As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of experience under my belt, I can’t help but weigh in on this ongoing debate about Strange Coins and their mysterious drop locations in Destiny 2. Having played countless hours across various titles, I’ve come to appreciate the nuances between design choices that work and those that leave players scratching their heads.

In Destiny 2, the popular online multiplayer game, players often engage in heated discussions and debates regarding updates and gameplay aspects. A recent post by user MoistPilot3858 titled ‘Why are Strange Coins only dropped from ritual activities?’ caused quite a stir within the community. The user expressed concerns about the decision to limit Strange Coin drops exclusively to ritual activities, suggesting it seems random and not particularly engaging. Instead, they suggested that allowing these coins to drop from a wider variety of content, such as dungeons, raids, or exotic missions, would make more sense. This post ignited a vibrant discussion among players about the reasons behind player motivations and design choices that have shaped Destiny 2’s ever-evolving storyline.

Why do Strange Coins only drop from ritual activities
byu/MoistPilot3858 inDestinyTheGame


  • The community feels mixed emotions about Strange Coin drops, ranging from frustration to acceptance.
  • Many believe the limitation on drops is an intentional design to encourage ritual activity participation.
  • Players expressed the need for more frequent updates to ritual activities.
  • This ongoing debate highlights how community feedback shapes game design decisions in Destiny 2.

Community Perspectives

In the Destiny 2 community, views about Strange Coin drops are diverse. For instance, a user named Quantumriot7 advocates for the positive impact of exclusive rewards, reasoning that “since players requested incentives for routine activities, Bungie linked strange coins to them.” This viewpoint considers the restricted drop method as an effective motivator encouraging players to participate in regular activities such as Nightfalls and Iron Banner matches. The argument rests on the notion that unique sources of rewards can maintain player engagement and involvement, particularly when the game consistently refreshes its content to ensure it remains clean and up-to-date.

Frustration with Ritual Activities

On a different note, some users are voicing their annoyance regarding the management of ritual activities. For example, Plain-White-Bread said, “I could tolerate them only being obtained from Ritual activities if they were regularly updated with fresh content.” It appears that this dissatisfaction arises because when rituals aren’t updated frequently or offer new challenges, they can become monotonous or unattractive. Users seem to yearn for a more interactive experience with the game mechanics, leading some to wonder if restricting drop sources might actually detract from, rather than improve, the gaming experience. This sentiment is mirrored by Tringamer, who suggested, “Since there’s not much else to do, and it’s simpler to hide valuable items behind them than to make them fun to play.” It’s clear that what the community really wants isn’t just more items, but enjoyable ways to earn them.

The Need for Wider Drop Sources

Many gamers believe increasing the variety of locations where Strange Coins can drop would enrich gameplay options. User Ya-Local-Trans-Bitch proposed adding Dares of Eternity as a potential drop source due to its connection with Xur, who carries those coins in his inventory. This suggests a preference for content that feels connected and valuable across different game modes. The idea that ritual activities are the sole source for these valuable coins might seem confining, encouraging participation only in specific types of activities. Such limitations make players think Bungie could be more creative with its reward system, ultimately leading to a more diverse gaming experience.

Incentivizing Ritual Activities

The design decision to limit drop sources to ritual activities has been described as a calculated move aimed at incentivizing players to engage with parts of the game that may otherwise be overlooked. As Cthuloops76 succinctly stated, “To make you do them, basically.” This suggests an intuitive understanding of player behavior—people will pursue activities that promise valuable rewards. However, that incentive should come packaged with engaging and enjoyable gameplay. Players are generally eager to participate if they feel rewarded appropriately, leading to the underlying question: are exclusive drops the best way to encourage participation in ritual activities? The community seems to be wrestling with this notion, as the constructive criticism emerges from a genuine love for the game.

As a dedicated fan of Destiny 2, I can attest to the deep-rooted enthusiasm we have for this game’s design and mechanics. The ongoing debate about Strange Coin drops is a testament to that passion. Many of us are drawn to the notion that ritual activities should offer exclusive rewards, as we yearn for immersive and innovative content in our gaming journey. Players like Hamlin_Bones humorously echo this sentiment, stating, “To encourage playing ritual activities, obviously! I mean, did you really have to ask that?” This perspective mirrors a common feeling among players who lean towards acceptance, though we all eagerly anticipate more substantial content updates.

The ongoing discussion about Strange Coins and their association with ritual activities showcases the intricacies involved in striking a balance between player involvement and game creation. As players express their worries and ideas, it will be fascinating to observe how Bungie addresses these issues and what adjustments could potentially be made to improve the gaming experience for Destiny 2 fans.

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2024-12-08 20:28