When someone posted a comment challenging Nomura’s character diversity, it was clear that the online community would react with a mix of humor and strong opinions. A flood of comments followed, many focusing on the observation that Sora resembles a smaller, brunette version of Tidus. This comparison resonated with many users, causing them to laugh and nod in agreement. One user, “Complex_Feedback4389,” even referred to Sora as “basically a shorter, brunette Tidus,” which struck a chord with numerous readers. In fact, if you squint a bit, doesn’t Sora’s voice sound remarkably like Tidus? They both sport that iconic spiky hair and share a similar nautical style. Some commentators, such as “ZiggyApedust,” approached the discussion with a casual tone, suggesting that there isn’t much variety in Nomura’s designs and instead viewing them as part of the same attractive aesthetic family. Could it be that we are simply looking at two sides of the same coin, or is there more to these characters than just their spiky-haired personalities?