Top 10 League of Legends players at Worlds 2024

As a long-time follower and admirer of the League of Legends scene, I must say that the current mid lane pool is brimming with talent, each player showcasing unique skills and strategies that make them stand out from the rest.

Amongst over a hundred League of Legends Worlds 2024 participants representing their regions, there are several outstanding players who have significantly contributed to their team’s victories.

From nearly skipping the event altogether to Cloud9’s powerhouse team faltering at the final hurdle, there were numerous surprises and setbacks on every team’s challenging journey towards the most significant League of Legends tournament of the year. Achieving qualification was no mean accomplishment for the teams that made it.

However, just like DRX’s surprising victory in 2022, it’s important to note that a team’s seeding isn’t always a reliable indicator of who will ultimately emerge victorious at international events. These tournaments provide an excellent platform for exceptional individual players to establish their reputation.

Here are our top 10 players going into League of Legends Worlds 2024:

10. Wang ‘Light’ Guang-Yu – Weibo Gaming

Top 10 League of Legends players at Worlds 2024

In 2023, Weibo Gaming managed to reach the Grand Finals, but they faced a challenging road to Worlds 2024 as they lost crucial players from their topside following the event. This left them in disarray for most of 2024, causing their performance to significantly dip and making them one of the weaker teams during that period.

However, Light consistently held his ground. He’s been a pillar for this team, masterfully playing champions such as Miss Fortune, Ziggs, and Ezreal. He skillfully navigates the laning phase, maintaining safety, and shines when it counts the most. His champion selection aligns perfectly with the Worlds meta, and his superiority over Ruler in their match against JDG is what’s propelled this team to the event.

If Weibo manages to maintain a consistent performance across all members, aligning them with the level of unity demonstrated by Light, they stand a strong chance of claiming victory in its entirety.

9. Yoo ‘Delight’ Hwan-joong – Hanwha Life Esports

Top 10 League of Legends players at Worlds 2024

For years, Delight has been one of the world’s top-notch players, silently proving his worth. In 2022, he managed to elevate BRION to a competitive level, and in 2023, he moved to Gen.G, where he surpassed them in 2024. Time after time, Delight demonstrates his ability to perform at his best when it counts for Hanwha Life.

Delight is highly adaptable and performs exceptionally in the current tank-focused game environment. He’s one of the rare supports who can effectively leverage the advantage he gets from choosing a suitable counterpick. Recently, Delight has been open to switching away from his preferred champion, Rakan, to make the most of strategic counterpicking opportunities.

Opting for Blitzcrank when many others sport a cautious approach due to his title is an audacious move, and Delight is one of those fearless individuals who embraces such risks, ultimately enjoying the potential benefits.

The unexpected victory by HLE against Gen.G in the LCK Summer Final can largely be attributed to Delight, and it’s only fair that we acknowledge his significant contribution.

8. Rasmus ‘Caps’ Winther – G2 Esports

Top 10 League of Legends players at Worlds 2024

Regarding the West’s potential at Worlds 2024, there’s one player you can count on: Caps. While mid lane is a role teeming with talented players worldwide, he has consistently matched steps with the best since his Fnatic days in 2018.

From winning MVP at MSI 2019 to outplaying Faker at MSI 2024, Caps has maintained a standard that every player in the West thrives for even if the Worlds title eludes him. Does this put Caps on a pedestal as a title contender for Worlds 2024? Well, G2 have myriad problems that will get punished by any top Eastern team in terms of consistency and late-game macro, but they’ve also got a certain X-factor that’s hard to beat.

In this match-up, Syndra and Sylas joining the game give Caps a strategic advantage against the current ADC-centric meta. However, he’s not afraid to deviate from the norm and pick champions like Sion mid if the situation calls for it. This team’s success with unconventional drafting strategies can be attributed to their exceptional mid laner who consistently delivers top performance.

Written by Rishov Mukherjee

7. Kim ‘Aiming’ Ha-ram – DPlus KIA

Top 10 League of Legends players at Worlds 2024

It’s undoubtedly Aiming’s exceptional performance that earned DPlus KIA a ticket to Worlds 2024. While Kingen had some good games and Showmaker stepped up significantly against Faker to seal their spot at the event, it’s Aiming who has been consistently outstanding throughout the split.

This team’s major issue lies in their overall strategy, which is somewhat flawed due to their jungler being relatively inexperienced and Moham stepping in at the last minute from their challenger team. Throughout most of the year, DPlus has tried to compensate for this subpar map play by focusing on securing victories for them.

Contrarily, he’s quite different from Light, as his playstyle doesn’t align with the current meta. He prefers champions with hard scaling carries instead of Ziggs, Miss Fortune, or Ashe, which are popular right now. If the meta for Worlds 2024 were more conducive to him, Aiming might rank even higher on the list.

6. Kim ‘Kiin’ Gi-in – Gen.G

Top 10 League of Legends players at Worlds 2024

As a devoted fan, I’d say it’s Kiin who binds Gen.G as one unstoppable force. Though he’s earned a reputation for experimenting with some offbeat carry choices throughout his time in the LCK, he’s proven time and again to be a reliable weaksider, consistently delivering top-notch performances.

As a passionate fan, I’d rephrase it like this: If Gen.G deems it necessary for me (or any player) to have carry potential, I could potentially fill that role during the draft. However, given the abundance of star players on our team, Kiin has demonstrated the ability to recognize when he doesn’t need to be the sole recipient of all resources.

