Best teams for the Luminary Wardance Ceremony event in Honkai Star Rail

As a seasoned veteran of the Honkaiverse, I’ve battled through countless Memory Zones and faced off against some formidable foes. But let me tell you, the “Something Unto Death” is one memory I wouldn’t want to revisit! This guy’s sunset attack is no joke, and it’s crucial to keep Black Swan and Kafka out of harm’s way as much as possible. In phase 2, watch out for Morbid Dream too; it’s a dangerous duo that can take down two characters at once.

In the newest Honkai Star Rail update (version 2.5), players now have the opportunity to explore the character Rappa and participate in the Luminary Wardance Ceremony event. Unlike other events where stages are rolled out daily, this one presents all its stages simultaneously.

Luminary Wardance Ceremony guide in Honkai Star Rail

In this fresh competition, players face a daily multi-step challenge comprising five distinct levels. Upon wrapping up the narrative duel between Luka and Gepard, engaging in subsequent dialogues, and conquering the tutorial battle, you’ll unlock the main event of the Xianzhou Alliance fighting contest. Here, you can begin earning top-tier prizes.

Best teams for the Luminary Wardance Ceremony event in Honkai Star Rail

In this game, every action taken by you and your adversaries generates points called “Vibes.” The objective is to fill your Vibe gauge faster than the opposing team, as a fully charged Vibe gauge will replenish all your Ultimate abilities and boost your team. During the tutorial, you’ll primarily learn about the break effect to accumulate the most Vibes; however, you won’t be able to switch teams for this particular scenario, but the fight remains easy even when their Vibe gauge fills up.

You’ll also want to be aware of something called a Tactical Codex. For the tutorial, when the Codex is in effect and you use your Ultimate, you will gain Weakness Break Efficiency and also you will be action advanced 100%.

Knockout Match 1: Topaz

Best teams for the Luminary Wardance Ceremony event in Honkai Star Rail

On the initial day, you’ll face off against Topaz and two qualifying squads. Each encounter is distinct, and you have the freedom to select a fresh team for every stage, which are referred to as “Arena Environments”.

Fantastic Botany and Where to Find Them

  • Best teammate for the Trail characters: Aventurine, then Lingsha or Lynx.
  • Best overall team: Jade, Robin, Herta, Aventurine
  • Other honorable mentions: An Unlimited Blade Works team.

In the initial game setting, titled “Fantastic Botany and Where to Find Them,” your first challenge is at hand. To gather ‘Vibes,’ you’ll need to vanquish opponents. Since subsequent damage multiplies rapidly, it would be advantageous to deploy any characters capable of follow-up attacks that you possess. The trial characters for this level are Jade, Robin, and Herta. Consider adding Aventurine to your team, as he is currently the top follow-up Sustain in Honkai. This could significantly boost your performance!

Best teams for the Luminary Wardance Ceremony event in Honkai Star Rail

Here’s one way to rephrase the given text in a more natural and easy-to-read manner:

As a gamer, I’d pick the Feint Attack Tactical Codex for my team since it’s ideal for follow-up teams in battle. Keep Jade’s skill active on Herta throughout the fight, and focus on obliterating those tiny floral foes as much as you can!

“Ironshield” Gigantus Shieldus

  • Best teammate for the Trial characters: Robin or Huohuo
  • Best overall team: Yunli, Tingyun, Sparkle/Robin, Huohuo

At this phase, it’s primarily focused on retaliating against opponents. Retaliation restores health, inflicts more damage than usual, and provides a substantial increase in Vibes. The adversary who takes retaliation damage will also have their actions expedited. Characters Yunli, Clara, and Tingyun are the contestants for this trial. Since you regenerate health during Retaliation, you can theoretically skip a Sustain character in this instance; there aren’t any debuffs to consider either. If you wish to include a healer, choose the one that suits you best.

Best teams for the Luminary Wardance Ceremony event in Honkai Star Rail

To swap out the characters originally named Tingyun and Trial, consider renaming Tingyun to Robin instead. Managing Yunli and Clara together could prove difficult due to their tendency to compete for control over the battlefield, so you might need to replace one or both of them if possible. Choose the Early Reveal Tactical Codex as enemies will share a common health pool. During the fight, keep track of turn order to respond effectively. Since Yunli has a Blast counter and always gets a follow-up Counter attack, it’s advisable for her to target an enemy in the center of the group, ensuring consistent Blast hits. Save the Codex until there are multiple enemy attacks in succession so you can chain numerous counters together, and prioritize giving as much control over the battle (aggro) as possible to Yunli for a successful outcome.


  • Best teammate for the Trial characters: Huohuo, E1 Aventurine, Aventurine with his Light Cone, Gallagher
  • Best overall team: Acheron, Jiaoqiu, Kafka/Pella, Huohuo/Aventurine
  • Honorable mention team: A good Firefly E1 team.

