Why Diablo Players Desperately Need an In-Game Trading System

As a long-time Diablo fan, I can’t help but be drawn to the ongoing debate about an in-game trading system for Diablo 4. Having spent countless hours playing various ARPGs, including Path of Exile and Last Epoch, it’s clear that these games have struck a chord with players by incorporating such features.

Redditors who follow Diablo fondly express their desire for an in-game trading mechanism similar to that of Path of Exile and Last Epoch. Opinions within the community are divided; while some raise valid concerns, others strongly advocate for the added convenience.

PoE and Last Epoch now both have an ingame trading system, it’s time to put one in D4.
byu/OPsyduck indiablo4


  • Diablo players petition for an in-game trading hub, inspired by other successful ARPGs.
  • Concerns arise over the impact of a trading system on the game’s economy and player experience.
  • Players reminisce about the fallout from Diablo 3’s Real-Money Auction House and its potential influence on Diablo 4 decisions.

The Demand for Convenience

I, as an avid gamer and follower of the latest trends in our community, strongly advocate for shifting our focus away from relying on external trading platforms in today’s dynamic gaming scene. The reasoning behind this stance is crucial for us to progress and thrive.

The Economical Concerns

Grover-Norquis of Jail suggests that the developers might be profiting secretly from the absence of an in-game trading system. He speculates that this could be because they gain financially from players using third-party trading sites instead.

PTSD from Diablo 3’s History

The user “Attention\_Bear\_Fuckr” alludes to Diablo 3’s controversial history with its Real-Money Auction House, implying a potential dislike for such elements in Diablo 4.

Seeking a Balanced Solution

Chaoseffect616 suggests finding a middle ground by introducing a “Self-Found” mode together with an easy-to-use trading system, accommodating different playstyles within the community.

The Diablo 4 team is faced with an important dilemma, as they consider adding a trading system to the game. Players are eager for this feature, which is common in other successful ARPGs. However, there is much debate about whether such a system would strike a healthy balance between player convenience and the integrity of the game. The fear is that if not implemented carefully, it could lead to controversies similar to those experienced in the past.

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2024-07-19 08:43