Why Some Players Are Disappointed with the Laser Rifle in Palworld

In Palworld, the Laser Rifle has stirred up quite a heated debate among its player community. A discussion started by user TheGhostShrimp has attracted many opinions about the rifle’s performance. While some players praise it for its effectiveness, others express disappointment, stating that the weapon doesn’t deliver the expected power and usefulness after crafting. They suggest that despite enhancements like upgrades and legendary blueprints, the Laser Rifle falls short when compared to other weapons in combat situations, leading to discussions about its real worth in battle scenarios. This post has served as a forum for players to express their experiences and concerns, highlighting the divided opinions on this particular weapon.

Am I the only one who doesn’t like the Laser Rifle?
byu/TheGhostShrimp inPalworld


  • The Laser Rifle has received a mixed reaction from the Palworld community, with many users questioning its practicality in gameplay.
  • Players frequently compare the Laser Rifle to other weapons, such as the shotgun and rocket launcher, highlighting its perceived drawbacks.
  • Community members share various ways they have adapted their playstyle and utilized different weapons in contrast to the Laser Rifle.
  • Despite some positive remarks, the overwhelming sentiment showcases the Laser Rifle’s limitations against other heavy-hitting options.

Discussion on Gameplay Viability

When it comes to the question of viability in gameplay, Palworld players are mighty opinionated. TheGhostShrimp leads off by stating that even with the legendary schematic for the Laser Rifle, it simply doesn’t hold up in the grand scheme of weaponry. They express frustrations about the need to “spam click” for optimal damage, which often sacrifices the fluidity of gameplay players love. Commenter Icy-Purchase-7852 countered with an interesting perspective, viewing the Laser Rifle as an upgrade to the handgun that excels in long-range attacks. Yet, it acknowledges a preference for the rocket launcher and gatling gun, hinting at a common thread: players seem to prefer options that offer higher damage outputs with less hassle. The consensus appears to be that tactical weapon choices are heavily influenced by efficiency in tackling mobs in Palworld.

Resources and Material Concerns

The frequent topic of managing resources, specifically crafting materials and ammunition, resonates with numerous gamers. TheGhostShrimp expresses concern over the pricey ammo for the Laser Rifle, arguing that its electric organ demand makes it less practical than other weapons capable of automation. ffbe4fun offers a reasonable solution by recommending players scavenge the oil rig for an abundant stockpile, underscoring the importance of resource collection in making tactical decisions about weaponry. This conversation highlights how crucial resource-gathering is in enhancing combat effectiveness, especially when the Laser Rifle’s demands appear excessive for some who don’t view it as a top-tier weapon. Many players shared that once they obtained the rocket launcher, their gameplay environment significantly changed.

Varied Experiences with the Laser Rifle

The experiences with the Laser Rifle appear to be quite diverse among users. Some find that it lacks the range or comfort needed against tougher opponents, as Artemus_Hackwell demonstrates by stating that while the Laser Rifle can dish out some good damage, it fails to offer versatility against enemies, particularly in comparison to the automatic AR. Similarly, F0rtyThreeEight and others share this sentiment, likening the Laser Rifle to a backup choice for those who struggle with sniping. It appears from these conversations that many users have encountered a gap between their expectations and reality when it comes to using this weapon. Although it can be effective when it eventually fires, the overall performance in campaigns and combat often leaves players desiring more, leading to a preference for weapons offering consistent damage over high-tech gadgetry with limited use.

Alternatives and Player Preferences

It was noticeable as players arrived and weighed their choices that some find other weapons more practical and versatile than the Laser Rifle. For instance, many players suggested that weapons such as the grenade launcher and shotgun offer superior utility and ease of use in various aspects of gameplay. Bigbadbarttt passionately insists that his preferred weapon, the legendary rifle, remains a top pick due to its high damage output and dependability. This preference is shared among the community: why settle for a weapon that requires resources for less productive outcomes when there are other viable alternatives? In light of these options, the Laser Rifle might appear to be a limited tool in comparison to Palworld’s diverse selection of weapons.

In Palworld, the lively community is consistently presented with a mix of captivating interactions and tough obstacles designed specifically for them. Initially, the intrigue revolves around impressive weapons such as the Laser Rifle. However, opinions change when players start using these weapons in real gameplay scenarios. Discussions across multiple online platforms reveal a strong demand for improvements to ensure smoother gameplay. As explorers, regardless of whether they are beginners or experts, they are always on the lookout for the perfect blend of exciting new technology and reliable tools that truly enhance their gaming adventures in the vast world of Palworld.

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2024-08-26 06:05