What Will Replace Contracts in FIFA? Unpacking Community Reactions

As a seasoned FIFA player with years of experience under my belt, I can’t help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension as we approach the release of FC25. The removal of contracts, a staple feature for so long, has left many of us scratching our heads, wondering what EA Sports has in store for us this time around.

Enthusiasm among FIFA enthusiasts is high as the upcoming launch of FC25 promises notable shifts, including the scrapping of contracts – a long-standing feature in the game series. This topic was sparked by user Jordyyyys on a well-traversed online platform, expressing eagerness to discover what innovative elements might supersede contracts in FIFA. The crowd swiftly responded, offering a mix of anticipation, doubt, and, at times, strong criticism towards EA’s choices. Numerous players voiced their views, reflecting a prevailing mood of unease and irritation over the prospective replacements.

What will replace contracts?
byu/Jordyyyys inEASportsFC


  • The removal of contracts in FIFA FC25 has sparked concern among fans about future gameplay mechanics.
  • Many players fear that replacements might lead to an increase in monetization tactics, like more buyable cosmetics.
  • There’s a prevalent theme of discontent regarding the direction EA is taking with the franchise.

The Pros and Cons of Removing Contracts

The proposal to eliminate player contracts from FIFA could be viewed as a beneficial shift towards simplifying the gaming experience. For long, players have grappled with managing these contracts, maintaining a steady inventory to keep their teams competitive. However, this simplification comes with relief for numerous football enthusiasts who found the process tiresome. Yet, the optimistic outlook is marred by concerns over what might take the place of player contracts. Many users have expressed apprehensions about replacing them with even more duplicates or items that focus on aesthetic alterations instead of gameplay enhancement. User malin7 summed up this sentiment perfectly when they said, “More duplicates to send to squad building challenges (SBCs), you’ll be stuck menu grinding all year round.” This encapsulates the frustration felt by many who crave a more immersive and fulfilling gameplay experience instead of just endlessly grinding for items that don’t significantly improve their gaming journey.

Does EA Have Our Best Interests at Heart?

A primary source of concern in the community’s reactions is the suspicion towards EA Sports’ motives. After numerous discussions about monetization and player value, there is a growing fear that the removal of contracts might lead to a more profit-driven approach. User Nizzlecrunk expressed this skepticism succinctly when he said, “You’ll probably have to buy FIFA points to pay your players directly because, well, it’s EA.” This suspicion leaves many fans questioning whether this change will improve gameplay or merely provide EA with another opportunity for product promotion.

Are Cosmetics the Future?

A common thread in the comments was the suspicion that whatever replaces contracts in the game might prioritize aesthetic changes to players and stadiums over substantial improvements. Commenters expressed disappointment at this possible shift towards non-essential items, often referring to them as “cosmetic stadium nonsense.” The worry is that Electronic Arts may resort to cosmetic changes that don’t address the fundamental issues with the gameplay, which fans have consistently pointed out. For many players, the prospect of receiving more stadium cosmetics instead of significant upgrades results in a collective sigh of disapproval.

What Lies Ahead for FIFA FC25?

Users like JackFinn6 have sparked discussions in the comments section, suggesting that FIFA FC25 might follow previous trends set by Electronic Arts (EA) games, implying a potential decrease in items found in game packs. This concern arises from players fearing a possible reduction in content density, which could negatively impact their gaming experience. The future of the FIFA franchise remains uncertain for many fans, as it hinges on EA’s decisions regarding whether they will introduce more interactive gameplay modes or impose stricter limitations. Essentially, the outcome largely depends on how EA decides to fulfill their promises of enhancements.

In a field that’s always changing, the absence of contracts with FIFA has sparked significant discussions within its user base. As excitement grows for FC25, these dialogues reveal more than just personal tastes; they reflect the broader dynamic between fans and creators. The gamers are stepping into a new phase of gameplay, but the widespread apprehension among them hints at their readiness to stay cautious. The final outcome remains uncertain, but one thing is certain: the community will always have opinions about the future of their cherished gaming series.

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2024-09-12 19:58