“The Worst Movie of Young Century.” The Movie Starring Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck Suffered Losses of $47 Million and Was Quickly Pulled from Theaters

As a hardcore movie buff and long-time follower of Hollywood’s most intriguing stories, I can’t help but be fascinated by the infamous tale of “Gigli,” the film that brought together Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck in 2003. The production, which starred these two A-listers, was directed by Martin Brest, who had previously delivered hits like “The Beverly Hills Cop” and “Scent of a Woman.”

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck are among the most beloved couples in Hollywood, having met and started their relationship during a movie project over 20 years ago. Yet, considering the disappointing outcome of that film, they might both be inclined to look back on it with little fondness.

I’ve always been a fan of Martin Brest’s past work, having directed classics like “The Beverly Hills Cop” and “Scent of a Woman.” With such a strong resume, I was excited for his new film, “Gigli.” But unfortunately, things didn’t go as planned. The production faced numerous issues, leading to lackluster reviews from both critics and audiences. The Wall Street Journal even went so far as to label it the “worst movie of our admittedly young century.” Rotten Tomatoes reports that an dismal 6% of critical reviews were positive, while a mere 13% of viewers enjoyed it.

As a longtime movie enthusiast and critic, I’ve seen my fair share of box office bombs over the years. But none have left me as dumbfounded as “Gigli,” the 2003 film starring Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck. With my popcorn in hand and an eager anticipation in my heart, I settled into my seat at the local cinema, expecting a blockbuster hit.

The failure may have occurred because Brest wasn’t allowed to realize his vision for the film. In an interview with Playboy, producer Casey Silver revealed that while the director initially had full creative control, he lost it over time as the studio interfered, wanting to turn his work into a mainstream comedy. And so, according to Silver’s reports, a failure crushed by critics emerged from a non-ideal film that received mixed reviews during test screenings.

In 2023, I, Martin Brest, shared with Variety during an interview that I’d made the decision to step away from movie making after the release of “Gigli.”

After the incident with Gigli, I assumed I wouldn’t receive another invitation. Additionally, I recognized that I couldn’t manage projects with the level of control a director requires and deserves. Consequently, it seemed like a definite indication for me to step back.

I had an wonderful experience with much achievement and liberty, which was simply marvelous. I wish it could have continued longer, as we all do with good things. Nevertheless, I am deeply thankful for the precious moments I lived through.

The director admitted that he’s finished with the world of movies, yet he’s penned down two screenplays, yet he’s doubtful if either will make it to the big screen.

If you haven’t come across the movie “Gigli” before, it’s a story about a criminal given the mission to kidnap the sibling of a powerful district attorney. As he goes about executing this task, a woman named Ricki, whom he’s never met before, keeps tabs on him to make sure he completes his assignment successfully.

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2024-07-19 14:32