Where Should the Sundance Film Festival Go Next?

As a seasoned film critic with a deep appreciation for the art of storytelling and the industry that brings it to life, I’ve had the privilege of attending numerous film festivals across the country. From the glitz and glamour of Sundance in Utah to the quirky charm of Santa Fe and the vibrant energy of Boulder, each location offers a unique experience that shapes the festival-going experience in its own way.

Similar to the title character, Sundance is on the brink of making a significant and uncertain move.

After spending four decades in Park City, Utah, the Sundance Film Festival declared in April that they would begin accepting proposals for a possible new location starting in January 2027. The festival has kept quiet about the motives behind this move, merely stating their commitment to prioritizing “inclusivity and sustainability.” However, it’s implied that these terms relate to recent discriminatory laws against the LGBTQ community passed by the Utah legislature, and the growing concern that Sundance may no longer fit within Park City, a town of 8,000 residents where the entire Main Street is reserved for private events during the festival, leaving working journalists with limited options other than relying on supermarket sushi for sustenance throughout the week. But I’ll stop here!

Fifteen cities are believed to have submitted bids to relocate Sundance Film Festival, and recently, the selection was reduced to six potential candidates. Unfortunately, contenders such as Minneapolis (as cold as Utah), Athens (lacking an airport), Savannah (already hosting the SCAD Film Festival), and Nashville (known more for country music than film) were excluded from the finalist list. My apologies to those cities; maybe they’ll find success in their applications to host Cannes instead.

The committee planning to meet with the remaining candidates will do so over the coming weeks. This scenario is perfect for creating a captivating short documentary series. However, before any final choices are made, I, as an avid film festival enthusiast and blogger who can draft an entire post on my phone during a chicken Caesar wrap lunch, would like to share my preferred city for a week-long festival experience. Which location offers the most exciting opportunity of attending multiple movies each day?

The contenders will be judged on the following statistical criteria:

— What’s the weather like in January?

— How easy is it to get there, and once I’m there, how easy is it to get around?

— How much of Vox Media’s money will I be squandering to get a decent Airbnb?

— Can I get a tasty, moderately healthy meal in a 45-minute gap between screenings?

Is there sufficient number of movie theaters available for holding a film festival at its full capacity, keeping in mind that unique venues like high-school auditoriums and transformed ice-rinks have been integral parts of renowned film festivals such as Sundance and Telluride?

Additionally, I will provide an assessment based on the festival’s ambiance. The fact that the festival preserves its January date signifies its commitment to serving as an independent platform, distinguishing it from the winter awards season. Thus, it is essential to consider how well each potential host aligns with Sundance’s established atmosphere. I envision celebrities taking their Chase Sapphire Lounge photos in eccentric sweaters and oversized puffas. Flat-brimmed hats and large boots are desirable. Sundance should not resemble Santa Barbara. An aura of isolation and a (misleading) sense of roughing it contribute positively to the experience.

Is the grass always greener bluer on the other side? Let’s run down the likely candidates:

6. Louisville

Where Should the Sundance Film Festival Go Next?

Average January temperature: 36 degrees.

Flight time from NYC: About two and a half hours.

Flight time from L.A.: There are no direct flights; it’s around six hours with a layover.

Average per-night cost of a “guest favorite” 1BR on Airbnb: $130

Instead of asking “Will I need to Uber everywhere?”, you could rephrase it as: “Is public transportation unreliable and challenging to use, requiring me to rely on ride-hailing services frequently?”

“There are numerous options for fast-casual dining, right? For instance, downtown boasts a food hall. Additionally, I’ve heard great things about the Hot Brown, a local take on Welsh rarebit that resembles an open-faced sandwich topped with turkey, bacon, and Mornay sauce – it’s definitely on my must-try list.”

A few movie theaters exist in the city center, but there’s potential for a few more as some performance halls might be transformed. Surprisingly, an old movie theater signpost remains as a relic from the past in our town.

Louisville and the other finalist city are only 100 miles apart, located in a transitional region that doesn’t fully fit into the Midwest, Appalachia, or the South. It’s surprising that both made it to the finals with Louisvillians unsure of how they qualified. Some speculate that Sundance intentionally included less inclusive states like Kentucky and Utah to create an easier path for certain cities. However, Louisville’s advantage lies in its temperate climate and experience in welcoming visitors. The local culture revolves around whiskey production and horse racing, which may not align with the typical Sundance vibe.

5. Cincinnati

Where Should the Sundance Film Festival Go Next?

Average January temperature: 31 degrees.

Flight time from NYC: About two hours.

If you’re flying from L.A., your fastest choice without any stops is a red-eye flight offered by Delta. However, if you prefer not to travel during the night, you should be prepared for a layover and a longer total trip duration of approximately six hours.

Average per-night cost of a “guest favorite” 1BR on Airbnb: $98, which is also the number of degrees in the city’s most famous band.

Will I need to Uber everywhere? Consensus says public transit is “not that bad.”

Is there an abundance of fast-casual dining options in this area? I’m the sole East Coast media figure championing for Cincinnati chili, but even I wouldn’t crave it every week. Interestingly, the best spots to explore appear to be clustered around the university rather than downtown.

How many movie theaters are there already? There’s only one theater downtown, though as with other finalists, there are a few performing-arts venues that could accommodate film screenings.

