Thordan Smash: Apex Legends – Custom Games with Viewers

As a long-time fan of Thordan Smash and his gaming content, I found his latest video on Apex Legends particularly intriguing. His passion for the game shines through as he delves into the issues with the ranked mode, an experience I share as a player who’s also felt the frustration of a seemingly broken system.

Title of Thordan Smash’s latest video: ‘Apex Legends Ranked Mode Needs Fixing – Let’s Play Custom Games Together!’ In this video, Thordan Smash shares his concerns about the ranked play in Apex Legends and suggests playing custom games with viewers as an alternative.

If you enjoy this content, consider subscribing to Thordan Smash’s YouTube channel!

Key Takeaways:

  • Thordan Smash discusses the broken state of the ranked mode in Apex Legends.
  • As a result, he decides to host custom games with his viewers instead.
  • Thordan Smash highlights the issues with the current ranked system and how it has impacted players.

Thordan Smash’s Thoughts on the Ranked System:

Thordan Smash voiced his annoyance over Apex Legends’ ranked mode, stating that the recent rank resets have brought about numerous problems for those striving to advance. In his opinion, the current ranked system appears to be malfunctioning and requires immediate attention to address these issues.

Custom Games with Viewers:

Since the ranked mode is busted, Thordan Smash chooses to set up custom games with his audience instead, keeping the fun going and enjoying the game. He shares the lobby code and extends an invitation to all, encouraging them to drop by for some relaxed matches.

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2024-08-13 15:18