Why Manor Lords Players Feel Like They’re Wasting Time: A Deep Dive Into Early Access Frustrations

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent navigating the digital landscapes of various games, I must say that Manor Lords has left me feeling like a medieval peasant trying to survive a never-ending onslaught of adversity. My latest foray into this game has been a rollercoaster ride filled with moments of triumph and despair.

Many players are eagerly anticipating Manor Lords, a new city-building game set in the Middle Ages. However, some gamers who have played the alpha version are expressing disappointment due to issues like farming mechanics that aren’t working well, constant problems with bandits, and technical glitches that leave them on the brink of starvation. User tugbobo is one example, having invested over 150 hours in the game but feeling it’s a waste of time. Other players share similar experiences, offering suggestions, jokes, and venting about the game’s current difficulties. So, brace yourselves for a medieval adventure that might be more challenging than expected!

Feel like I am wasting my time the past week playing
byu/tugbobo inManorLords


  • Players express significant frustration with farming mechanics, feeling the game’s challenges have become too overwhelming.
  • Numerous comments provide alternative strategies for farming and dealing with bandit issues, showcasing the community’s depth of tactics.
  • While many love the game, the early access state leaves players grappling with bugs and balance issues while simultaneously seeking improvement.
  • Investing time in the game can lead to moments of hilarity as players share bizarre experiences and unlucky coincidences.

Farming Frustrations

It’s no surprise that farming plays a pivotal role in Manor Lords, especially for those wanting to build a thriving agricultural community. However, tugbobo’s post reveals significant challenges, primarily stemming from their harvests being undone by weather events at the worst possible moments. “This ruins my yields,” they lament. Following suit, several community members suggest alternative farming strategies, indicating that smaller plots may yield better results than the larger fields tugbobo prefers. One commenter humorously pointed out that “four morgen is massive,” and suggested that making plots smaller and more manageable could allow for better resource management. With abundant rainfall ruining yields, many players echo tugbobo’s sentiments that farming yields are lacking, but there’s a glimmer of optimism as users share their success in shifting strategies.

Bandit Woes

Disputes about how to accumulate resources to deal with the issue of bandit robberies have become a significant topic of discussion. Users are constantly joining in to voice their frustrations regarding these nuisance enemies. “Bandit robberies won’t be a problem for much longer,” suggests one comment, hinting at the potential for overcoming these obstacles as the game advances. However, for those just starting their campaigns, it can seem like there’s no end in sight to the hardships. A strategy proposed is swiftly attacking bandit camps to hire mercenaries and fortify defenses, demonstrating the strategic layers present within the game. Yet, some players find themselves relying heavily on resource farming, which leaves them feeling trapped in a cycle of despair. In an ironic twist, tugbobo mentions a fire that destroyed their communal oven; it adds to the sense of helplessness— just when you think things couldn’t get any worse, fate seems to conspire against you!

The Challenge of Early Access

In the realm of pre-release video games, gamers frequently encounter the understanding that games in developmental stages, such as alpha or beta versions, are seldom finished products. These games often contain glitches and balance problems that can lead to both irritating and amusing experiences. Users on the subreddit regularly console each other with the phrase, “This is early access, find ways to have fun.” This sentiment truly resonates, encapsulating the joy of playing a game amidst its imperfections. Despite overlooking these growing pains, they don’t diminish the impact of the game mechanics; tugbobo is finding it challenging, but still expresses affection for the game, illustrating a common love-hate dynamic experienced by early access enthusiasts. As we gain more experience, the aspiration is that players will learn to adapt and prosper in this evolving gaming landscape.

A Community Full of Humor

Amid the constant stream of complaints and suggestions for solving problems, this online forum also highlights a strong bond among players who find humor in their common struggles. One user joked about spending 20 hours playing in two weeks being equivalent to one and a half Sundays, reminding everyone to appreciate life beyond the virtual world. Another user offered advice with a warning gesture, saying “if you feel this, it’s true,” urging fellow players to think about their own enjoyment. Many users provide not just constructive criticism but also add a light-hearted tone that promotes relaxation and entertainment in what can be a stressful situation—a time when the virtual world may not mirror reality. Players support each other, showing that it’s more about enjoying the chaos together rather than getting overwhelmed by every small setback the game presents.

As a devoted gamer engrossed in Manor Lords, I’ve seen firsthand the rollercoaster of emotions this game can evoke within its community. From tugbobo’s post and the ensuing discussions, it’s clear that we, the players, are a blend of determination, humor, and resilience. We face challenges in the medieval mayhem, but we also find camaraderie, laughter, tears, and learning experiences along the way.

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2024-10-15 15:14