Uncovering Excitement in the Persona Community: Who Would Buy New Persona Q Games?

As a dedicated fan who has spent countless hours immersed in the captivating world of Persona, I can wholeheartedly say that the recent buzz surrounding potential new releases of Persona Q games has me absolutely thrilled! The nostalgia that comes with remembering my time playing Persona Q on the Nintendo 3DS is palpable, and the prospect of a remastered version with updated graphics or improved gameplay features has me itching for more.

In the realm of Japanese Role-Playing Games (JRPGs), Persona has consistently been a fan favorite, offering an engaging mix of social interaction and dungeon exploration. A recent Reddit post by user TheOfficialWasteland sparked a wave of anticipation and debate among fans about possible future installments in the Persona Q series. Originally, the poster was curious to know how many enthusiasts would eagerly grab these games, fueling optimism for potential remastered or voice-dubbed versions of earlier versions of this beloved spinoff. This post prompted a variety of responses, showcasing both intense excitement and practical concerns related to pricing and game quality.

Who else would buy these in a heartbeat?
byu/TheOfficialWasteland inPERSoNA


  • There is strong enthusiasm among fans for potential new releases of Persona Q titles.
  • Concerns about pricing and quality of the games were expressed, revealing a cautious approach.
  • Suggestions for bundling and English dubbing have highlighted key expectations from the community.
  • Fans are still eagerly anticipating future Persona titles, including Persona 6.

The Buzz Around Persona Q

There’s no denying the high level of enthusiasm among fans for potential new Persona Q games. User ZombieTrex1456 beautifully expressed this excitement when they said, “Yes please! I’d adore a pair of these games.” The general feeling seems to be one of eagerness, largely due to the fact that the initial versions have cultivated a devoted fanbase through their immersive gameplay and endearing characters. Nostalgia is also a big factor, as many fans still cherish their memories of playing Persona Q on the Nintendo 3DS. The possibility of a re-release with updated graphics or enhanced features has fans eagerly waiting in anticipation.

Cautionary Notes

Although excitement runs high, there’s also a noticeable air of caution among enthusiasts. User jhk84 advocates a practical strategy, saying, “I’d rather wait six months post-release and grab them during a Steam sale. My backlog is already overwhelming, and I see no urgent need to play a single-player game immediately.” This viewpoint seems to be shared by many, suggesting that while people are eager to buy these new games, they are also mindful of unnecessary spending or acquiring titles that might not live up to their expectations. Furthermore, apprehension about how well the original games will transition to new platforms is a common concern, with some fearing the games could be “flandarized,” a term used when complex characters are simplified into one-dimensional versions.

Desires for Bundling and Dubbing

Many people talking online expressed their wish for both games to be sold together at an affordable cost. User FFPPKMN specifically stated they’d purchase a set if the two titles were bundled and dubbed around $40. This indicates that the community values good deals. A double pack could not only lower costs but also provide a hassle-free gaming experience. Additionally, there was frequent demand for an English dub for Persona Q2, with users insisting it needs proper localization. The online community often brought up the original titles, suggesting that some feel the quality of dubbing could be enhanced using contemporary voice actors to boost immersion and character development in the games.

The Anticipation for Future Persona Titles

As a die-hard fan of the Persona series, I can’t help but feel the buzz surrounding this incredible franchise extend far beyond discussions about the Persona Q games. While we eagerly anticipate the release of Persona 6, we also keep our fingers crossed for potential new installments in the Persona Q line. Modragon10’s comment about waiting on Persona 6 because he’s excited for Persona Q3 is a testament to the collective excitement building for the future of this beloved series. We crave more engaging content, but we also want it to stay true to the rich storytelling and character development that defines the franchise. This isn’t just a desire for more; it’s a yearning for the depth and quality that Persona games have come to symbolize.

Closing Thoughts

Amidst a blend of excitement and caution, the community surrounding the game Persona maintains a lively and anticipatory mood towards any upcoming updates. Debates on topics like packaging, voiceovers in English, and pricing reflect the combination of optimism and realism that many gamers share. As fans recall memories of exploring dungeons and creating bonds within virtual worlds, their eagerness for potential new installments hints at a promising future for the franchise. Persona isn’t simply a game; it’s a shared experience crafted by its players and their adventures, and TheOfficialWasteland’s conversation underlines this lasting connection. Regardless of when or how the next Persona Q games are released, one fact remains undeniable: fans are on tenterhooks, preparing their wallets for whatever lies ahead.

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2024-08-20 06:59