Why Smite’s Cupid is a Hidden Gem: The Community Weighs In

As a longtime fan of Smite and an avid participant in its community discussions, I find myself drawn into the ongoing debate surrounding Cupid‘s perceived effectiveness in the game. The recent buzz in the subreddit about his surprising 70% win rate in Grandmasters has piqued my interest and fueled my curiosity.

In the gaming community, Smite, the well-known team-based multiplayer online battle arena game, has gained recognition for its captivating characters and intense competition. A recent discussion on the Smite subreddit caught the eye of many, as user KingCanHe raised a query about why Cupid, who is often disregarded in high-level matches, enjoys such a high win rate despite being seldomly chosen. The author was taken aback by Cupid’s 70% success rate among Grandmasters, implying that he might be an underestimated ADC who fails to make the cut for team lineups. This topic sparked a lively debate, with opinions split between those who see potential in Cupid and those who challenge his overall effectiveness.

Why is Cupid so slept on?
byu/KingCanHe inSmite


  • Cupid holds a surprising 70% win rate in Grandmasters, leading players to debate his actual efficacy.
  • Many comments argue that win rate alone isn’t indicative of a character’s worth, pointing out Cupid’s weaknesses.
  • Some players feel that his low pick rate stems from community misconceptions and aesthetic biases.
  • There’s an ongoing conversation about how effective Cupid can be in niche scenarios, contrasting with his overall performance in the current metagame.

The Case for Cupid

Although some players express reservations about Cupid, there are compelling reasons why his abilities should not be underestimated. For instance, one player shared that they often see Cupid emerging victorious in ranked matches and referred to him as “more effective than Medusa in the late game.” This perspective is consistent with the belief that when Cupid’s build is optimized for sustainability, he can outperform other marksmen in the game’s later stages.

Countering Arguments

While discussing the characteristics of Cupid in Smite, it’s important to acknowledge the opposing views. Many players criticize his lackluster wave clear and mobility. One player put it simply, “Cupid’s wave clear is terrible,” emphasizing how it can give the enemy team an early game advantage. For skilled players, applying pressure is essential, making any weakness in wave clear a significant disadvantage. Additionally, some players argue that Cupid’s lack of crowd control immunity makes him vulnerable to enemy counterplay. This aspect of his gameplay reinforces the notion that while Cupid has potential, he can be effectively countered, especially at higher levels of play where familiarity doesn’t guarantee victory.

The Perception Problem

<pA notable topic of discussion was Cupid’s aesthetics and the general community’s perception of him as a character. Some users dismissed him outright due to his design, stating things like “He’s ugly looking, and I don’t have any skins for him.” This sentiment reveals that Cupid’s visual design affects how players engage with him on a competitive level. It raises an interesting question about whether perceived attractiveness and character designs influence gameplay choices in competitive online games. Essentially, players might shy away from picking characters that don’t visually appeal to them or don’t possess the right cosmetic upgrades, affecting their overall viability in the community. Another user rightly noted that “people don’t pick him because of his model,” showcasing a surge of opinions that cite personal preferences as a significant factor in the god selection process.

The Broader Context and Statistics

In summary, the dispute over Cupid’s abilities in Smite frequently centers on interpreting statistics accurately. A perceptive observer noted that evaluating win rates in narrow contexts may result in incorrect assumptions. The limited number of Grandmasters does not encapsulate Cupid’s overall performance across different ranks and game modes. Instead, assessing a god’s performance across all ranks would yield a more accurate reflection of their effectiveness. This perspective emphasizes the importance of considering character balance holistically, taking into account Smite’s complexity and variations at various skill levels.

In the gaming community, particularly in Smite’s cooperative environment, the discussion surrounding Cupid’s role brings up intense debates regarding his effectiveness as an Attack Damage Carry (ADC) character. Some players champion him for being a hidden gem, while others argue against his use due to his vulnerabilities and design imperfections. This contrasting perspective underlines the vast range of player perspectives and understanding, showcasing that winning isn’t the only aspect of competitive gaming – it’s also about comprehending each character’s unique attributes and how they contribute to both triumphs and losses. Whether you opt for Cupid or another god, gaining insight into their strengths and weaknesses can enhance your gameplay experience, while fueling ongoing conversations that keep the Smite community engaged and reflective of their choices in this ever-evolving gaming landscape.

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2024-07-25 12:13