The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: The Love Glove

As a seasoned observer of human dynamics and a self-proclaimed connoisseur of reality TV drama, I find myself deeply invested in this latest installment of The Real Housewives of Orange County. It’s clear that these women, despite their flaws and foibles, are complex individuals navigating the intricacies of friendship, family, and personal growth.

In a playful manner, I often quip that Shannon Storms Beador’s seasons on the show haven’t been particularly good. If her husband wasn’t unfaithful, then she was gaining weight, going through a divorce, facing lawsuits, and experiencing an unfortunate incident with an enema. Yet, it appears as though this season, marked by a recent DUI arrest and her ex’s new girlfriend joining the cast, could be her most challenging yet. Remarkably, this might turn out to be her best season due to JJ’s behavior, which is truly appalling.

The episode commences with Gina, Emily, Heather, and Shannon still in La Quinta. They’re enjoying a leisurely breakfast when Shannon begins to weep over her relationship troubles that have escalated into legal issues. Emily shares with Shannon that when John took her to court for the money she had borrowed, it made her appear untrustworthy regarding their financial dealings during the early years of their relationship. Calling Shannon a liar might be an accusation that doesn’t fit, but… Shannon recounts a time when she spent $10,000 on a birthday trip to Los Angeles for John’s daughter. She did this not because anyone asked her to, but out of a desire to strengthen their newly formed family bond.

Emily, who’s usually the legal-minded one, suggests Shannon propose a $30,000 settlement instead of the $75,000 John Janssen is demanding, and wrap up the issue altogether. However, Shannon expresses her reluctance to give him even a penny, let alone engage in a payment plan with him. (This sparks an idea. Could we potentially start a business in the OC, providing financing for plastic surgery?)

1. Everyone, including me, is standing behind Shannon and offering their support. Honestly, I want to join them too. It’s obvious that John has contrived this entire lawsuit (which is still being played out) solely to embarrass Shannon. Using Alexis Bellino, putting her back on the show, and then exploiting her to air his issues with her is one of the most deceitful actions a man has ever taken on this show, and that’s saying something given Brooks Ayers’ past. What makes it even more despicable is that John won’t show himself, at least not yet. It’s all being done through Alexis, who just can’t stop talking but also seems to mention Shannon’s name so frequently I wonder if it isn’t lodged in her Invisalign.

As I prepare to depart from Big Bear, my phone buzzes with a call from John Janssen. His voice is laced with anger, though only his words reach my ears: “The gloves are off.” This phrase resonates, as it seems to echo something he previously told Alexis. Informing the rest of the ladies about his growing frustration towards Shannon, she sobs on the bed, her words dripping with contempt: “She’s such a wretched individual, I feel like I might vomit.”

It seems clear that Shannon did something hurtful to John which led him to the edge, yet Alexis doesn’t reveal what exactly happened. When a producer queries her about it during her private conversation, she responds, “That’s a question for John.” Out of all the evasive statements made by Alexis Bellino on this show, this one takes the cake as the most evasive. Her role is to serve as John’s voice, to share his evidence from Shannon’s plastic surgery. She has slandered Shannon in various ways and repeated every accusation that John desired. However, when it comes to something he doesn’t want disclosed or discussed, Alexis suddenly defers by saying, “You have to ask John.” This approach contradicts the rules of the game. If John wishes to discuss these matters, then let’s invite him onto the show. If we wish to question John, why isn’t he seated next to her on that confessional bench? He can’t be a ghostly presence on the show, exerting influence, but then vanishing when things become challenging.

As a long-time viewer of reality TV shows, I’ve seen my fair share of drama and controversial moments, but what John and Alexis are doing to Shannon is particularly distasteful. From my perspective as someone who has always admired strong women, it’s appalling to see this woman being put through such a public ordeal for the sake of entertainment. It’s heartbreaking to think about the worst moments of her life being broadcasted for our amusement.

As I reflect on the unfolding events, it seems connected to the incriminating videos John and Alexis are using as leverage against Shannon. In a shocking, brief glimpse of the future, we see Shannon discovering these videos in two weeks, left devastated by their contents. Now, having learned what’s hidden within those tapes – footage of Shannon’s close call with drunk-driving, nearly striking John’s daughter – I must admit that my previous assumption was far from the truth. Whatever it is, it’s indeed terrible. I never thought something this awful could even be a possibility.

