Why Hades Subreddit is Flooded with ‘Should I Buy Hades 2?’ Posts

As a seasoned Hades player with countless hours delving into its underworld, I find myself both amused and slightly exasperated by the recurring queries about whether one should buy Hades 2. It reminds me of Sisyphus, eternally rolling his boulder uphill, only to have it roll back down again and again – a fitting metaphor for the cyclical nature of these questions!

The popular game Hades, developed by Supergiant Games, has generated a lot of buzz among its fans who are eagerly anticipating Hades 2. Yet, this enthusiasm has led to a constant stream of identical questions about purchasing Hades 2 on the game’s subreddit. A post made by user AnimeWeebTrash31 showed annoyance towards the repetitive nature of these queries, stating that they are asked too frequently and make the subreddit look messy. This post sparked a range of responses from the community, with some expressing humor while others voiced genuine concerns about dealing with the influx of new players seeking guidance.

can we please ban “should i buy hades 2” posts?
byu/AnimeWeebTrash31 inHadesTheGame


  • The Hades subreddit is experiencing an increasing number of repetitive posts asking if one should buy Hades 2.
  • Community members have mixed feelings about banning such questions, weighing new player engagement against repetitive content.
  • Some suggestions include creating a pinned FAQ post to streamline inquiries and reduce clutter.
  • Others highlighted humor in the repetitive nature of these questions, with some jokingly adding to the cycle.

Community Frustration

It’s clear that the Hades subreddit community is struggling to keep the forum lively and informative while dealing with an overwhelming influx of repetitive posts. User Kowskii_cbs expressed this common issue, suggesting, “It would be great if Reddit had a prominent warning on its homepage like ‘Don’t forget to use the search function!'” This sentiment is shared by many users who feel that newcomers could easily find answers to their questions without interrupting ongoing discussions. The continuous stream of these queries is starting to become tiresome for long-term fans. Many veteran players are left puzzled and sometimes amused yet frustrated at how frequently the same questions resurface.

Balancing Newcomer Engagement

Regardless of the annoyance caused by an influx of queries, there are voices within the community pushing for involving newcomers actively. Jamalcalypse expressed a more inviting stance, “I don’t favor banning newcomer questions as I don’t want to discourage them.” This viewpoint underscores that fostering open discussions is crucial for expanding the game’s fanbase. The thought of completely prohibiting questions might seem too strict to some, potentially driving away new players curious about whether Hades 2 aligns with their gaming tastes. Instead, jamalcalypse proposes establishing a “containment thread” to collect such queries, ensuring an organized method while maintaining the subreddit as a friendly and welcoming space.

Suggestions for Improvement

Based on our discussion, users have suggested some improvements that could lessen the frequency of repetitive queries. A unique idea was put forward by RecursiveRex, suggesting a sticky post titled ‘Before You Buy’ which would offer all necessary game information and advice to help determine if Hades 2 might be suitable for new players. This preemptive move could act as a central location where potential gamers can exchange thoughts and queries, potentially reducing the stream of similar questions.

The Humor Within Repetition

<pWithin the frustration surrounding repetitive posts lies an underlying humor that reflects the community’s camaraderie. Users like IainTheITguy jokingly weighed in with, “Hey, should I buy Hades 2?” pointing out the irony of the ever-repeating inquiry. This element of humor showcases that, despite the irritation, many community members don’t take things too seriously. Similarly, wvhawkeye51 humorously added, “But do you think I should get it tho??? (This is a joke I have like 80 hours in it).” Such comments embody a playful spirit and a willingness to engage, hinting at the fact that community members can still bond over the humor in each other’s experiences, even amid the repetitive questions.

On Reddit’s Hades community, there’s a lively mix of various viewpoints, all bound together by their passion for the game. The chatter about Hades 2’s purchase reveals a miniature version of how a gaming community develops – welcoming fresh faces while appreciating its long-time enthusiasts. As anticipation mounts for Hades 2, it becomes evident that managing a harmonious blend between assisting new players and sustaining an enriching discussion forum will continue to be a significant focus in the community. Both seasoned fans and newcomers stand to benefit from nurturing an atmosphere that encourages both excitement and respect for the cherished gaming journey they all share.

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2024-08-29 15:43