Why LMGs are Dividing the Call of Duty Community – A Hot Take

As a long-time Call of Duty gamer with over a decade of experience under my belt, I’ve witnessed the ebb and flow of weapon debates within the community. The recent Reddit post by rjmctalky sparked a heated discussion on LMGs in COD, which I found both intriguing and disheartening.

In simpler terms, the Call of Duty series has long been a source of varying viewpoints and tactics among players. An intriguing debate was sparked on Reddit by user rjmctalky regarding the significance of Light Machine Guns (LMGs) in the game.

[COD] LMGs don’t belong in Call of Duty
byu/rjmctalky inCallOfDuty


  • LMGs are criticized for promoting a campy playstyle that contradicts the fast-paced nature of COD.
  • Players clash on whether LMGs should be removed or remain as a part of the game’s arsenal.
  • The debate extends to the skill level required for using different weapon classes.

Raising the Barricade

Players argue for the importance of defending Light Machine Guns (LMGs) in Call of Duty games. They emphasize that different playstyles exist and each weapon class contributes richness to the game experience. Bradfinger underlines the long-standing role of LMGs in COD, implying their continued relevance.

Sniping the Argument

Comparisons drawing parallels between the quirky traits of Light Machine Guns (LMGs) and those of sniper roles elicit more debate. Cryptidflower makes this comparison in a humorous manner, raising the question: what is truly the difference between these two gameplay styles?

Community Clash

Opinions among the community are split: Some players, such as geewhizfarts, are annoyed by frequent encounters with camping LMG users. On the other hand, gamers like MainZack find LMGs essential for certain gameplay styles.

Stoking the debate, musteatbrainz and macpumperkinz argue against the commonly held view that snipers are the only class requiring exceptional skills in the gaming community, thereby sparking lively discussions.

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2024-07-15 03:58