Why Clash Royale Players consider Epic Chests the Worst

As an avid player with countless hours invested in Clash Royale since its inception, I find myself deeply engaged in the recent discourse surrounding the Epic Chest. It’s fascinating to witness the community’s evolving sentiments towards this chest that once felt like a treasure trove of rewards but now seems to be more of a disappointment.

Since its launch, Clash Royale has been a popular choice in mobile gaming, attracting a committed player base who frequently discuss game strategies, updates, and grievances on forums. A post by user Noelini_ has stirred up quite a conversation among the community, focusing on the Epic Chest. This chest requires 12 hours to open, and players have criticized its meager rewards due to their scarcity of gold and abundance of legendary cards. The discussion about this chest’s worth has sparked feelings of both doubt and nostalgia as players reassess its importance in their gaming experience. As the opinions shift, members of the community have shared their thoughts, resulting in a rich mosaic of sentiments towards this loot box.

Epic chest is probably the worst of all. Not even gold?
byu/Noelini_ inClashRoyale


  • Players largely view the Epic Chest as outdated and unsatisfactory compared to other rewards.
  • There’s a strong nostalgic sentiment for its previous usefulness in the game.
  • Some players argue that the chest can still be beneficial for new players looking to build their decks.
  • Debate exists over whether other chests, like the Legendary Chest, have even worse value.

Frustration with Epic Chest’s Rewards

The central theme of the original post revolves around what players are calling a “the worst chest.” Noelini_ articulates the frustration succinctly: “there is no gold in it, only 20 legendary cards and it takes 12 hours to open.” This sentiment struck a nerve within the community, as users poured into the comments section expressing their displeasure. A notable user, Yee-Barbs, reminisces about a previous time when Epic Chests held more value when upgrading cards wasn’t as streamlined. It appears that this collective frustration is not only tied to the current unsatisfactory rewards but also reflects a sense of nostalgia for when the game mechanics made these chests more favorable. In essence, players are wrestling with their expectations versus the actual value that Epic Chests now offer.

Changing Perspectives on All Chests

It’s worth noting that although the Epic Chest is receiving some unfavorable reviews, it has sparked discussions among users about the quality of other rewards. For instance, SucculentSteamedHams expressed an opinion that the Legendary chest is not as good due to offering just one card after a 24-hour wait, saying “Legendary chest is worse. 24 hours for 1 card. No thanks.” This dialogue suggests that players are now evaluating the game’s chest rewards more comprehensively. The ongoing debate about which chest is superior showcases an underlying tension in the loot mechanics, as users express their desire for improved reward systems to better compensate their time and in-game investments. This collective dissatisfaction goes beyond merely the Epic Chest, reflecting a growing sense of discontent within the gaming community.

Benefits for New Players

<pDespite the overall negativity about the Epic Chest’s current standing in Clash Royale, there remained a few voices of logic amidst the chaos. Tawoolyp presented a noteworthy perspective, proclaiming that “It’s quite good for new players.” This insight suggests that while seasoned players may scoff at the chest’s rewards, it could still hold significance for newcomers who need to build a diverse deck. The once-rather-boring chest may not have the chestnut flavor it once possessed, but its ability to provide crucial cards for rookie players allows it a pass in the eyes of some community members. The differing take serves as a reminder that within gaming discussions, perspectives are often colored by personal experiences and levels of engagement with the game.

Card Distribution Woes

The dialogue surrounding the Epic Chest does not simply end with its overall valuation; the topic of card distribution emerged as a major point of contention. Khaotikrypt shared a disheartening experience, stating, “not to mention the card distribution is terrible.” They elaborated on their own frustrations, recounting their experience of opening an Epic Chest where they received “the first 3 cards … only got x1 of,” and then suddenly one card dropped a whopping “x17.” It appears that disparities in card distribution are adding fuel to the fire of complaints regarding the Epic Chest. These exaggerated ranges in card awarding have caused players to feel as if they’re being toyed with, pulling the rug from under their expectations and making them feel cheated out of valuable gameplay enhancements. Overall, card distribution is, without a doubt, a hot topic that deserves the same attention as the chests themselves.

Final Thoughts on Epic Chests

Discussions about the Epic Chest in Clash Royale show a mix of nostalgia, irritation, and conversation among players. As they express their issues with the current system and its perceived worth, this leads to ongoing debates about all chests within the game. The contrast between old and new elements creates complexity in these discussions, and while some players complain about its efficiency, it seems Supercell needs to carefully balance the experience for both veterans and newer players. Despite the Epic Chest’s negative reputation among long-time players, it could significantly influence the experiences of newcomers, helping them dive into the constantly changing world of Clash Royale. As conversations continue to be lively, one thing stands clear: the ongoing dialogue about the Epic Chest is just another testament to how dedicated and involved the Clash Royale community really is.

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2024-08-28 02:58