Still, I feel for Shannon because John and Alexis are basically saying, “Pay me $75,000, or I am going to continue to publicly humiliate you, and then I will release these videos.” This isn’t a lawsuit; it’s extortion, and we’re all a little bit a part of it and it’s ickier than PK’s jockstrap after a ten-mile jog … if he ever jogged anywhere except from the couch to the fridge to pour himself a Malibu and Diet Pepsi.

When Shannon and I aren’t seeing eye to eye, it’s during moments like when Tamra takes Shannon out for a dose of tough love that I feel a bit disconnected. In Big Bear, Jenn had a heart-to-heart with Tamra, urging her to stop antagonizing Shannon. Despite coming off as naive at times and perhaps not knowing how to care for herself, Jenn appears to be the most compassionate personality on this show.

At the end of the episode, it wasn’t quite as pleasant as Jenn might have hoped. Tamra begins by suggesting that Shannon should have initiated the meeting for an apology. That’s definitely a misstep. It’s not just a misstep; it’s a misstep from a long-decomposed corpse Tamra unearthed on her way to lunch, and it’s still twitching on the table. She then proceeds to mimic Shannon to emphasize how absurd she appears. Tamra is primarily worried that Shannon isn’t receiving the necessary help following her DUI conviction. Shannon responds with, “If I reach a point where alcohol becomes an issue for me, I will address it.” If…? If?! During Shannon’s very first reunion on the show, Andy inquired about her drinking problem. This has been a continuous concern throughout her years as a Housewife. As Heather Dubrow famously put it, “If everyone says you’re dead, it’s time to lie down.”

After that, Shannon remarks that she’s witnessed Tamra in several questionable situations involving alcohol. “Have I ever accidentally driven my car into a house?” Tamra queries with a composed, yet slightly misplaced tone. Upon standing up to speak to a producer in private about Tamra, Shannon is asked by her own producer where she has gone. Upon learning that Shannon is in the bathroom, Tamra enquires, “Is she perhaps having a secret drink?” I couldn’t help but chuckle, I genuinely laughed out loud.

I have a hard time with this whole conversation. I get that Tamra wants the best for her, but it has been nothing but attacks and low blows all season. Going low is not going to get Shannon to get the help that she needs. But Shannon can’t be that mad at Tamra for the specific remark about driving her car into a house. She did it. Those are facts. But Shannon doesn’t see it as her problem, alcohol or otherwise. John Janssen drove her to drink, and just like in the past, she blamed her husband or Victoria Denise Gunvalson Jr. for hitting the sauce. Until Shannon takes some kind of agency in her life, until she realizes that she is the only one responsible for her bad decisions, she’s never going to improve. If she can’t even face the literal facts about what she’s done, she’s a long way off.

As lunch concludes with Tamra expressing her love for Shannon and promising support, there’s an undercurrent of anticipation that this argument may resurface later. It brings to mind another dispute in the same episode, between close friends Gina and Emily – a rare instance where they clashed, right on a pickleball court! Now, where would one expect middle-aged, suburban women to have a spat these days? Exactly!

Emily finds issue with Gina showing excessive deference towards Heather Dubrow after she criticized Katie, Gina’s new friend, and also with Gina speaking negatively about Emily since they grew closer with Tamra. Gina perceives Emily as overly aggressive, and suggests that Emily and Tamra are engaging in a competition to be the biggest jerk, which Emily quickly denies by pointing out Gina’s quick submission to Heather when faced with criticism.

In the realm of cinematic experiences, this was an authentic squabble between genuine companions. It felt akin to overhearing two sincere women discussing matters that transcend the boundaries of television, courtrooms, gossip mills, or court battles. These are two close friends who are trying to align their perspectives again. Contrary to many catfights on reality shows, which stem from malice, this one originated from a place of affection. Emily cherishes Gina so deeply that it pains her when Gina harbors negative opinions about her. Gina isn’t looking to tread lightly around Emily or fear her anger because she needs her unwavering support now, given the challenging circumstances at home.

It says a lot about these two and their bond that they can turn the fight around pretty quickly and get back to a place of mutual agreement. I wish all of the shows could be like this: honest, raw, and real. Instead we get Alexis showing up with her marching orders and then clamming up as soon as the battle gets difficult. While there was plenty of drama with a capital D this whole episode, this actual spat is the one that I won’t forget anytime soon.

And then they blessed us with this perfect piece of dialogue at the end.

“I just see what happened with Tamra and Shannon [breaking up],” Gina worries.

“That’s not us,” Emily reassures her. “Those two are dysfunctional nutjobs.”

“They’re so fucked up.”

“They are!”

“That’s not us. We’re totally normal.”

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2024-08-23 06:55