The Strange Coin Dilemma in Destiny 2: Can We Get More Storage for Exotic Class Items?

As a seasoned Guardian with countless hours under my belt, I can’t help but empathize with Sloth-2322’s plea for increased strange coin storage. Frankly, it feels like Bungie is keeping one hand on our wallets and the other on the pause button. I remember when I first started playing Destiny 2, the thrill of earning my first exotic class item was unparalleled. Now, it’s more of a weekly chore that seems to be designed to keep us coming back for more.

As a dedicated Destiny 2 fan, I’ve been chiming in on online discussions lately about the peculiar coin currency system in the game. Specifically, it seems many of us are frustrated with the storage limits for exotic class items available from Xur and his strange coins. Posts like the one by Sloth-2322 have sparked lively debates, focusing on the inconvenience of having limited space to store our strange coins, which can make purchasing new exotic class items a hassle.

Hate to ask but, if we can buy exotic class items from Xur, can we please increase strange coin storage?
byu/Sloth-2322 inDestinyTheGame


  • Players feel the current cap of 99 strange coins is limiting and creates unnecessary grinding.
  • Many believe the coin mechanics are an intentional design choice by Bungie to encourage weekly engagement with the game.
  • Suggestions for improving exotic item purchasing include expanding storage and allowing rerolls.
  • Community members express a mixed sentiment of frustration but also gratitude for new features.

Community Frustrations

In a discussion started by Sloth-2322, there’s a sense of shared irritation among the players about the puzzling restrictions on coin storage within the game. YoungKeys points out that these limitations on currency, which are deliberately put in place to encourage weekly play and maintain player interaction, exist. However, many players find these constraints annoying because they frequently reach a point where they can’t fully utilize their earned coins. For instance, 41 coins for each class item, along with the cap of 99 coins, often leaves them stuck and unable to maximize their earnings. Thus, instead of promoting ongoing engagement as intended, it seems these restrictions have led to perplexing frustration among players.

The Grind vs. Convenience

Exploring further, several users discussed the role of the mysterious coin system’s associated mechanics that require continuous play. Pably13 simply notes, “For novice players, it essentially boils down to a weekly chore they must complete, a task list.” This viewpoint is based on the idea that the grind acts as an initiation for new players, encouraging them to regularly interact with the game. However, veteran players express feeling disconnected from this grind, as JustMy2Centences puts it, “The cap seems designed to be a weekend grind if you want more than your coin stack will allow you to purchase.” This observation implies that while the grind may entice newcomers, it becomes an inconvenience for experienced players who are already familiar with the game’s intricacies. Therefore, striking a balance between making the game more engaging through grinding without frustrating veterans continues to be a challenging aspect hidden in the background.

Suggestions from the Community

Hamlin_Bones proposes a theory about future changes in Xur’s inventory, suggesting that the weekly limit for purchasing new exotic class items per account might be implemented. This would add an extra dimension of complexity to the current rules, potentially causing players to feel more pressure to make wise decisions, intensifying their existing feelings of frustration. Yet, the community doesn’t stop brainstorming; they offer creative ideas for improving the system. For example, JustMy2Centences suggests that if the limit on strange coins remains in place, it would be great if players could use these coins to reroll an exotic class item, which is a thought-provoking idea that could give the strange coin currency a fresh appeal. By allowing players to plan not only what to buy but also how to customize their existing items, this change could certainly introduce more depth to the gaming experience.

Plausible Outcomes

It’s intriguing that as players ponder over these ideas, there’s already chatter within the community about possible responses from Bungie. Jokingly, Cloud_N0ne foresees, “In just a few weeks, Bungie might say…”

-increased the number of Strange Coins that can be at a time to 100 (was 99).

Reduced the frequency at which Strange Coins are dropped by 75%, striking a balance between community excitement and apprehension about Bungie’s changes. Players yearn for enhancements, yet they also fear alterations that might make their gaming experience more complicated. With high expectations, it’s evident that players are not only looking forward to Xur’s return but also seeking a way to manage these adjustments without letting the grind overshadow their enjoyment. Players express a mix of frustration and gratitude towards the existing mechanics, advocating for a system that caters equally to both novice and experienced guardians.

As a devoted Destiny 2 fan, I’ve noticed an ongoing conversation among our community about the enigmatic Strange Coin system. We enthusiasts frequently exchange our thoughts, experiences, and even frustrations regarding this unique currency that fuels our quest for rare loot. Some of us find the limited availability and the thrill of grinding for precious items exhilarating, while others yearn for a more adaptable system that encourages creativity and strategic spending.

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2024-08-16 14:28