Top 3 Smite Gods – Who Reigns Supreme?

As a long-time Smite player with countless hours under my belt, I can wholeheartedly say that selecting my top 3 gods is no simple task. The community on Smite’s subreddit is brimming with passionate discussions about their ultimate picks, and each player’s reasoning behind their choices adds depth to the game’s rich universe.

In the game Smite, selecting your favorite three gods is not a simple task. On the subreddit, there are passionate debates among players about their preferred choices, with each explaining their rationale.

What would your top 3 smite Gods be and why?
byu/Infinite_Figure1905 inSmite


  • Players cherish gods for backstory and abilities
  • Personal attachment influences picks
  • Unique design and gameplay crucial

Vq-Blink – The Power Trio

Susano, Ullr, and Geb form a fearsome threesome, causing chaos on the battlefield with distinct gameplay approaches.

Jagkh’s Hot Take

Dylan, Dylan, Dylan – the fiery rapper’s lineup of top gods that spit hot fire.

Winter-Bonus-2643’s Praise

Cama, Serqet, Tiamat – a blend of badassery, cool venom, and divine beauty in a single pick.

In Smite, the importance of uniqueness is evident as players value distinct traits in their chosen deities. These differences could stem from a personal bond, exclusive abilities, or dominance on the battlefield. Each player’s preferred top 3 gods represents a customized strategy for mastering the battlegrounds. The lively debates on Reddit highlight the intensity of enthusiasm and tactics behind every god choice, adding to the rich diversity and thrill of the Smite community.

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2024-07-15 08:14