As an experienced financial analyst, I closely follow the daily market updates from CoinDesk Indices (CDI), particularly the performance of the CoinDesk 20 Index (CD20). With a background in data analysis and a deep understanding of the crypto market, I find this index to be an essential benchmark for tracking the trends and movements of the top digital assets.

Each day, CoinDesk Indices (CDI) provides an update on market developments, showcasing the top performers and underperformers within the influential CoinDesk 20 Index (CD20).

The CoinDesk 20 is currently trading at 2155.7, up 3.1% (+64.67) since last Friday’s close.

Nineteen out of 20 assets in the gauge are trading higher.

Leaders: NEAR (+7.1%) and AVAX (+5.8%).
CoinDesk 20 Performance Update: NEAR and AVAX Lead
Laggards: ATOM (-1.2%) and BCH (+0.0%).
CoinDesk 20 Performance Update: NEAR and AVAX Lead

The CoinDesk 20, or CD20, is an index that reflects the performance of twenty leading digital assets and can be invested in across various platforms.

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2024-07-01 17:13