Why Adding Chat in Smite 2 Can Transform the Gameplay Experience

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades under my belt, I’ve seen the evolution of gaming communities and the challenges they face. The debate surrounding chat functionality in Smite 2 is a familiar one – it’s all about striking that delicate balance between fostering collaboration and avoiding the pitfalls of toxicity.

In the bustling community of Smite, the widely-played multiplayer online battle arena game, discussions are ongoing about methods to boost the gaming experience. A recent post by user Unlikely-Fuel9784 on a well-known gaming forum sparked an intense argument over whether chat functionality should be included in Smite 2. Gamers expressed their annoyance at the absence of communication tools within the game, specifically for novices who might struggle to understand the lanes or roles they’re expected to play. Since voice chat is seldom used, many argue that incorporating a text-based chat system would help clear up confusion and boost teamwork. However, opinions are split on this issue, with worries extending from communication effectiveness to potential in-game toxicity.

Please add chat to Smite 2
byu/Unlikely-Fuel9784 inSmite


  • Players are requesting text chat to improve coordination among new users.
  • Concerns about toxicity and negative player interactions are prevalent.
  • Some players believe a separate chat for game-related messages could mitigate some issues.
  • The discussion also touches on the potential benefits of social interaction in multiplayer gaming.

The Call for Communication

As a newcomer diving into Smite, I’ve found myself grappling with the intricacies of lane navigation – it’s tough when you can’t effectively communicate with your teammates. Voice chat seems to be a seldom-used tool among players, which makes coordinating gameplay more challenging than it needs to be. It’s clear that we, as gamers, could benefit from an easy-to-use system for exchanging crucial in-game information.

The Thin Line of Toxicity

As an enthusiast, I can’t help but ponder the potential benefits a text chat feature could bring to our gaming experience. Yet, it’s crucial we don’t overlook the possible downsides, especially the risk of harmful or toxic interactions that might arise with any new chat system. Many players have voiced their concerns, expressing apprehension about the potential for such behavior. For example, one player shared, “I can hardly wait for more toxicity.” This sentiment underscores the unfortunate reality of online gaming, where anonymity sometimes breeds harmful conduct. However, there are also constructive ideas being floated around, like setting up separate communication channels exclusively for team discussions. This could help maintain essential alerts while shielding us from unwanted negativity.

Separate Chat for Improved Experience?

Several users have voiced approval for implementing a layered chat system. User SchenivingCamper proposed, “Introduce a chat feature, but also include a separate ‘VGS’ (Voice-Gesture System) where you can mute conversations independently.” This idea presents a possible solution, enabling players to share important information like “Enemies approaching from the left” while filtering out disruptive or offensive comments from other gamers. Such an adjustment could foster more strategic teamwork, facilitating the informed decision-making essential for the game. Additionally, it opens up opportunities for friendly banter without the negativity that often surfaces in competitive settings.

Is It Worth the Risk?

It appears many people believe that while chat could potentially cause problematic conversations, the advantages may be greater than the drawbacks. User Slow_League_3186 made a relevant point questioning if the chat feature is exclusive to certain platforms like consoles, and he also noted that he can chat on Smite 2. This raises platform difficulties when creating efficient communication systems for multiple devices. In essence, allowing players to communicate effectively across different platforms, such as PCs or consoles, adds complexity in development planning.

In the midst of contemplating whether to incorporate a chat feature into Smite 2, an intriguing split opinion emerges within the gaming community. Players express a strong desire for better communication methods, yet simultaneously express apprehension about the potential negative consequences that might arise. The world of multiplayer gaming is ever-changing, and developers frequently grapple with deciding which features to incorporate. While chat functionality could bolster teamwork and strategy, particularly among newcomers, it also carries the risk of fostering harmful interactions that may deter players. As the developer’s decision approaches, the Smite community finds itself at odds over what they envision for the game’s future development.

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2024-09-22 21:58