As a seasoned researcher with years of experience navigating the volatile world of cryptocurrencies, I must say that today’s market update from CoinDesk Indices is a stark reminder of the rollercoaster ride we all signed up for when diving into this digital gold rush.

CoinDesk Indices shares their daily market summary, spotlighting the successes and struggles of the top and bottom performers within the CoinDesk 20 Index.

The CoinDesk 20 is currently trading at 1584.54, down 22.6% (-462.38) since last Friday’s close.

None of the 20 assets are trading higher.

Leaders: HBAR (-18.9%) and ATOM (-19.2%).
CoinDesk 20 Performance Update: Index Plunges 22.6% Amid Global Market Decline
Laggards: NEAR (-30.1%) and LINK (-28.9%).
CoinDesk 20 Performance Update: Index Plunges 22.6% Amid Global Market Decline

The CoinDesk 20 is a broad-based index traded on multiple platforms in several regions globally.

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2024-08-05 17:01