to a potential indictment. It is believed that he may be held in custody until his trial due to his substantial financial resources, which could allow him to leave the country. The arrest has sparked a sense of astonishment within the international community as it pertains to efforts aimed at combating criminal activities on encrypted networks.

Telegram Founder’s Arrest Triggers 20% Drop in TON Token, Musk, Carlson Voice Support for Detained Telegram CEO

News about Pavel Durov’s arrest has a substantial effect on the cryptocurrency market, particularly TON – the digital token associated with The Open Network (Telegram). Following the arrest, TON experienced a near 20% drop in value but has since attempted to recover some of these losses. The TON blockchain’s X account reassured its community that it remains robust and functional, despite Durov’s detention. They underscored their dedication to upholding freedom of speech and decentralization principles, expressing solidarity with Durov during this difficult period.

Following the arrest of Pavel Durov, the creator of Telegram, numerous prominent figures have voiced their backing for him. Notable personalities such as Elon Musk, the proprietor of X (formerly Twitter), and American broadcaster Tucker Carlson have shown their solidarity with Durov.



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2024-08-25 16:50