Why You Shouldn’t Play Apex Legends on 70 FOV: A Deep Dive

As a seasoned gamer with years of FPS battles under my belt, I can wholeheartedly agree with lifeisbadclothing’s post about the perils of playing Apex Legends on a narrow 70 FOV setting. The struggle to adapt to such limitations in spatial awareness during critical engagements is all too real.

Discussions about Apex Legends, a well-known battle royale game, have revolved around the topic of field of view (FOV) settings. A post titled ‘Why You Shouldn’t Play on 70 FOV’, written by user lifeisbadclothing, has sparked lively debate, with players expressing their thoughts on how a more limited view could impact gameplay. The conversation encompasses a range of emotions, from confusion and humor to frustration, as players grapple with the connection between FOV and their performance and enjoyment within the game. This dialogue uncovers underlying feelings within the community, combining dissatisfaction with game mechanics and player conduct.

Why you shouldn’t play on 70 FOV
byu/lifeisbadclothing inapexlegends


  • The post highlights the risks of playing Apex Legends with a field of view set at 70, suggesting it hampers gameplay.
  • Users share humor and frustration, creating a lighthearted atmosphere in response to serious gameplay concerns.
  • Notably, there’s a divergence in opinions regarding FOV, revealing community divisions on the best settings.
  • Many comments also venture into unrelated territory, expressing the chaotic nature of online discussions.

A Closer Look at FOV Settings

The field of view (FOV) is a critical aspect of any first-person shooter (FPS), affecting how much of the game world a player can see at any given time. In the context of Apex Legends, a wider FOV generally allows players to notice threats and ambushes from angles that would remain unseen with a narrower view. Lifeisbadclothing’s post suggests that setting the FOV to 70 would severely limit a player’s spatial awareness, leading to unfortunate surprises in engagements. This sentiment echoes across various comments, with users reflecting on their struggles to adapt to lower FOV settings, warning that a broader view can provide a significant advantage in life-or-death situations. After all, who wants to get ambushed by a sneaky Wraith because your perspective was compromised by a suboptimal FOV setting?

The Community’s Reactions

In the anticipated fashion, the comments morphed into an enjoyable mix of playful banter and insightful guidance, reflecting the dual character of the gaming community. One participant, Petudie, jokingly pondered the connection, asking, “Is anyone able to clarify for me how this is connected to FOV? I must be a bit dim.” Petudie’s self-effacing humor didn’t just reveal their confusion but also established a fun atmosphere for the discussion. This give-and-take is characteristic of the Apex Legends community, where jokes frequently outweigh serious debates. Another participant added to the jest, acknowledging humorously, “That was quite disrespectful, haha,” demonstrating how relaxed conversations can foster camaraderie among players, even when addressing potentially intense topics like FOV adjustments.

How FOV Affects Gameplay

In the playful exchanges within our community, there’s often a fun vibe, yet it serves to underscore a significant aspect that might be overlooked – the importance of Field of View (FOV) settings in enhancing the gaming experience. During critical situations, the game requires players to stay vigilant about their surroundings. A more limited FOV can pose serious difficulties, such as missing an approaching enemy. It appears that most users acknowledge the significance of this setting, even though some might prefer lower values for casual play. However, competitive players tend to favor higher settings, asserting that they boost performance. As one user noted, it’s not just about what’s directly in view, but also the increased peripheral vision provided by a wider FOV, which can give an edge during firefights.

Humor Amidst Gameplay Frustrations

In the comments area, it’s noticeable how humor frequently surfaces, even amidst tense situations. A user called YourFartReincarnated quipped, “Meanwhile PC players also: CoNtRoLLeR oP 😭😭”, poking fun at ongoing discussions about the superiority of controller users versus those on PC. These lighthearted comments prevent heated debates and show a unique sense of community within gaming. It’s clear that gamers understand both the benefits and drawbacks of different play styles, choosing to engage in friendly rivalries instead to maintain a lively atmosphere. The blend of self-awareness and camaraderie demonstrates the adaptability of this community, as they establish bonds in an environment typically marked by fierce competition.

Community Concerns Beyond FOV

<pInterestingly, lifeisbadclothing, the original poster, raised another question amidst the FOV debate, expressing frustration over video quality on Reddit and asking, “Does Reddit just compress the shit out of every video? My upload was 1440p 60fps and now it looks horrible.” This comment pointed out another irritation that many gamers can relate to—the often disappointing picture quality when sharing gameplay clips online. While this wasn’t the primary focus of the thread, it struck a chord with many commenters who have faced similar tech challenges and brought a different layer to their discussions about Apex Legends. It becomes clear that gamers are not only tackling issues within the game but also navigating the complicated waters of content sharing, with plenty of relatable frustrations adding to their community’s rich tapestry.

Ultimately, the post by lifeisbadclothing brings to the forefront essential discussions point about gameplay mechanics and preferences in Apex Legends, especially regarding FOV settings. The humorous exchanges among users mirror the beloved chaos of online gaming communities, where humor often eclipses the more serious aspects of competitive play. As players continue to navigate the challenges posed by different settings and game mechanics, the sense of community and shared experience remains the cornerstone of their engagement. Whether discussing FOV or video quality, the shared laughter and advice showcase the vibrant and dynamic essence of the Apex Legends community.

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2024-08-19 07:43