What If the Speaker Entered The Pale Heart in Destiny 2? Insights and Fan Theories

As a dedicated Destiny 2 fan with countless hours invested in the game’s lore and intricacies, I can’t help but be captivated by the thought-provoking scenario presented by user Nubimeister – what would transpire if the Speaker, a revered figure from Destiny’s past, were to enter The Pale Heart?

Recently on the Destiny 2 forum, a thought-provoking question was posed by user Nubimeister: What if the Speaker, a significant character in the game’s backstory, stepped into The Pale Heart? This intriguing notion sparked intense discussion among players, who expressed their varied perspectives through interpretations, theories, and even humorous comments. Typical of the Destiny community, the responses reflected both deep philosophical ponderings and lighthearted humor, highlighting the unique ways players engage with the game’s intricate narrative and characters.

What do you think would happen, if the Speaker entered The Pale Heart?
byu/Nubimeister indestiny2


  • Players expressed a blend of humor and serious contemplation regarding the Speaker’s potential actions in The Pale Heart.
  • The discussion highlighted the community’s deep knowledge and attachment to the lore surrounding the Speaker and the broader Destiny universe.
  • Many comments emphasized the polarizing nature of the Speaker’s views on light and darkness, suggesting he would react strongly to current events.
  • Theories ranged from the philosophical to the ultra-comical, reflecting the playful dynamics of the Destiny 2 community.

Player Sentiment and Character Connection

In simpler terms, the general feeling among comments is that fans deeply admire the Speaker’s character, even though he isn’t presently part of the game storyline. User Melodic_Injury_2867 expressed this by saying, “We may not see Speaker anymore, but we sure do love him.” This shows how strongly Bungie has developed their characters, as players continue to have an emotional attachment to those who have departed from the storyline. The community’s affection also brings up feelings of nostalgia, as many seem to long for the Speaker’s presence and guidance during Destiny’s earlier stages.

Judgment on Light and Darkness

Many comments highlighted the Speaker’s inconsistent perspective on light and darkness. For example, Cultureddesert noted, “Yes, the Speaker held a rigid belief that light equals good and dark equals evil.” This simplistic approach to morality raises intriguing questions about how the Speaker would react to current events in the game, which often blend light and darkness. Characters like Guardians who use Stasis or Strand powers might encounter significant resistance from this figure, leading to potential conflicts. As players explore the intricacies of the expanding universe, it’s clear that reintroducing the Speaker in the current morally ambiguous climate would create compelling storylines, albeit with some inevitable tension.

Humor and Exaggeration

In this discussion, an amusing facet emerged as users brought humor to the table. Pman1324 jokingly hypothesized, “I can hear everything! The screaming, the wailing… the agony! Guardian, please help the Traveler!” This over-exaggeration reflects how players imagined the Speaker’s potential encounters with newer game lore. Furthermore, PackageSweaty3353 added to the merriment by suggesting he would “tell the witness to kill itself.” This sarcastic comment highlights how players balance gravity with humor in their conversations. Essentially, laughter serves as a comforting outlet for players as they grapple with the intricate and cryptic elements of the game.

Philosophical Implications and Speculation

The Speaker’s entry into The Pale Heart raises profound questions among Destiny 2 players about the implications for the struggle between Light and Darkness. Some ponder what this could mean for the ongoing battle, while others, like _Fun_Employed_, suggest the Speaker may simply contemplate the complexities of current events. This aspect highlights the game’s philosophical depth, encouraging players to reflect on broader themes of existence and morality within Destiny 2’s universe. The balance between light and darkness is ever-shifting, leaving many curious about how a figure like the Speaker might respond or align with these evolving forces.

A Fitting Tribute to a Fallen Character

In conclusion, the community continues to pay tribute to the Speaker’s legacy not just by pondering over hypothetical scenarios but also by cherishing his memory. User Gsomethepatient adds a deeper layer to this notion, expressing that “He’s already there, the light lives in all things in all places…” This concept emphasizes the significance of acknowledging and preserving a character’s influence, regardless of its form. It showcases how a seemingly departed figure can still resonate with players through collective stories and fellowship. The community unites to commemorate their shared past and create new memories, encapsulating the essence of gaming community culture. These conversations demonstrate that even seemingly insignificant characters may gain prominence through passionate fan theories.

In essence, the discussion about the Speaker’s hypothetical entrance into The Pale Heart in Destiny 2 demonstrates the depth and complexity of the game’s world and characters. Players are captivated by this lore and can not only speculate but also appreciate the intricacies of a living universe. As Guardians, we delight in pondering how these cherished characters might react to new situations. This dialogue, which is both amusing and thought-provoking, reflects the dynamic and engaging nature of Destiny 2’s player base.

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2024-07-26 18:13