Why Does Multiplayer Still Not Work in Suicide Squad? Community Reactions Explored

As a long-time gamer and fan of Suicide Squad, I find myself caught between excitement for the game and frustration with its current multiplayer issues. I’ve spent hours upon hours playing games like this, inviting friends to join me in epic battles and shared experiences. So you can imagine my disappointment when I found myself unable to do so with Suicide Squad. It feels like a step back in time, reminiscent of the early days of online gaming where multiplayer was more of a dream than a reality.

Enthusiasm for Suicide Squad is running high among fans, but gamers are encountering a roadblock when it comes to multiplayer action. A post by user Piratedking12 on a special forum encapsulates the frustration well: after buying the game, they couldn’t invite friends to join in the fun. The general mood in this discussion thread is extremely negative, with users voicing disappointment over the lack of assistance and the apparent abandonment of the game as it seems the developers are moving their attention towards other projects.

How does multiplayer still not work
byu/Piratedking12 inSuicideSquadGaming


  • Players are frustrated with multiplayer issues in Suicide Squad, highlighting the inability to invite friends.
  • Many users believe that the game is experiencing neglect as resources are diverted to other titles.
  • Despite some optimistic remarks, the consensus leans toward disappointment and concern that the game may soon be abandoned.

Frustration with Multiplayer Features

In simpler terms, Piratedking12’s initial post highlights a common complaint among gamers about the multiplayer aspect of certain games. Specifically, they can’t invite friends to play, which many find inexcusable for a game priced fully. A user named Membership-Bitter humorously pointed out that it seems like only a small team is working on the game now, with most of the studio focusing on Hogwarts Legacy, implying that players feel their investment and expectations are being overlooked. Overall, these comments suggest that gamers feel they’re not getting the collaborative experience they expected based on previews and promotions, leading to feelings of being let down.

Perception of Developer Priorities

In the ongoing discussion, it’s frequently expressed that resources seem to be misspent. AidanLL pointed out, “I believe they’re set on abandoning this project and focusing elsewhere. I’m talking about players they need, but they’re not present.” This clearly suggests the community’s doubts about the developers’ dedication towards Suicide Squad. The transition to projects like Hogwarts Legacy stirs up uncertainty about whether players can anticipate any substantial improvements or troubleshooting, given the current issues with the game’s basic functions. Some participants have raised worries regarding the shrinking team working on the game and what that implies for future assistance.

Community Reaction and Skepticism

User BestOnesPS presented a rather gloomy perspective, saying, “I’m sorry you invested in this game, but I believe it won’t last long.” This suggests that some players have already accepted that Suicide Squad might fizzle out before it takes off as they had hoped. It appears that a significant portion of the community has transitioned to a more cautious perspective, showcasing the gap between the initial excitement and current disenchantment. This view is further supported by ongoing conversations about player numbers, with AssCrackBandit stating, “For your information, you and your friend likely constitute around 5% of the total population on the platform you’re playing on.

Hope for Improvement Despite the Odds

<pAmidst the negativity, there are some glimmers of hope offered in the thread. User PasGuy55 declared, “It works just fine,” hinting that online multiplayer capabilities may not be entirely broken for everyone. This thought resonates with the optimism that occasionally surfaces in the community, suggesting that there might still be time for the developers to turn things around. Likewise, Joker121215 posed a questioning observation: “Have you played to the part in the game where multiplayer is enabled?” This hints at the possibility that the multiplayer functionalities could be tied to certain progress within the game, reminding everyone that there might be nuances in the gaming experience that require further exploration and engagement. However, these optimistic remarks stand in stark contrast to the overall tide of disappointment that permeates most discussions.

Sifting Through Developer Communication

A major source of player discontent stems from what seems like insufficient communication coming directly from the game creators. In the gaming world, openness is crucial, and many users feel their opinions are not being acknowledged. As Important_Sky_7609 put it, “Maybe there are only a couple people working on this game? Move on to something else.” This sentiment arises because updates are infrequent and provide little detail about the future of the multiplayer aspect. Players want proof that developers are committed enough to address these problems so they can continue to appreciate their financial contributions. The discontent expressed in the discussion isn’t merely due to errors or bugs; it’s about how much players feel valued by the creators of their favorite games.

The overall discourse regarding multiplayer in Suicide Squad paints a rather gloomy picture. The frustrations expressed in the subreddit not only serve as a platform for sharing experiences but also highlight the stark realities that gamers often face. It raises important discussions around developer priorities and how that influences player engagement and loyalty. As conversations continue, gamers hope that they won’t be left in the lurch and that their frustrations will not fall on deaf ears. The community’s response will be a driving factor for the future of the game, and one can only hope that there will soon be a resolution to the multiplayer woes that have left so many disenchanted.

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2024-09-19 07:58