Why Apex Legends Players are Finding Horizons Unbearable to Play With

As a long-time Apex Legends player, I have had my fair share of teammates who played as Horizon, and I must admit that some of them left me feeling rather frustrated. Their solo playstyle often clashed with the need for coordinated teamwork, leading to unnecessary risks taken and undesirable outcomes.

Some Apex Legends players have expressed growing irritation towards teammates named Horizons, complaining about problems with collaboration and risky playing styles. However, there’s a debate in the community about whether Horizons are truly intolerable or if they’re being unfairly judged.

Why is every Horizon completely unberable to play with?
byu/MrSeabrook12 inapexlegends


  • Horizon players are perceived as stubborn and reckless teammates.
  • Some find Horizons to be too focused on individual performance over team play.
  • Opinions on Horizons vary, with some players recognizing their strengths while others criticize their lack of teamwork.

Horizon’s Reputation

MrSeabrook12 and other Apex Legends players share their disappointment with the behavior of Horizons, highlighting their preference for solo gameplay and the challenge of effective teamwork. They argue that Horizons frequently act on their own, rather than collaborating with their squad, resulting in less than ideal results.

Community Sentiment

Players such as forgot_the_Bop have pointed out the possibility of exploiting Horizon’s skills due to her unique abilities. Some players find it simple to secure kills using Horizon, while others, like Many-Bee6169, recommend enabling the ‘no fill’ option to prevent encountering Horizons in matches altogether.

In Defense of Horizons

Instead of this: “On the other hand, players like Anderz04 express favorable stories about gifted Horizons, highlighting their agility and significance in games.”

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2024-07-17 18:29