Why Genshin Impact Players Think Waypoints at the Bottom of Cliffs Should Be Banned

As a seasoned adventurer traversing Teyvat’s breathtaking landscapes, I can’t help but share my two cents on the great waypoint debate that has recently surfaced within the Genshin Impact community. Like many others, I have found myself grappling with the frustration of reaching those elusive waypoints perched precariously atop cliffs.

In Genshin Impact, there’s been quite a buzz about the waypoints located at the base of cliffs, causing players to feel a mix of amusement and frustration. A post by user Gregamonster on the Genshin Impact subreddit brought this contentious issue to light, expressing disappointment over the tricky placement of these waypoints that frequently make players struggle and climb treacherous slopes merely to reach them. The ensuing discussions were a blend of humor and personal tales, fostering an engaging conversation about a common challenge encountered in the game.

Waypoints at the bottom of cliffs should be illegal.
byu/Gregamonster inGenshin_Impact


  • Players expressed frustration over inconveniently placed waypoints, particularly at the bottoms of cliffs.
  • Humorous responses highlighted the universal struggle of traversing Genshin Impact’s vast landscapes.
  • Some commenters pointed out that certain placements seem outdated or poorly thought-out.
  • The community reflected on their experiences, adding layers of camaraderie amidst shared frustrations.

The Cliffhanger: A Player’s Dilemma

Essentially, players are upset because they find certain waypoints on the game map placed at impractical locations like the bottom of cliffs. Toxic_MotionDesigner jokingly expressed his annoyance by hoping the map maker would hurt themselves with a lego. This reflects a common complaint that these waypoints lead to dangerous climbs, disrupting smooth gameplay and causing frustrating detours. The community’s humor helps alleviate their shared frustration as they share stories of their own struggles reaching those difficult waypoints. In essence, the conversation revolves around both pain and laughter.

Scaling Heights: Adventures or Ordeals?

The challenge doesn’t stop with one mislocated waypoint; it spreads like a meme. Players seem to share an unspoken bond around their struggles, where scaling a mountain just to access a small icon becomes an exaggerated tale of valor. User lAuroraxl expressed, “this is how I feel anytime I try to farm Fatui insignia through the book, there’s several way points where you have to scale a mountain to get to where you need to go.” This statement underscores a common quest among players—navigating the game’s intricately designed environments often requires ingenuity and a bit of patience. The sentiment reveals that these waypoints, while intended for convenience, sometimes complicate what should be straightforward quests. Instead of simple explorations, players are left scrambling over rocky terrain, leading to moments of comic relief in the form of memes and light banter among community members.

Topography Troubles: Are We Overreacting?

Even though these comments are clearly meant to be funny, some players are debating whether this issue is simply part of the game’s design or if it requires immediate fixes. CHONPSCa made an insightful remark, wondering, “I thought they stopped doing this by putting markers for underground teleporters.” This brings up an intriguing discussion about the game development process—while Genshin Impact has made efforts to enhance navigation tools, there are still inconsistencies that make gameplay more challenging than enjoyable for some players. The placement of waypoints, particularly those on steep cliffsides, raises doubts about the developers’ design philosophy and whether they prioritize player experience when creating in-game hurdles. Ideally, the game should balance challenge with fun, but at times, these difficult waypoints seem more like obstacles than intended features.

Lore and Light-Heartedness: Connecting through Humor

Amidst all the complaints and struggles, there’s a hidden story full of camaraderie among the Genshin Impact community. Even as players express their dissatisfactions, a surge of humor emerges, connecting them in surprising ways. For instance, Ashyyy987 commented, “Neuvillette would say ‘Yup… This was indeed an assassination attempt.'” This remark encapsulates the playful spirit often found in serious conversations among gamers. The fact that players can turn frustrations into laughter shows the deep bond they share through shared gaming experiences, laughter over irritants, and even humor based on game characters, which adds richness to their interactions. In the midst of complaints about waypoint placements, friendships are formed, stories are shared, and comfort is found in the absurdity of the situation, demonstrating that humor can indeed be a powerful force in gaming culture.

Enthusiasts of Genshin Impact keep their love for the game burning bright, cherishing its unique idiosyncrasies. Jokes and mutual stories about misplaced markers serve to strengthen the bond within the community. From amusing remarks, heartwarming narratives of almost impossible ascents, to witty memes, these exchanges highlight the indomitable spirit of fellow players, who yearn for adventure and companionship as they traverse their virtual journeys together.

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2024-08-03 05:13