Valorant: Why Kindness Can Level Up Your Game Experience

As a seasoned gamer who has navigated the virtual battlefields of many games, I wholeheartedly agree with Diveave’s sentiments. His post served as a poignant reminder that kindness and empathy can turn even the most challenging gaming experiences into memorable moments of camaraderie.

Valorant is now a significant part of popular culture, attracting gamers from diverse backgrounds. A Reddit post titled ‘Just be nice,’ written by user Diveave, sparked a crucial discussion about communication and kindness within the game. After finding himself in a quick match where he had to play support, Diveave successfully communicated with his teammates, who turned out to be a group of women uncomfortable using their microphones due to past negative interactions. This situation highlighted how positivity can significantly improve the mood of a game, bringing to light hidden experiences that often go unnoticed amidst the fun and competition in gaming.

Just be nice
byu/Diveave inVALORANT


  • Diveave’s post highlighted how embracing kindness led to openness among teammates.
  • The hesitance of female players to speak in voice comms unveils deeper issues of toxicity in gaming.
  • Many users resonated with the sentiment of taking small steps towards making the community welcoming.
  • Positive interactions can lead to significant improvements within the player base.

Breaking the Silence

Diveave’s situation highlights a common issue in multiplayer online games: the importance of communication. When he found his teammates were female and reluctant to speak due to fear of mockery, his words of encouragement made all the difference. Many users, like Almondzmbduck who plays Valorant, expressed their gratitude for this act. Her statement, “Thank you for doing that. Sincerely, a woman that plays Valorant,” captures the gratitude felt by many in similar situations. It’s easy to understand how intimidating it can be to confront not just the game but also potential criticism from teammates. This situation underscores the need for players to offer encouragement, as a simple greeting can establish a welcoming atmosphere that promotes better collaboration and communication.

The Role of Gender in Gaming

The way gender dynamics function in online gaming environments has shifted over time, but traces of toxicity persist. This was underscored by user Anxious_Thorn, who spoke about her challenges with voice chat because she was unfairly blamed for poor play due to being female. “I’ve encountered some really rude people who blame me for playing badly just because I’m a girl,” she expressed, adding a personal note to the ongoing fight against sexism. Numerous players have voiced similar discomfort when using their microphones. For example, user dusty_dumplings mentioned, “I only use my mic if the guys are nice or positive, or if there’s another girl talking.” These testimonies highlight a significant problem—although online gaming is often dominated by men, many female players feel excluded, emphasizing the need for cultivating inclusivity and respect in gaming communities.

Community Improvements or Just Luck?

Tatsukki’s question got everyone thinking—they seem to have encountered less sexism in gaming communities lately, but wonder if it’s due to good fortune or a genuine shift. It’s suggested that there are signs of progress within these communities, with more positive interactions happening. However, it’s crucial to remember that while some toxicity persists, many players have noticed improvements. The key to change lies in individual actions—supporting others during games, using voice chat bravely, or any small step can help foster a friendlier community.

The Power of Kindness

The importance of kindness in online games cannot be overstated. It can act as a social lubricant that brings players together, generating an atmosphere of teamwork and mutual respect. Diveave’s post became a catalyst for numerous comments appreciating positive interactions in a ranking format many have experienced. Comments such as “Small positive interactions like that really make a difference” reflect how impactful a single positive influence can be. Additionally, the conversation around the need for players to treat each other as real human beings, not just avatars in a game, emerged from users such as The_Tachmonite. He emphasized that “video games aren’t not real life,” reminding us all that our interactions carry weight—both online and offline. As players, it’s vital to recognize that our behavior shapes the community and influences others’ experiences.

As Valorant continues to grow in popularity, the online community must embark on a journey towards inclusivity and respect. Diveave’s simple plea for kindness serves as a reminder that every player can contribute to the game’s social fabric. Whether through supporting or encouraging teammates, the impact of a friendly demeanor can echo louder than any boastful kill count. It’s clear that positive experiences can arise from adversity—just like the players in the post navigating the complex landscape of multiplayer games. After all, a game is at its best when played together, and that can only happen when players choose kindness, understanding, and humor over toxicity and disdain.

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2024-09-09 18:43