Why ‘Smite 2’ is the Next Big Thing: Insights from Players on Reddit

As a seasoned veteran of the SMITE battlefield, I can’t help but feel a twinge of nostalgia when witnessing the struggles of newcomers in SMITE 2. Having navigated the treacherous waters of the original game myself, I remember the days of bewilderment and confusion that seemed to last an eternity. The game was a wild west back then, with everyone learning as they went along.

Smite has always been a game that welcomes new players, but the community’s reaction to its sequel, Smite 2, is a blend of nostalgia and amusement. A post from user FRONKYT titled ‘Love seeing new players try SMITE 2 :D’ sparked a hearty discussion among fans about their experiences with the latest installment. While the humor and camaraderie shine brightly in their comments, the underlying issues regarding matchmaking, the learning curve for new players, and communication deficiencies in the game are evident. Players shared stories of bewildered newcomers facing tough competition, reminiscing about their own early days and how they navigated a similarly chaotic experience. It’s a fascinating look into how the gaming community balances joy and frustration when welcoming fresh players into the fray.

Love seeing new players try SMITE 2 😀
byu/FRONKYT inSmite


  • A lively exchange about the challenges new players face in Smite 2.
  • Players share humorous and nostalgic stories from their own beginnings.
  • Concerns about matchmaking and communication features are prevalent among players.
  • Overall sentiment is mostly positive, with a tinge of empathy for newcomers.

Challenges of Learning the Game

One frequent topic in the conversation revolves around the difficulties beginners encounter when they first dive into Smite 2. User T0rr4 expressed their feelings: “I feel sorry because when I started during the open beta in 2013, everyone was new to the game and learning.” This sentiment is shared by many players who acknowledge that the current environment is dominated by veterans, making it challenging for novices to keep up. Players who initially struggled through their early matches now find themselves competing against seasoned players who appear to know every detail of the game. Newcomers may not only be fighting opponents but also grappling with understanding the game’s mechanics in a competitive setting. This struggle has led some to believe that newbies entering Smite 2 might feel discouraged, as they often find themselves matched against experienced players.

Communication Woes

An eye-opening point raised in the comments is about the lack of effective communication tools in Smite 2. Commenter Morlu put it bluntly: “The fact that there’s no text chat system is absolutely insane.” This highlights an essential problem for team-based games, especially when players may need guidance or reminders about strategies. In a sense, players feel somewhat isolated; they cannot easily communicate with teammates, which exacerbates mistakes and downright perplexing gameplay decisions. In a game where synergy and teamwork can determine victory, the absence of clear channels for coordination may amplify frustrations, especially for those trying to learn. As some comments have suggested, this lack of communication could also lead to suspicions about whether some players are bots, as the player interactions might feel lackluster and mechanical.

Relatable Misadventures

In the midst of difficulties and annoyances, the community manages to add humor to the turmoil. Comments like “I had a kukulkan character in the arena trying to trade auto-attacks with Sol,” as told by MightyZeratul, highlight humorous blunders that not only provide entertainment but also remind us that everyone begins their journey at the same starting point. The lighthearted responses from experienced players display a mix of understanding and amusement about past errors, making them appreciate those awkward moments more. By accepting these awkward situations, the community grows closer, and new members might feel less alienated. Laughter, in the midst of stress, serves as a powerful bonding agent, fostering a stronger sense of camaraderie within the Smite community.

Attitudes Towards New Players

In summary, there’s a significant amount of positivity towards newcomers in Smite 2, despite some harsh critiques on gameplay. Player Yap45 captured this mix of sentiments perfectly with their comment on the positive attitude many veterans have: “It’s great to see you having a positive outlook. There are plenty of people who might get frustrated with new players instead.” This shows that empathy is a common trait within the community, as they understand that every player was once a beginner, struggling with confusion and amusing mistakes. By maintaining a supportive attitude, players help cultivate a welcoming atmosphere that promotes learning and personal development, rather than discouragement. Sharing humorous stories about past rookie days not only brings laughter but also strengthens bonds—after all, everyone enjoys a good tale of an epic blunder.

In the adventure of Smite 2, humor, compassion, and constructive criticism weave an intricate web of interaction among players. Despite challenges faced by beginners like steep learning slopes and miscommunication pitfalls, there’s a palpable sense of optimism. Players can’t wait to welcome fresh blood in the game, and significantly, they aim to aid newbies with shared adventures and laughter. Essentially, it’s the harmonious combination of amusement and empathy that will fortify the community and empower novices not only to survive but to flourish in the vibrant realm of Smite 2.

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2024-08-30 04:43