Venice Screenings of Georgian Film ‘The Antique’ ‘Suspended’ Following Court Ruling Over Copyright Dispute

As a seasoned film enthusiast with a soft spot for stories that resonate deeply and shed light on complex historical events, I find myself deeply troubled by the turn of events surrounding “The Antique” at this year’s Venice Days. The suspension of screenings due to a copyright dispute is certainly not unheard of in the industry, but when it comes to a film as poignant and potentially impactful as Glurjidze’s work, it feels like more than just a legal hiccup.

The standalone event, known as Venice Days, which is associated with the Venice Film Festival, has postponed or temporarily halted the showings of Georgian filmmaker Rusudan Glurjidze’s second movie titled “Antikvariati” (The Antique).

The organizers of the sidebar have decided to call off the press and industry screenings planned for August 28th, and they have also taken down the dates for public screenings from the schedule.

The action is taken as a result of an emergency decree granted by the Court of Venice, which was secured by three film production companies: Viva Film from Russia, Avantura Film from Croatia, and Pygmalion from Cyprus, following a copyright dispute over the film’s script. This information comes from a statement released by Venice Days.

As a passionate cinephile, I wholeheartedly stand by the values of Venice Days – or Giornate degli Autori as it’s known. In line with our mission, we advocate fiercely for copyright protection, and this includes supporting filmmakers like Rusudan Glurjidze who graced us at Venice. We urge caution in the ongoing court case in Venice, keeping a watchful eye on future developments.

“To clarify, we are committed to using all available resources, while respecting both legal requirements and the creative freedom of the filmmaker, to ensure the movie’s continuation and increased exposure during the upcoming days at Venice.”

It remains unclear what that “visibility” might mean in any practical sense.

18 years ago, in Russia, the movie “The Antique” revolves around the forced removal of thousands of Georgians living in the country during that period. It’s been suggested that the Russian government might have wanted to suppress this film due to its sensitive topic.

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2024-08-28 10:46