Unleashing Excitement in Smite: Patch 11.08 Review and Community Reactions

As a seasoned gamer with over a decade of Smite under my belt, I must admit that the latest patch, 11.08, has stirred up quite the whirlwind within the community! The “Underworld Unleashed” is certainly shaking things up, and while some might argue that balance is a myth in this game, it’s always intriguing to see how the developers choose to tinker with our beloved gods.

As a dedicated gamer immersed in the world of Smite, I’ve been eagerly awaiting the latest patch, 11.08, titled “Underworld Unleashed.” The buzz around this update has been palpable on our favorite subreddit, with fans discussing the changes that have brought both excitement and controversy. This update brings substantial adjustments to numerous gods and items, reshaping the gameplay dynamics.

[11.08] Underworld Unleashed | Patch Notes Show Discussion Thread
byu/FindingThoth inSmite


  • The Underworld Unleashed patch brings exciting buffs to several gods, especially Khumbakharna, Anubis, and Pele.
  • Players express concern over balance, with some buffs appearing overly powerful and potentially game-breaking.
  • The community welcomes certain item tweaks, including the adjustment to Charon’s Coin.
  • Visual aesthetics of battle pass skins drew criticism for lack of originality.

The Wave of Buffs

A close examination of the update details shows a surge of boosts favoring multiple characters, particularly Khumbakharna, Anubis, and even criticized character Pele. User kingasce13 expressed surprise and excitement, saying “Whoa, some of these increases are just insane!” pointing out Anubis’s new two-second stun at all levels, a change that has sparked curiosity and may raise eyebrows. The community is divided, as players speculate whether these changes will lead to chaotic gameplay or an exhilarating ride on a rollercoaster. Meanwhile, Evanpik64 expressed enthusiasm, saying “The modifications to Kumbha are incredible, can’t wait to give him a try!” This excitement about the boosts is evident and shared by many. However, this anticipation clashes with concerns over the balance of these enhancements.

Balancing the Excitement

After the initial thrill subsides, concerns surface about how these buffs might impact the game’s equilibrium in the long run. The gaming community is struggling with the choice between prioritizing fun and maintaining balance, and players are keenly aware of the potential risks associated with such significant changes. TheKeviKs recently raised an intriguing point about Khumba’s mezz ability now causing damage even when the target is no longer affected, leaving us questioning if this means Khumba can deal full damage now. Is this what players expected when they joined? With comments like “Hi-rez doesn’t care about balance anymore, it’s all about fun,” it’s clear that not everyone is enthusiastic about these potential developments. This tension highlights a broader issue in games such as Smite, where developers must strike a delicate balance between player satisfaction and competitive fairness.

Community Insights on Item Changes

In Patch 11.08, it’s not just about enhancing gods; there are substantial modifications to items that have sparked lively debates among players. For instance, the overhauled Charon’s Coin has garnered praise from some users, with one individual expressing excitement saying, “I’m a big fan of the Charon’s Coin change.” Previously, its one gold perk was often regarded as a joke, but increasing it to 15 gold may make it a viable choice for builds. Players eagerly consume these updates and adjustments with great enthusiasm. On the other hand, some players have expressed disappointment over the adjustment made to Nemean Lion, labeling it “unreasonable.” They argue that the 15% reduction is insignificant, especially since lifesteal can neutralize such a minor change. Clearly, there’s a wide range of opinions about item changes, with some players seeing new possibilities in strategies while others feel that adjustments might diminish the gaming experience.

Artistry or Insipidity?

Players were excited about the changes in gameplay, but they also appreciated the new battle pass skins introduced in this update. One commenter pointed out, “The battle pass skins are so bland compared to the art! It’s like day and night in terms of quality.” While it’s important for developers to keep the gameplay exciting, visual design plays a huge role in enhancing the player’s overall experience. The way players compare the thrilling new abilities with their less impressive visual counterparts shows an essential aspect of how they engage with games. When visual aspects aren’t up to par, players might be less motivated to invest in games that align with their interests, leading to a unique dynamic within the gaming community.

Enthusiasts of the game Smite are no strangers to lively debates about aspects like balance, mechanics, cosmetics, and overall enjoyment. This latest update has kept that trend going, prompting comments that range from excitement over fresh buffs to apprehension regarding game equilibrium and design finesse. As gamers delve into a new phase of Smite where Khumba and his allies seem more formidable than ever, players gear up for the next round of thrilling fights and iconic moves. Whether the Underworld Unleashed update will be celebrated as a groundbreaking change or criticized as a significant blunder remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: Smite enthusiasts are anything but bored at the moment.

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2024-08-01 11:13