In this battle scenario, you have the opportunity to amass a substantial amount of points by exploiting the weaknesses of your adversaries, thereby breaking their defenses. The trio that will be accompanying you is known as “Silver Wolf,” “Acheron,” and “Jiaoqiu.” To maintain your team’s health and remove any debuffs, it would be advantageous to incorporate a sustaining ability that also imposes its own debuffs. Aventurine, particularly at his E1 or with the use of his Light Cone, is an excellent option for this role. Huohuo could also excel in this position, and Gallagher can serve as a backup in case needed. If you prefer to substitute Silver Wolf with another character, Black Swan, Pella, or Kafka are viable alternatives.

The objective during the fight is to render enemies vulnerable to Lightning, enabling Acheron to subsequently seize their battle points. Prior to the encounter, it’s essential to select both your Codex and a fresh Tactical Beverage. If you are managing Acheron, the specific choice of Codex isn’t crucial. Go for the Blu Bull as your drink option instead.

Best teams for the Luminary Wardance Ceremony event in Honkai Star Rail

As the fight initiates, remember that Acheron can only accumulate up to three additional stacks, so make sure to deploy her Ultimate before you begin losing stacks due to reaching the limit. Throughout this battle, you’ll face a series of enemies, then a round against “Topaz,” and finally another round against Topaz again. During Topaz’s second round, there is a pre-scripted sequence where your enemies will freeze you, but it won’t result in any of your teammates being eliminated.

Knockout Match 2: Boothill

Upcoming battles await at Boothill, Tri-Dis of Zhuming, and against some Trotters. To emerge victorious, it’s crucial to customize each of your three squads for the specific encounters they will face.

Tri-Dis of Zhuming

  • Best teammate for the Trial characters: Gallagher, since everything is weak to fire. Also, Aventurine, Lingsha, and Huohuo would also be great for cleansing.
  • Best overall team: A well-built Firefly team.

In this scenario, the focus is on exploiting weakened foes by dealing additional damage to them, a strategy known as the “Vibe check.” The characters suggested for this task are Ruan Mei, Boothill, and Harmony Trailblazer. If you don’t have these characters, a well-constructed Firefly team could serve as an effective substitute. In place of Harmony MC, Bronya could be used instead. For optimal performance in this battle, Gallagher is recommended due to his fire-based attacks, but any Sustain with cleansing abilities would also be beneficial when added to the initial trio of characters.

Best teams for the Luminary Wardance Ceremony event in Honkai Star Rail

For the Tactical Manual, opt for the Feint Attack to enhance the ability to overcome D. Valieu’s weaknesses. In terms of the Tactical Drink, neither option is particularly beneficial, but Blu Bull might be a slightly better choice. Remember that all figures share HP, so prioritize defeating central figure, D. Valieu. Ensure Boothill’s Standoff initiates a duel with D. Valieu, and regularly activate Harmony MC’s Ultimate ability as much as feasible.

Trotter Battlefront

  • Best teammate for the Trial characters: Ruan Mei with her signature Light Cone, E1 and S1 Bronya, March 7th the Hunt version.
  • Best overall team: Dan Heng – Imbibitor Lunae, Sparkle, S1 Ruan Mei, and Tingyun
  • Honorable mention team: A good DoT team.

If you manage to conquer a Trotter, you’ll be rewarded with a massive hoard of Vibes and a skill point. Once you accumulate five skill points, the initial member of your squad gains an action upgrade and an enhancement to their damage. The characters participating in this trial are Dan Heng – Imbibitor Lunae, Sparkle, and Tingyun. Since the adversaries are just Trotters who don’t launch assaults, there’s no need for Sustain. To ensure your team member has four more skill points than they spend, March 7th Hunt is a suitable choice. I selected Westroc Super Drink and Feint Attack as my items. If you’re using Kafka’s team, Lie in Wait would be a better option for your Codex.

Best teams for the Luminary Wardance Ceremony event in Honkai Star Rail

As a devoted fan, I’d advise focusing on locking down the Trotter’s weaknesses since they tend to retreat on their next turn when given the chance. Be vigilant about targeting those who might escape. In terms of strategy, Dan Heng’s unique ability is a Blast attack, so it’s best to concentrate your attacks on the Trotters in the center. When it comes to using DHIL (Dan Heng Improvement Lab), try to allocate points as frequently as feasible. However, avoid action advancing him unless you have enough skill and enhanced points to spare.

Special Invitation Match: Shuojin

  • Best teammate for the Trial characters: Gallahger, Lingsha.
  • Best overall team: A well-built Firefly team.
  • Honorable mention team: Herta and Himiko.

