Why Is the Internet Starting Spooky Season Early?

As someone who’s been through countless Halloweens and horror movie marathons, I must say, I’m finding myself pleasantly surprised by the early arrival of the spooky season this year. It seems like the world is collectively leaning into the eerie, possibly because we all need a good scare to distract us from the real-life horrors that keep piling up.

It appears that the internet has collectively declared September as the officially scary month. Recall the “Me on September 30th/Me on October 1st” memes? Now, people are creating these memes starting from September 1st instead. The reason behind this is… well, it seems everyone’s getting into the Halloween spirit a little earlier than usual this year!

Why are people getting spookier earlier?

Global warming? Jk! Unless…

1. This early start to Halloween can be attributed to Christmas Creep.

Lewis is back at Target, and that can’t help

You remember Lewis! He’s not a Jack-O-Lantern? Queer icon? He’s back.

But how will this affect Letterboxd?

You’re asking the right questions, guy we made up in our head. Luckily, the boxderati have acknowledged the September sprawl of spooky season. Cinemonster, architect of movie scavenger hunt Hooptober, has released the guidelines for Hooptober 11: The Return To Texas Because We Need That Extra Push Over The Cliff. Starting September 15, participants ahve to watch 31 horror movies that fit Cinemonster’s elaborate, well-outlined criteria. This year, that includes movies from 6 countries and 8 decades. There’s also more specific boxes to tick, like a movie worsened by weather, and one starring a Black woman. Nope fits both of those, btw.

How else can one get spooky with it?

Right now is an excellent opportunity to delve into last year’s horror offerings. “Interview With the Vampire” can be found on Netflix, and it’s becoming popular on TikTok. If you haven’t seen Lisa Frankenstein, it’s available on demand. And, if you’re a fan of the dual movies about a nun impregnated with a supernatural entity, both “The First Omen” and “Immaculate” are currently streaming on Hulu.

Every Halloween season, you can experience Halloween Horror Nights on both the east and west coasts. This year, The Weeknd invites you to step into his distorted imagination at Universal Studios Hollywood. Whether Jocelyn will give you a startling surprise remains to be seen when you visit. Meanwhile, Jimmy Fallon is offering a similar chilling experience at 30 Rock for a limited time, titled Jimmy Fallon’s Tonightmares.

If the quirks of Jimmy Fallon’s subconsciousness don’t manage to quench your appetite for fear, kudos to you! We find you terrifying.

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2024-09-02 08:53