In terms of assembling a powerhouse team, ego can often prove to be the toughest adversary that players must overcome. Resources are limited in any given map, and not every member can serve as the primary carry. One significant factor contributing to Gen.G’s achievements this season is Kiin’s humility and his knack for executing whatever tasks his team requires.

5. Luo ‘ON’ Wen-Jun – Bilibili Gaming

Top 10 League of Legends players at Worlds 2024

Over the course of his career, ON has experienced both successes and setbacks. While playing for Suning and Weibo, people often jokingly referred to him as “OFF”. There have been instances where his decisions seemed reminiscent of Hylissang’s infamous INT plays, leaving one to ponder about the strategy behind his positioning choices.

It seems that with BLG, ON has broken through the lock. Pairing him with Elk, one of the most aggressive ADC players in the LPL, his aggressive gameplay and keen sense for battles significantly contribute to BLG’s impressive domestic victories in both 2023 and 2024. Moreover, ON’s borderline reckless playstyle aligns perfectly with the current meta that emphasizes tank-focused supports.

As a gamer, I might not boast the largest roster of champions globally (though I’ve got a reliable Renata and Bard), but I don’t need to be a versatile player because I excel at what I play. BLG always seems like they have a clear game plan and know how to execute it, and ON is a big reason behind their unshakeable confidence in drafts and during the game.

4. Yan ‘Wei’ Yang Wei – Bilibili Gaming

Top 10 League of Legends players at Worlds 2024

Taking over from a skilled jungler and being expected to excel is a challenging situation for Wei. BLG might’ve been okay if Xun started, but this team aims to win everything, and Xun wasn’t performing well enough. Therefore, they brought in Wei as an upgrade due to his extensive experience with RNG, making him a top-tier jungler. However, it was tough not to have doubts when he joined the team.

It became evident after several matches that any doubts about Wei being the top jungler in the LPL were unfounded. Despite joining the team at the last minute, this player proved his worth. He swiftly adjusted to the meta favoring magical junglers and quickly figured out the right strategy for success.

As a dedicated gamer, I must confess that this year’s meta has left me, and many other junglers, in a spin. Canyon and Tian, who were once formidable forces, seem to have lost some of their earlier prowess. Peanut, with his reputation as an international choker, would undoubtedly be a top choice if not for that factor. However, as we approach Worlds 2024, things might change. But for now, Wei stands out as the jungler worth considering in the top 10.

3. Jeong ‘Chovy’ Ji-hoon – Gen.G

Top 10 League of Legends players at Worlds 2024

Since his time at Griffin, Chovy has established himself as one of the top-tier global players, renowned for his exceptional mechanical skills and dominance in the laning phase. Regardless of the circumstances, he consistently manages to come out on top in his lanes.

Over the years, his prowess primarily lay in his laning phase. However, after joining Gen.G, he’s evolved into a well-rounded player. Critics once claimed that Chovy excelled in winning his lane but struggled to translate that advantage into a victory, but those criticisms no longer hold water. His exceptional skills as an LCK mid laner are well-deserved.

At MSI 2024, I finally experienced international acclaim for the first time as part of Gen.G. We dominated the competition, with me shining brightly as the top mid laner in the tournament. Despite Hanwha Life Esports preventing us from walking the Golden Road this year, I’m still determined to capture my first Worlds championship title.

Written by Rishov Mukherjee

2. Zhuo ‘Knight’ Ding – Bilibili Gaming

Top 10 League of Legends players at Worlds 2024

The spot for best mid laner in the world is a hotly contested one between Knight and Chovy. It’s pretty hard to argue against either of these players deserving the spot, but which one takes the crown is honestly up to personal preference. For me, though? The Golden Left Hand has been known as the king of mid lane for a reason in the LPL.

Apart from the fact that he’s adapted seamlessly to the present metagame emphasizing hard-carry champions in the mid lane, Knight has consistently excelled as a late-game scaling hypercarry. Given the heavy focus on such champions in the current meta, his performance is well-positioned for success.

As a gamer, I’ve got to give it up for Chovy, who’s known for spotting tiny openings and keeping a commanding lead in his lane. On the other hand, there’s Knight, who’s like a force of nature, overwhelming his opponents and dominating the map. The BLG team has been unstoppable in the LPL throughout 2024, and while each player has played their part, it’s Knight who’s really driving the victory train.

1. Park ‘Viper’ Do-hyeon – Hanwha Life Esports

Top 10 League of Legends players at Worlds 2024

Despite not achieving significant wins since his Worlds 2021 victory, Viper’s talent remains largely consistent. He’s more like a ghostly figure, constantly looming as a potential game-changer if given the chance. If you’ve never watched him play professionally, it seems he possesses an uncanny ability to predict the range of other players’ skills almost instinctively.

Certain ADC (Attack Damage Carry) players are limited by what is required within their role due to the demands of the current meta. Some ADCs require strong carry champions to excel, but not every meta supports this style of play. On the other hand, Viper possesses the unique ability to transform any champion into a potential carry threat. He consistently ranks at the top in terms of raw damage output and often manages to shift the balance of power in his team’s favor.

As a dedicated gamer, I wouldn’t bat an eye if Hanwha Life Esports clinched the Worlds 2024 championship with their outstanding performance.

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2024-09-22 23:19