Why Hunters are Feeling Left Behind in Destiny 2: The Super Saga Continues

Destiny 2’s Hunter class has recently seen a flurry of frustration as players voice concerns about their Supers failing to keep up with the power levels of Titans and Warlocks. A post by user Ambitious_Cookie_611 on a popular gaming forum highlights the various ways in which Hunters, once notorious for their glass cannon capabilities, feel sidelined – especially when analyzing their damage output. When comparing the Hunter Supers to their Titan and Warlock counterparts, it’s clear that the Red Death of the Hunter class might well be at hand. As discussions unfold around balancing issues and identity crises within the class, one can’t help but wonder whether Hunters will regain their rightful place or will continue to languish in obscurity.


  • Many Hunter players feel their Supers are currently underwhelming compared to Titans and Warlocks.
  • The complexity and risk associated with Hunter Supers like Nighthawk and Golden Gun are leading to lower damage outputs in comparison.
  • Suggestions for buffs and fixes focus not just on damage boosts but also on restoring the identity of the Hunter class.
  • Players express a desire for more balance in the game, hoping that improvements won’t come at the expense of other classes.

The Diminishing Power of Hunter Supers

The lamentations of Hunters center around their Supers, which are seemingly crumbling under the weight of newer updates and a changing meta. The original poster enumerates specific grievances, starting with the performative disparity of Nighthawk, which used to reign supreme as a DPS-heavy Super. With the advent of artifact buffs, one might assume that things would have improved, yet it barely ekes out 800k in damage. Comparatively, Titans can boost their Thundercrash damage into the realm of the exceptional with the right exotics, clocking a notable 1.3 million damage on a single hit when all things align. As user Kuntril aptly puts it, “the time it takes to get back to the damage spot after using the super is a DPS loss.” This paints a vivid picture of the disparity Hunter players face: Titan power without the risk, versus a complexity and requirement for skill that just doesn’t translate into comparable results.

Hunter Identity Crisis

User Grady_Shady expresses a critical viewpoint about the ongoing identity crisis of the Hunter class, suggesting that while they excelled as nimble DPS creators, they have lost that edge within the evolving game. Previously, a Hunter’s speed and agility were meant to be their defining traits, yet many state that Hunters now feel sluggish and less mobile compared to their Titan and Warlock counterparts. Without a clear support role like their build-heavy peers, Hunters find themselves pondering their purpose in a game where the line between discipline and damage dealer is increasingly blurred. “Maybe I’m wrong… I don’t really know what the end game role we are supposed to serve anymore,” a meaningful concern for any class, yet particularly poignant for Hunters who thrive on agility and precision.

Proposed Solutions and Player Insights

Posters rally behind suggestions that could breathe new life into the flagging Hunter Supers. Many players are clamoring for an overhaul on several of their abilities, aimed at making them competitive again with Titans and Warlocks. One comment from user Just-Pudding4554 advocates for enhancing Hunter survivability or damage, considering the necessity of balancing to rebuild some powerful tools that have drifted off into obscurity. Others, like DankSpire and whisky_TX, express eagerness for buffs to Blade Barrage and Gathering Storm specifically, agreeing that something needs to be done as these options have started to feel underwhelming and ineffective. The post explores ways to refine specific Supers, suggesting fixes that allow for connection with the game mechanics while enabling a stylish, rogue-type playstyle that has often characterized Hunters.

The Community’s Frustrations and Future Hopes

The overall sentiment and collective frustration of the Hunter community seem to hinge on one principle: the desire for balance without demonizing the abilities of other classes. There’s a heartfelt plea from many, including user W0lf3n, not to nerf Titans or Warlocks, as doing so would defeat the purpose of keeping the game engaging and multifaceted. Hunter players are essentially craving the respect and power they once wielded but want it maintained within the grand orchestration of class balance. Echoing these desires, DDTFred humorously remarks, “Remember when they were overpowered? Pepperidge Farms remembers,” hinting at the cyclical nature of balancing within Destiny 2 while also recognizing the ongoing struggle of Hunters. With Bungie’s historical habit of tweaking classes, hopes linger that the developers might just come through for Hunters, providing them the vital tweaks that could regain their position as formidable damage dealers amidst the cosmic fray.

As a dedicated Destiny 2 gamer, I can feel the pulse of change beating through the Hunter class. Players are voicing their concerns and ideas, but it’s undeniable that the agility, precision, and style we’ve come to love about Hunters resonate deeply within us. The road ahead might be unclear, but in this passionate gaming community, there’s a shared hope that Hunters will continue to dazzle on the battlefield, blending cunning with raw power as Destiny 2 continues to grow and evolve.

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2025-03-15 20:54