As an analyst with a background in finance and experience in navigating market crashes, I strongly agree with Robert Kiyosaki’s rules for surviving a market crash. His insights are based on sound financial principles and practical experience.

Robert Kiyosaki, renowned writer of the financially successful book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” offers six guidelines for navigating through a market downturn, emphasizing bitcoin (BTC) as a valuable form of currency that appreciates.

Based on a recent tweet from a financial expert, the stock market is reportedly experiencing a downturn, which could result in significant losses. Nevertheless, this trend might present valuable opportunities for investors to acquire undervalued assets at lower prices. In simpler terms, during market crashes, you can find great deals.

Kiyosaki’s Rules For a Market Crash

The initial guideline is to avoid trying to catch knives as they fall. According to Kiyosaki, investors should resist the urge to buy when prices are decreasing. Instead, they should exercise patience and wait for the asset market to hit rock bottom before making any purchases, with no signs of demand from other investors in sight.

While biding their time before the market reaches its lowest point, Kiyosaki advises investors to delve deep into the financial sector, with a particular emphasis on real estate, taxes, stocks, and oil. Despite the abundance of instructors on platforms such as YouTube, Kiyosaki cautions investors against blindly following any teacher. Instead, he urges careful selection between authentic and spurious educators. Once reputable mentors have been identified, market players are encouraged to devote substantial effort to truly comprehend their teachings by immersing themselves in their written works and podcasts.

As a financial analyst, I would recommend seeking out new connections who share similar investment goals as you, following the advice of Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

As a crypto investor, I would advise seeking out like-minded individuals who share my financial goals and are also actively involved in the world of cryptocurrencies. It’s important to avoid those who blame others for their misfortunes and instead focus on taking personal responsibility for one’s own successes and failures. Additionally, steer clear of individuals who hold a Marxist viewpoint, expecting the government to provide solutions to their financial problems, as this mindset may hinder our collective progress in the crypto community.

“Save Bitcoin”

Additionally, Kiyosaki advised investors to establish small enterprises as secondary sources of income and develop entrepreneurial skills. Given the impending threat of artificial intelligence taking away numerous positions, Kiyosaki encouraged market players to secure employment in roles that aren’t susceptible to job loss.

In the end, the financial expert strongly advised investors to set aside genuine funds during this market downturn instead of phony ones. Genuine funds, such as Bitcoin (BTC) and precious metals including gold and silver, will eventually grow in worth. Conversely, phony money consists of currencies like the U.S. dollar, Euro, and Japanese yen, which depreciate over time according to Robert Kiyosaki’s teachings.

“TAKE CARE and make this CRASH the best thing that ever happened to you,” Kiyosaki added.

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2024-05-03 15:28