Will Enshrouded Ever Make Its Way to Mac? Community Insights Revealed

As a long-time Mac user and avid gamer, I find myself at a crossroads between my love for captivating games like Enshrouded and the limitations imposed by my preferred platform. The excitement for this game is palpable, but as a member of the often overlooked Mac gaming community, I can’t help but feel like I’m peeking through a keyhole at an adventure that remains tantalizingly out of reach.

Since its unveiling, Enshrouded has built up a devoted fanbase, yet there are many prospective players who remain ignorant, particularly those using Mac devices. A Reddit post by user “chuckiechum” encapsulates this predicament, voicing a desire for the game while grappling with the fact that purchasing a high-end gaming PC isn’t feasible in their financial situation. The achievement of Valheim on Mac has sparked optimism about a comparable development for Enshrouded. Nevertheless, comments from users suggest potential obstacles that could hinder this outcome, revealing a schism in opinions regarding the game’s availability and future development possibilities.

Any plans from the Devs to bring this game to Mac?
byu/chuckiechum inEnshrouded


  • Players on Macs express disappointment over the lack of support for Enshrouded, longing for a version they can play on their devices.
  • Technical hurdles, including the game’s custom engine and strict GPU requirements, are significant barriers to a native Mac release.
  • Alternatives like GeForce Now offer temporary solutions for Mac users, but frustration with workarounds persists.
  • The community recognizes that building a gaming PC might be a more viable option than waiting for a Mac version.

Community Frustration

In summary, the general mood on Reddit regarding the game Enshrouded is dismay, particularly among Mac users who feel excluded from the gaming sphere. The enthusiasm towards this game is evident, but its unavailability on Mac leaves many feeling they’re missing out on a captivating experience. The requests for developers to mimic Iron Gate’s move in bringing Valheim to Mac signify a yearning for more diversity within gaming. However, when someone suggests that a Mac version might not be feasible due to its unique engine, it feels like a swift dismissal of hopes. Users are puzzled as to why game creators don’t focus on platforms with substantial user bases. This discontent is amplified by comments questioning the wisdom of Mac users buying devices that aren’t optimal for gaming.

Technical Barriers

The technical challenges of porting Enshrouded to Mac are considerable. One commenter, “Syri79,” carefully detailed the issues surrounding the custom engine that Enshrouded utilizes. They point out that the difficulty of creating a native port isn’t just about the engine but also stems from a hardware check that limits playability based on the GPU. For Mac users, this poses a significant problem, as many try to run the game on their machines through compatibility layers like Crossover or Wine, only to face frustrations concerning compatibility. The stark reality is that while Macs have made strides in fields like creative work, they still seem to lag behind in the gaming world, where every decision comes down to hardware compatibility and performance metrics.

Possible Workarounds

In today’s era where quick game access reigns supreme, some Mac users are venturing into creative solutions to experience Enshrouded, often involving acrobatics. The use of GeForce Now by individuals like “VonBassovic” indicates a viable, though transitory, solution. Although this service enables remote game access for Mac users, players still encounter hurdles concerning saved files when they opt for lower plans, resulting in an ongoing cycle of annoyance. Additionally, there’s a sense of despair associated with depending on a cloud service to play a game designed for local play. While technology provides possible solutions to accessibility problems, it also underscores the need for developers to make a genuine effort to expand gaming platforms catering to enthusiasts.

Building a Gaming PC

As a gamer, I’ve been hearing whispers in the community about an exciting journey many are embarking on: crafting a custom gaming PC. Friends and fellow gamers have been sharing their experiences and urging me to join them, claiming that a powerful setup can be put together for less than what it costs for a Mac. A user named Cynncat even mentioned how constructing a gaming PC offers a unique touch, with games like Enshrouded readily available right off the bat. Talks about the parts, cost-efficiency, and upgrade possibilities make building my own gaming rig feel like an appealing do-it-yourself adventure. This transition from waiting for Mac versions to motivating others to build their own systems seems to be a proactive way of overcoming hurdles, hinting that sometimes it’s wiser for gamers to take control of their gaming destiny.

As the community gears up for more adventures in the realms of Enshrouded, there’s a strong call for developers to consider broader accessibility across notable platforms like Mac. Meanwhile, players navigate creative solutions, offering hope amidst the technical challenges. Unity, a universal experience—connecting gamers through shared enthusiasm, even when navigating obstacles—remains vital in creating vibrant gaming communities. Whether through togetherness in problem-solving or crafting hardware to suit their needs, the desire for a rich gaming experience remains a burning flame within every discussion. The journey to playing Enshrouded brings together diverse perspectives, but the collective aspiration for a wider gaming horizon only grows stronger in the face of existing challenges.

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2024-09-17 12:13