Why Destiny 2 Players Want Better Warlock Helmet Designs

As a seasoned Guardian and long-time Warlock main, I can’t help but feel a pang of disappointment when I log into Destiny 2 and see another lackluster offering for Warlock helmets. It feels like Bungie is teasing us with promises of grandeur, only to deliver yet another “vertical slit” design. I mean, really? That’s the best they can do?

In Destiny 2, players have been actively discussing the design of Warlock helmets, particularly expressing disappointment over recent underwhelming releases. Reddit user Bekacheese started this conversation by voicing their unhappiness with the current helmet designs, implying that perhaps the design approver is merely taunting Warlock main players. This sentiment struck a chord with many gamers who share similar feelings of discontentment about the game’s fashion selections, igniting a broader discussion on what constitutes an excellent helmet and how Bungie can improve their offerings. The comments reveal a blend of longing for past designs and exasperation over the constraints of the present options.

They’re going to need to hire a new design approver for Warlock helmets.
byu/Bekacheese inDestinyTheGame


  • Players are unhappy with the current state of Warlock helmet designs in Destiny 2.
  • Many players believe the designs are too similar and uninspired.
  • Some community members highlighted a few standout helmets they like, but the overall sentiment leans negative.
  • Players are calling for more creativity and uniqueness in future helmet designs.

The Warlock Standpoint

For Warlocks, renowned for their enigmatic qualities and extraordinary abilities, it’s essential that their headgear reflects this unique identity. This sentiment is articulated beautifully by Bekacheese who laments, “I tried numerous helmets…None of them are even remotely acceptable.” The discontent among Warlock players arises from a belief that their armor does not align with the class’s rich history and lore. Many within the community express disappointment as they find their helmets to be more functional than flamboyant, detracting from the grandeur they anticipate in their character’s appearance. Players have noted that most Warlock helmets seem to adhere to a similar design—a basic “vertical slit” pattern—offering limited customization and creativity, making them appear more like generic items than exceptional pieces of craftsmanship.

Community Favorites

Despite the general dissatisfaction, players did rise to share a few beloved designs. User arjumper shines a light on the trials helm from the current season, stating, “I’m a big fan of this season’s trials helm and the ghosts of the deep helm.” The shared aspects of this love reflect a desire for more engaging and thematic designs. Players like Boisaca highlighted their attachment to the Prodigal Helmet, calling it “the most warlocky helmet since [this trailer](https://youtu.be/ZSWN-VP0lD8?si=M1IhhOhvtzHm09fL),” and demonstrating how players appreciate unique designs that resonate with their identity as a Warlock. It’s clear that while dissatisfaction is prevalent, some helmets maintain a place of admiration among dedicated players.

Design Woes

The collective frustration leads back to the heart of the issue: a perceived laziness in design. Comments like that of Dark_Infernox articulate a growing concern that Bungie is dropping the ball on the visual aspects of the game. They lament the clunky design of the *new* 10th-anniversary concept armor, claiming that the original art concepts were left behind in favor of generic designs reminiscent of other games. With evocative terms like “massive earmuffs” and “generic coat type robes,” this illustrates how passionate players are about their characters’ aesthetics. It’s not simply about aesthetics—players yearn for items that embody their class, creating a larger emotional connection to the game and their characters. The creative potential in Destiny 2’s universe seems untapped according to this user, pointing toward a missed opportunity for Bungie to explore new and exciting themes in armor.

Frustration with Armor Customization

Players are finding that they’re not just unhappy with the variety of helmet designs in Destiny 2, but also dissatisfied with the overall customization options for armor. TheLuckyPC, like many other players, has voiced a shared sentiment, stating that “Legendary armor in this game is more often than not subpar.” This comment points out that Bungie appears to prefer design choices that can seem strange or unusual, such as adding items like a random stick, unalterable bones, or lights to armor pieces. As a result, it becomes difficult for players to create outfits that feel harmonious and well-coordinated. The issue of inconsistencies in armor models further underscores this frustration, as players yearn for a more integrated experience where all the armor pieces fit together nicely and enhance one another’s appearance. Essentially, fans are hoping for a smoother, more unified experience when it comes to wearing armor, rather than feeling like their choices are random or disjointed.

What Lies Ahead for Warlocks

Discussions about Warlock helmets in Destiny 2 reveal a community yearning for more diverse design choices, indicating that Bungie has an opening to not only enhance the armor’s appearance but also rekindle excitement among players. As fans push for better designs, they are collectively brainstorming fresh ideas that encourage Bungie to remember the creative and majestic potential of the Warlock class. Essentially, it seems that players want Bungie to strengthen the Warlock class’s unique identity through innovative helmet designs, implying that expanding and thematically integrating should be key focus areas in the future. The focus on uniqueness over monotony might lead to something truly magical and festive for all who will use the powers of Warlocks in the future.

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2024-08-17 19:58