Following your victory in either Trotter Battlefront or Tri-Dis of Zhuming, a unique battle becomes available right on your screen. While it’s optional, completing this battle and its accompanying story mission will grant you additional rewards. First, have a chat with Topaz, then engage in the brief fight and story sequence. Once done, access to this match will be granted. This particular battle allows you to use only the Story version of Luka, and I’d recommend setting your Tactical Codex to Feint Attack. As for the Beverages, they seem less crucial in this instance.

To defeat Shuojin, it’s necessary to weaken one of the supporting characters first, as this will lower Shuojin’s defense. Each time Shuojin takes action, his defense bar resets. However, following a specific story event, you’ll be able to break his defense bar with a single attack after he has been weakened.

Best teams for the Luminary Wardance Ceremony event in Honkai Star Rail

In your second battle, you’ll acquire the Trial characters: Firefly, Ruan Mei, and Harmony Trailblazer. Either Gallahger or Lingsha would be a great addition to this squad. Alternatively, you could switch to a strong Herta/Himiko team. However, if you don’t possess an E1 Firefly, this team may require careful management of skill points. Remember to utilize the Feint Attack Codex and the Westroc Super Drink Beverage. Be mindful not to steal weakness breaks from Firefly during attacks; she requires them for optimal performance.


  • Best teammate for the Trial characters: Ruan Mei, Robin, or Jiaoqiu.
  • Best overall team: Kafka, Black Swan, Huohuo, and Jiaoqiu.

This battle will primarily involve Damage over Time (DoT) attacks; enemies sustain additional damage from such effects. Accumulate a significant amount of Vibes when defeating summoned enemies, and there’s a chance that you’ll push back the enemies on either side of the summon after a defeat. The characters for this challenge are Kafka, Black Swan, and Huohuo (or any Sustain character if Huohuo isn’t available and your Sustain is well-built). Ruan Mei, Robin, or Jiaoqiu would make excellent additions to the team. For the Codex, select Lie in Wait to facilitate the activation of DoTs. In the Tactical Beverages menu, you’ll find that you’ve unlocked new drinks; Devil’s Hand is the most beneficial choice.

Best teams for the Luminary Wardance Ceremony event in Honkai Star Rail

You should aim to evade the Memory Zone Meme known as “Something Unto Death.” At dusk, it claims the life of whoever performed an action last, marking their grave which you must then eliminate. Your objective is to minimize the deaths of Kafka and Black Swan due to this mechanic. In phase 2, “Something Unto Death” employs a tactic called Morbid Dream, which functions like dusk but requires two characters instead. You also want to keep Kafka and Black Swan clear of this situation as well.

Popularity Repechage: Argenti

  • Best teammate for the Trial characters: Tingyun.
  • Best overall team: Yunli, Argenti, Huohuo, and Tingyun

Once again, you need to defeat enemy summons for this one. After using Ultimates three times, you deal additional damage. You get Jade, Argenti, and Huohuo, and the best addition to this team is Tingyun, as she refills everyone’s Ults. A viable replacement for Jade in this, since she doesn’t perform super well, is a well-built Yunli. For the Codex, choose the Out of Thin Air which charges Ultimates, and for the Beverage, pick the Westroc Super Drink.

Best teams for the Luminary Wardance Ceremony event in Honkai Star Rail

In simpler terms, employ Tingyun and Jade on Argenti. It’s crucial to summon Argenti onto the battlefield first before activating his Ultimate ability, because the points he regains depend on the number of opponents he strikes. For every Ultimate you activate, regardless of its power level, focus on the quantity rather than the impact. Utilize Tingyun and Huohuo as energy sources to keep Argenti from running out of Ultimates as frequently as possible.

Knockout Match 3

Coming soon!

Knockout Match 4

Coming soon!

Knockout Match 5

Coming soon!

Dreamscape Training

After defeating Topaz in our epic battle, you’ll gain access to Dreamscape Training – a tougher, more rewarding challenge awaits! As you vanquish each boss, you’ll unlock these harder missions, each with its own set of perks. It’s wise to tackle these challenges once you’ve cleared all the stages beforehand. That way, you’ll be armed with all the Tactical Codexis and later Tactical Beverages for a real edge in the game. Keep in mind that these aren’t your usual battles – they’re tougher, the objectives are more complex, and completing Vibe checks will require skillful maneuvering! Here are the four consistent goals you’ll face during every boss fight, so brace yourself for an exhilarating challenge!

  • Enter the Super Hype Stage once.
  • Defeat the first phase of the boss battle.
  • Defeat the second phase of the boss battle.
  • Defeat the third phase of the boss battle.

Only the first two goals reward you with Stellar Jades, so those are the most important to complete. The other two will mostly be for bragging rights.

For more Honkai Star Rail, check out All Treasure Chest Locations in Honkai Star Rail on GamerTop.

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2024-09-12 12:22