The Ultimate Challenge: Who is the Hardest God to Play in Smite?

As a long-time Smite enthusiast with countless hours spent in the arena, I can attest to the rollercoaster of emotions that comes with trying to master some of the more complex gods in the game. Take Thoth, for instance—a god who leaves me feeling like I’m juggling a dozen balls while blindfolded! The precision and timing required for his projectile-based abilities are enough to make even the most experienced players break into a cold sweat. And don’t get me started on Ullr—his button overload can leave me in a state of panic, pressing every key but the right one at the wrong time.

Players who enjoy Smite often engage in passionate discussions about which deities are the toughest to master. A thread on a well-known forum by GeometricLight recently posed the question, “Which god is the hardest for you to play, no matter how proficient you become?” This query ignited an animated exchange among players as they shared their struggles and gripes with diverse gods. Many pointed out that certain characters can make even seasoned players stumble, while others found common ground in acknowledging the distinct challenges each deity presents.

Who is the hardest god for you to play no matter who good you get?
byu/GeometricLight inSmite


  • Players struggle with various gods including Thoth, Ullr, and King Arthur, citing mechanical complexity and playstyle difficulties.
  • Many discussions highlight a community feeling of shared struggles, showing a humorous side to the frustrations of mastering complex characters.
  • Some players mention that their lack of success leads to a reluctance to play certain gods, pointing to how emotional investment affects gameplay.
  • The comments reflect not only individual preferences but also a broader understanding of game mechanics and strategies within Smite.

The Great Thoth Dilemma

Originally, Thoth was depicted as a god that numerous players found challenging to master. GeometricLight expressed, “I just can’t seem to get the hang of Thoth like some other players I encounter do, haha.” This difficulty is shared by others, as his abilities revolve around projectiles that demand precision and timing, which can be intimidating for some players. Players such as IntrepidCat8200 humorously admitted to fumbling keys or misjudging distances, leading to missed chances at crucial points in the game. A commenter found humor in their struggles by saying, “I press all the buttons and then die lol,” a sentiment that many could relate to, acknowledging the anxiety that can set in during those intense battles.

Ullr’s Button Overload

its steep learning curve. Characters like Ullr, who have various forms and button combinations tailored to different situations, can make new players feel lost in a whirlwind of skills without an obvious solution. Many gamers find mastering intricate combos under pressure challenging, which can lead them to be reluctant about choosing certain characters for their team.

King Arthur: Unkillable Demon Machine?

Indeed, King Arthur is much like that exceptionally skilled friend who occasionally highlights our own shortcomings. User ThermosityXBL vividly portrayed their encounter with him, saying, “King Arthur feels like an indestructible entity in my game.” However, they humorously added that they couldn’t embody King Arthur themselves, adding to the collective amusement among gamers. Mastering his complex kit demands not just technical prowess but also tactical wit – deciding when to attack or withdraw can often be a matter of survival, or, in this case, life and death. As players keep dancing with his dynamic skill set, there seems to be an emerging blend of awe and frustration as they strive to mimic the mastery of the experts.

Community Camaraderie Amidst Frustrations

Players openly discussed their personal struggles with challenging deities that seemed nearly impossible to conquer, creating an empathetic and amusing environment among them. For example, MindyStar8228 admitted, “I’ve never played worse than when I face off against Ravana, Lancelot, and He Bo in randomized modes. I can’t help but dread these encounters.” This reveals that the emotional connection players form with certain deities can sometimes overshadow the enjoyment of the game itself. Despite their difficulties, players expressed a willingness to persevere as they continued to battle through one difficult match after another. There’s a common bond in joking about being out of your depth when trying to master these gods, as many players shared the feeling of floundering like a fish out of water.

Lessons Learned and Growth

Discussions in this Smite Reddit thread provide a wider understanding of how players navigate complex characters and grow personally within the community. As GreenSkyDragon explains, there’s often a cycle of “aha moments” during their journey to higher ranks, followed by continued struggles with specific characters. Their lighthearted approach indicates an upbeat outlook, implying that each humiliating experience is actually a stepping stone towards progress rather than a dead-end. It seems evident that the community is strengthened through shared experiences, as laughter and stories about missteps foster camaraderie and build resilience among its members.

Embracing the Difficulty of God Play

Building on shared feelings of challenge, laughter, and friendship as players grapple with understanding the complexities of various gods, we establish a supportive community. Each tale, whether it’s about Thoth’s tricky projectiles, Ullr’s button chaos, or King Arthur’s fierce power, adds a vibrant thread to the fabric of player encounters. The ups and downs experienced while learning to adapt to different gods reveal an underlying strength within the player base – a testament to the enduring spirit of gaming. As characters can be tough to master, it’s this shared adventure filled with amusing insights that helps refine individual abilities and forge lasting connections among players. Despite occasional missteps, setbacks, or even doubts about choosing certain gods, they know they’re not alone. After all, what brings people closer than a joint struggle against formidable foes like King Arthur, where each defeat becomes another hilarious tale waiting to be told.

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2024-09-03 10:43