Why Smite 2 Feels So Different: Player Experiences and Sentiment

As a seasoned Smite player with countless hours spent mastering the original version, I find myself deeply invested in the ongoing conversations surrounding Smite 2. The transition from Smite 1 has been a rollercoaster ride, filled with both challenges and intrigue.

Discussion about Smite, particularly Smite 2, is heating up among its gamers, fueled by recent remarks concerning the comparison between the original game and the upcoming sequel. A Reddit post from user SAS379 highlights the mounting concerns and challenges experienced by players migrating from Smite 1 to Smite 2. This seasoned Smite 1 player expresses their struggles adapting to the new game, specifically in the early stages where they find it tougher compared to the original. Additionally, the user points out that the wide range of skills among players is a concern, along with the influence of the new mechanics on lane dynamics. This raises doubts about whether less experienced players are overwhelmed by the learning curve and how matchmaking is adapting in this fresh setting.

I am wondering why smite 2 feels so different in skill
byu/SAS379 inSmite


  • Players are finding Smite 2 to be more aggressively played, with lane opponents often having higher skill levels.
  • The impact of an early death in lane feels harsher, making comebacks significantly more challenging.
  • Concerns regarding matchmaking systems indicating that only high-skilled players are participating in Smite 2.
  • A palpable sentiment of frustration mixed with curiosity about adapting strategies to this new gameplay style.

The Aggressive Nature of Smite 2

A common theme arising in discussions about Smite 2, as highlighted by SAS379 and others, is the perceived rise in aggression within the game. They’ve observed that players at higher skill levels are dominating the lanes, making it tougher for beginners to keep up. As Competitive_Energy67 put it, “The players in Smite 2 tend to be more seasoned and skilled.” The general consensus is that novice players who might have thrived in Smite 1 are now struggling to compete, leading to feelings of frustration. Players are worried about how swiftly they can fall behind, pointing out that one mistake often triggers a chain reaction of losses due to the game’s snowballing mechanics. They feel that even when playing defensively, they face relentless attacks from aggressive opponents with little margin for error, making it seem like a battle of survival: win or lose, with few opportunities to recover.

The Cruel Early Game

In the new version of Smite, the initial stage of the game has sparked much discussion, particularly concerning its impact on player victory. SAS379 mentioned that recovering after an early death feels almost impossible. KingBlitzky shared similar thoughts, stating, “I’ve heard many complaints about this subreddit saying it’s hard to win a skirmish against your lane opponent if you’re one or two levels behind.” This sentiment is widespread among players who feel that losing these fights often means conceding the entire game. It appears that the disparity in recovering from setbacks is becoming a significant challenge for many players. RevRay humorously put it, suggesting that players who fall behind are essentially “playing as Prometheus,” continually returning to face the same defeat. This highlights how players feel stuck in a cycle with few effective ways to counter their opponents.

Concerns Over Matchmaking

As a Smite 2 gamer, I’ve been noticing that as we move deeper into the alpha phase, discussions about matchmaking are becoming more prevalent among us gamers. We’re all trying to strike a balance between having fun and ensuring fair play. Some of us, like BaconBadd, suspect that most players in Smite 2 are veterans, which makes me wonder if new or casual players might struggle and feel swamped in the matchmaking system. This has led some of us to consider whether returning to ranked play could offer a more balanced matchmaking experience. We’re eager to explore competitive edges while keeping tabs on how the system evolves. Many of us are optimistic that tweaks and improvements during the alpha stage will lead to a more even playing field as we progress.

Strategies for Improvement

As a dedicated fan of Smite 2, I’ve been grappling with the challenge of adapting strategies that give me an edge over opponents. SAS379’s triumphant run using Fenrir, where they turned aggressors into victims, showcased innovative builds and tactics that have sparked my curiosity. The community has also been sharing valuable insights on how to recover from early losses, emphasizing the importance of managing wave pressure effectively and utilizing resources wisely.

Players in the community are currently caught in a wave of adjustments while they seek to navigate the challenges and opportunities in Smite 2. The ongoing conversation sheds light on varied perspectives from frustrations to insightful adaptations, illustrating the growth and evolution any title undergoes as it transforms. The game is undoubtedly undergoing shifts that players are eager to respond to, adjusting their strategies and perspectives as they navigate this new chapter. Exploring these experiences and insights will continue to shape the narrative of Smite 2 while providing a unique understanding of how passion meets evolution in one of gaming’s staple MOBA franchises.

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2024-09-19 06:28