In my past, I resided in Cincinnati. Here’s my take: There were wonderful playgrounds, an exceptional Chuck E. Cheese, and oversized kindergartners (I was a toddler). I haven’t revisited the place since I mastered reading. To determine which city is superior between Cincinnati and Louisville, I delved into numerous online debates. Based on infrastructure and liveliness, Cincinnati appears to have an edge. However, unless one of these mid-sized red-state cities offers something truly extraordinary – like a home run in the film festival world (which would be fantastic for the upcoming documentary) – Sundance is unlikely to consider either.

4. Salt Lake City

Where Should the Sundance Film Festival Go Next?

Average January temperature: 31 degrees.

Flight time from NYC: Around five hours.

Flight time from L.A.: Around two hours.

Average per-night cost of a “guest favorite” 1BR on Airbnb: $80.

“Is it possible to rely on public transportation like TRAX and the buses instead of using Uber frequently?”

Are there copious fast-casual restaurants? Enough to fill up an entire online listicle!

How many movie theaters are there already? There are a few multiplexes downtown.

As a longtime resident of Salt Lake City and avid supporter of the arts, I believe that the hybrid bid for Sundance to be based in both Park City and Salt Lake City is a brilliant solution that caters to the best of both worlds. Having lived in this vibrant city for years, I’ve witnessed its remarkable growth and transformation into a modern metropolis while retaining its unique charm and character.

3. Atlanta

Where Should the Sundance Film Festival Go Next?

Average January temperature: 44 degrees.

Two hours is approximately how long it takes to fly from New York City. (Approximately 80% of the US population resides within a two-hour flying radius of the Atlanta airport.)

Flight time from L.A.: Sorry, L.A., you’re in the 20 percent. It’s about four hours.

Average per-night cost of a “guest favorite” 1BR on Airbnb: $120.

Will I need to Uber everywhere? Atlanta has the MARTA rail network, which is underwhelming.

“Back when I was a kid, I used to adore the Varsity. Nowadays, the city is leading the charge in the grain-bowl dining scene.”

“How many movie theaters have we reached in total?” or “Approximately how many movie theaters exist here?” And as an answer, you might say: “Given that this is the eighth largest metropolitan area in the country, there are quite a few.”

For the past 10 years, Atlanta has emerged as a significant hub for film and television production. However, those working in the industry there have expressed feelings of being overlooked or neglected by the influential figures on the coasts. The announcement of Sundance Institute’s decision to hold an event in Atlanta would drastically shift Atlanta’s connection with the industry. Given that most of the content produced in Atlanta tends to be more commercially focused than the usual Sundance selections, this move would also substantially transform the essence of the festival itself. This choice represents a stark departure from Utah – a clear call for innovation and change rather than sticking to the status quo. It’s important to mention that Georgia’s stance on LGBTQ rights leaves room for improvement as well.

2. Santa Fe

Where Should the Sundance Film Festival Go Next?

Average January temperature: 30 degrees.

I’ve traveled quite a bit in my life, and I can tell you that getting from New York City to certain destinations can be quite an adventure. For instance, if you’re planning a trip to Albuquerque, direct flights might not be an option for you. Instead, you’ll have to make a stop or two along the way, adding about seven hours to your travel time. And even if Albuquerque is your ultimate goal, you won’t find any direct flights from New York City to there either. So buckle up and prepare for a longer journey than you might have anticipated!

The travel duration from Los Angeles to Albuquerque is approximately 2 hours without a stopover. For reaching Santa Fe, however, you’ll need to make a layover, resulting in a total trip length of around 4 to 5 hours.

Average per-night cost of a “guest favorite” 1BR on Airbnb: $170.

Will I need to Uber everywhere? There are buses, but they’re slow and not always reliable.

I understand that some areas may have an abundance of fast-casual restaurants. But just because breakfast burritos and green-chile burgers are on the menu, doesn’t mean they’re ideal for a lifestyle spent seated in a movie theater for nine hours straight. However, it’s our choice to make, and who am I to judge?

How many movie theaters are there already? A couple independent theaters downtown — one of which is owned by George R.R. Martin — and a Regal in a mall about 15 minutes away.

New Yorkers find Santa Fe quite costly and a lengthy journey, but aside from that, it’s worth the effort. The city boasts a robust arts community and a perfect size for a festival town – small enough to create an intimate cinematic experience, large enough to accommodate a crowd of film enthusiasts with badges. Santa Fe’s unique atmosphere exudes a certain quirkiness, which I find appealing.

1. Boulder

Where Should the Sundance Film Festival Go Next?

Average January temperature: 34 degrees.

Flight time from NYC: Around four hours to Denver, which is 45 minutes away by car.

Flight time from L.A.: Over two hours to the Denver airport.

The average price for a night in a preferred one-bedroom listing on Airbnb in Boulder is scarcely found.

Is it possible to get around mainly using public transportation instead of relying on Uber? Many locals claim that they can manage well without owning a car.

In Boulder, not only do you find an abundance of cannabis shops, Patagonia jackets, and microbreweries, but also a plentiful number of quick-service restaurants specializing in nutritious meals. My preconceived notion of the city’s food scene is validated by this discovery.

“Are there just the two movie theaters, the Art Deco Boulder Theater and Cinemark, that I know of?”

As a seasoned travel writer with a deep appreciation for small cities, I’ve been captivated by Boulder ever since I first heard of its charm. Its allure lies in its perfect blend of small-town vibe and accessibility that makes it a standout among its peers.

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2024-07-23 23:54