Understanding the Encore Wipe Mechanic in Destiny 2: Players Share Their Insights

As a seasoned Destiny 2 player with countless hours under my belt, I can wholeheartedly relate to Jealous_Platypus1111’s post about the Encore mission’s red death wall wipe. It’s not just the frustration of being wiped for going too fast that irks us; it’s the feeling of a punitive system that seems to catch even the most agile Guardians off guard.

In Destiny 2’s active community, gamers often discuss their gameplay experiences, including both positive moments and frustrations related to the game mechanics. A user named Jealous_Platypus1111 recently brought attention to an intriguing issue they encountered while re-doing a mission for collectibles. They found that moving too swiftly during the battle against the notorious Red Death wall could result in an immediate defeat as they exited the room, which they deemed as an “unexpected loss.” This post ignited a series of conversations among players about the reasons behind this challenging aspect of gameplay mechanics.

Encore wipes you for going too fast
byu/Jealous_Platypus1111 inDestinyTheGame


  • The post garnered significant attention, with many players sharing their insights and tips on avoiding the wipe.
  • The consensus is that players must wait for the red wall to complete its cycle before dunking the module.
  • Comments revealed that this issue is recognized as a bug and was noted in previous Bungie announcements.
  • Despite frustrations, players found camaraderie in sharing strategies to navigate the mechanic successfully.

The Frustration of Unnecessary Wipes

For many players, the experience of an unnecessary wipe can be highly annoying, transforming what should be an exhilarating run into a disheartening restart. In Jealous_Platypus1111’s post, the sentiment is clear: the mechanic feels punitive, somewhat overzealous for even seasoned players. The red wall of death doesn’t just represent a challenge; it often feels like an arbitrary punishment for those who have mastered the art of quickly hopping between objectives. User Twizzlor shared their experience, advising, “Don’t dunk until the red wall reaches the door. That seems to prevent the wipe most of the time.” This advice garnered various reactions, as players collectively tried to understand the rules behind this game feature.

Community Insights and Solutions

The comments section became a mine of suggestions as players chimed in with their solutions to navigate the red wall’s lethal embrace. One comment highlighted a common theory about the wipe being rooted in how the game recognizes player positioning. Idoberk observed, “From what I understand, it’s because the game thinks you’re still in the corridor with the red wall, thus when inserting the module, the game kills you.” This theory is echoed by other players who have experienced similar wipes despite feeling they had escaped the wall in time. This indicates a disconnect between player perception and the game’s handling of its mechanics.

Tips for Avoiding the Wipe

With more players offering their insights, there was growing agreement on how to bypass an irritating aspect of the game. BlaringKnight3 offered valuable advice, saying “It’s best to wait until the wall has reached its destination before performing a buff.” This recommendation provides a clear solution and encourages a thoughtful, tactical style of play that could be useful in other situations too. Players who took their time were praised by APartyInMyPants, who confirmed this method is “completely avoidable” while also expressing exasperation: “Indeed, it’s a strange glitch, and it can be frustrating when it occurs. But rest assured, it’s completely avoidable.

Comic Relief in Frustration

In the discussion, there were both complaints about troublesome wipes and jovial exchanges. User ResponsibilityWild96 added some humor to the conversation, saying, “I guess I’m just not good at this game, because in both my solo runs, I barely managed to dodge the wall of death by a whisker! It’s so close that it singes the hairs on my character’s behind!” This quote captured the ridiculousness of the situation and echoed the feelings of struggle among players. They pointed out a common theme within the community: even in challenging situations, laughter can still be found amidst the turmoil. The bond and shared experiences of players made dealing with this issue a bit more manageable.

Final Thoughts

The red wall of death in Destiny 2’s Encore mission has become a symbol of both community struggle and resilience. As players navigate these frustrating mechanics, they find solace and support in one another’s insights and experiences. While wipes might feel particularly harsh, especially for those who have mastered the every jump and run in the game, the cumulative wisdom shared by players like Twizzlor, Idoberk, and APartyInMyPants offers a way to approach gameplay with renewed strategies. Whether it’s teaming up with others or figuring out how to best time that crucial dunk, players can turn the tide in Destiny 2 and avoid unnecessary wipes. The community’s blend of savvy advice, humorous commentary, and entrepreneurial spirit shows that even when faced with the red wall, players can adapt, persist, and laugh through the wipe-fueled chaos.

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2024-09-08 04:28