Why Diablo Players Want to Ditch Animus Collectibles for Good

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades under my belt, I’ve witnessed the evolution of Diablo from its humble beginnings to the behemoth it is today. I remember when the thrill of the hunt was the sole focus of the game, and now, it seems like we’re gathering more animus than a certain green guy from another popular franchise!

In a fresh buzz, Diablo – the cherished dark fantasy action RPG series enjoyed by countless gamers – has sparked another round of discussions. This time, it’s not about a new chapter, special loot, or thrilling cinematics, but rather an intense debate centered around quest collectibles, particularly animus. In a recent post on a well-known subreddit, a user named yxalitis voiced annoyance over the repetitive task of gathering these glowing orbs following enemy defeats. The general feeling is that these collectibles are nothing more than tedious tasks that diminish the overall gaming enjoyment. Numerous players have expressed similar sentiments in the comments, suggesting a lively debate among the community regarding the game’s design choices. The discussion thread, filled with wit, irony, and constructive ideas, offers a glimpse into what many Diablo IV fans truly desire.

Just…get rid of animus and other quest collectibles.
byu/yxalitis indiablo4


  • Players find collecting animus and similar items to be unnecessary busywork, detracting from game enjoyment.
  • There’s a call for gameplay variety and innovation, especially in quest objectives.
  • A recurring sentiment is the desire for quality-of-life improvements, such as having pets automatically collect items.
  • Some players feel that criticism of these mechanics is often dismissed by overly devoted fans.

Fan Frustration: The Busywork Debate

In response to yxalitis’ initial post, numerous gamers found a resonance with their sentiments. They criticized the repetitive nature of quests in which players are tasked with defeating a certain number of enemies and then gathering items as a follow-up. One remark particularly stood out, stating, “This…doesn’t enrich the experience,” emphasizing that this additional step feels more like an unnecessary barrier than an enjoyable challenge. Gamers anticipate more from Diablo IV, a game that many view as a platform for immersive, swift action rather than one that slows them down with tedious collection tasks. The general consensus among players is that the excitement of loot-hunting is being dampened by chores that could effortlessly be eliminated without affecting the core gameplay experience.

Pet Peeves: Pets Not Collecting?

Many players have expressed confusion about why their pet companions in Diablo IV can’t gather animus for them, with one user asking, “Why can’t my pet pick these up?” This sentiment reflects the disappointment felt by many, as it seems inconsistent with past games where pets had a more active role. During intense dungeon raids, where every second matters, players yearn for this feature to return. They propose that their pets could take on some of the collection tasks to enhance gameplay efficiency. As one user stated, “It’s frustrating when you or a teammate miss an orb…” A minor improvement in game mechanics might alleviate much of the discontent among fans.

Redesigning Quest Objectives: A Call for Variety

The main issues that keep coming up center around the repetitive nature of Diablo IV’s current quest design, with tasks seldom deviating from one dungeon to another. A player even joked, “It’s not just monotonous, it’s been the same tasks since the game launched.” However, many players have voiced a strong preference for innovative features in their quests that would offer new experiences even after prolonged playtime. This emphasis on novelty suggests that fans are deeply committed to seeing Diablo IV develop in meaningful ways. Introducing interactive elements and unpredictable objectives could greatly boost the fun factor and replay value of the game. Consequently, demanding a wider range of quest structures isn’t just a casual suggestion but a heartfelt plea reflecting the community’s yearning for an engaging gaming experience.

Critics vs. Apologists: The Community Divide

<pAmong the heated discussions, an interesting divide emerged between players who are sympathetic to the developers and those who are highly critical. One comment captured the frustration of the critics aptly, stating, “Diablo 4 apologists are allergic to any valid criticism.” The comment reflects a subtext within many gaming communities where there’s often a defensive line taken by players who feel that critical voices are overstepping. It’s reminiscent of debates seen across various gaming franchises—players want to express their disappointment without feeling as though they’re part of a relentless quest for negativity. This response illuminates the tension between a fanbase that desires both praise for the game’s strengths and openness to discussing its shortcomings.

As a gamer immersed in Diablo IV, what I and many others crave is a smoother, more focused gaming experience that lets us dive headfirst into the heart of the action: intense combat, captivating lore, and the exhilaration of looting. Eliminating excessive gathering tasks could enhance gameplay without stripping it of its depth. Instead of being weighed down by the burden of collecting glowy balls, we want to feel like conquerors as we delve into dungeons. By heeding the feedback from our community, Blizzard developers have the chance to not just polish Diablo IV, but also fortify the strong connection players have built over time with this beloved franchise.

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2024-09-16 20:13