The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: Jean Therapy

As someone who has spent years navigating the complexities of female friendships, I can’t help but feel a sense of familiarity watching this unfold. It’s like a scene straight out of my own life, with all its petty squabbles, misunderstandings, and the occasional explosive outburst.

In this unusual installment, the focus primarily shifts towards the women spending time alone, either individually or in small pairs. There’s a brief commercial break showcasing Shannon and Vicki’s comedy club road trip, which includes a comical failed attempt at a T-shirt slingshot. The room wasn’t particularly large, Vicki; you could have easily tossed the shirts or had Shannon shoot them from her backside like a misfired enema. We also witness Tamra and Katie bringing their disenchanted 18-year-old daughters to a candle-making workshop (an activity I would be delighted to join as a Housewife). Lastly, Gina is seen sneakily swiping nine lemons from Shannon’s neighbor’s garden and placing them in a bowl.

There was one home scene that really interested me, and that was Jenn’s sit down with her son, Shane Dawson. Just kidding. It’s just Dawson, but the hair is giving me a 2010s YouTuber. I think this is one of the first times we’ve seen Jenn talk about something other than her drama with the women or her relationship. There were also a couple of telling details. How did Jenn’s ex Will go from living in some big, fat house in Orange County to living in a one-bedroom apartment that his son wants to share with him? We are not getting the full story about this divorce, and I would like somewhere very trashy (I’m looking at you, RadarOnline) to interview Will and find out what is really going on.

What interested me about the conversation between Jenn and Dawson is that Jenn seems totally unprepared to parent. It’s like everything in her life came so easy that she gave her children everything so easy, but now that it’s time to discipline an unruly teenage boy, she can’t handle it. He says he wants his space and, sure, all teenagers do, but when he’s failing at school, blowing curfew, and otherwise testing the boundaries, Jenn needs to make sure that those boundaries are firmer than the crusty socks on a teenage boy’s bedroom floor. It’s interesting when she brings her complaints to the rest of the group, and Heather, who has some experience with teenage boys, says they all do this. Could you imagine the shit storm that Heather Paige Kent Dubrow would rain down on one of her kids were they to show up past midnight on a school night? You have a better likelihood of surviving a Sharknado. But Jenn? Please, bust that curfew every night, and she’s not even going to stop buying your favorite sugary cereal.

In the ongoing discourse, the focus this time around, as seen in this episode, revolves around the legal dispute between JJ Squared (John Janssen) and Shannon Beador. To kick off the hour, Shannon confides in Gina that John is using her recorded videos for potential blackmail. In a text, Shannon’s lawyer reveals, “They said, ‘John needs some kind of safety net if Shannon loses control.'” To put it simply, this is Shannon Storms Beador, someone who hasn’t found a rail she couldn’t step off of, even at the famous Rails Steakhouse in New Jersey. While I understand John’s strategy, Shannon has proposed to settle the matter by paying him back and putting an end to it, but he still seems reluctant.

I love that lawyer Emily Simpson pulls up the California penal code to read us the definition of “extortion,” which is “a criminal offense where the defendant threatens to expose the secret of another person.” Um, sounds familiar? Yeah, we’re totally dealing with blackmail here, and I’m glad that Emily is calling it out in real-time. I also love that Emily has a growing hatred of Alexis that mirrors what the fans are feeling. Emily is always right. Emily is our hero. Make Emily great again.

However, I must admit, I found myself struggling to follow this episode’s storyline. When Emily dined with Jenn and Katie over breakfast (a meal that Jenn unknowingly paid for), Emily expressed her feelings about Heather’s fashion show. She mentioned that the dress she received was a size 12, which she felt was too large for her. It left her feeling odd because Alexis modeled the same dress in a size 2. Additionally, Emily was the only one told to wear jeans, so during the final curtain call, where everyone else wore white shirts, she stood out slightly.

As a movie critic, I must admit, Emily’s character in The OC has always stood out among her co-stars, not because of any lack in their performance, but simply due to her larger-than-life presence. Over the years, she’s consistently slayed every scene, and if I were a Bravo editor, I would surely be compiling a two-minute montage showcasing those instances where Emily truly rocked that one-piece!

All the women gather at Ryan’s house to socialize with Jenn and participate in a round of an unusual version of Jenga, where we find ourselves teasing Gina’s boyfriend Travis, who is part of the ‘growers not showers’ group once more. Additionally, Tamra exhibits unconventional behavior by urinating in front of everyone, but not on the lawn or pavement. Essentially, Tamra is communicating, “If you’re asking me to embarrass myself, I will retaliate by making you uncomfortable with my unorthodox actions. Deal with it.

However, it’s Alexis Jesus Juggs Bellino who caused the most trouble at this gathering. She carelessly tossed her large Jenga piece into the fireplace, unaware that gas fires don’t respond to such treatment. (To be honest, my husband often does the same with matches when lighting our gas fire, leaving a pile of them at the bottom for later cleanup. Christian, I feel compelled to remind you about this.) Upon Alexis’ arrival, I envision myself untangling her intricate braid style on her head. When Heather expresses gratitude for Alexis accompanying her to a GLAAD event, she mentions wishing John could have been there too, to witness Alexis championing for a noble cause. This leaves everyone else puzzled when Alexis reacts strangely, assuming some significant incident had occurred.

It seems that Alexis has been dealing with an ongoing, contentious legal dispute, which she finds frustrating and unnecessary, as it was initiated by her boyfriend without any apparent reason other than to cause distress for his former partner. This is what’s upsetting her, if I understood correctly. If the situation were a metaphorical factory, she would be working tirelessly to fold chairs, only to find that someone keeps taking them away before they can be finished.

Following the mischief, Emily discusses her feelings from the fashion show with Heather, mentioning that she was the only one wearing jeans while everyone else was dressed up, and she felt the dress was too large for her. She also notes that Alexis was wearing the same dress, which made her feel larger standing next to her in it. Heather listens sympathetically, responding appropriately, but her facial expression subtly communicates a sense of bewilderment, as if she’s thinking, “Why are you bringing this up with me?

From that point, the dispute escalates. When Heather attempts to speak, Emily interrupts, causing Heather to assert, “It’s my turn now,” in a manner that suggests argumentation. Moreover, in the private interview, Heather mentions that the dress was snug on Emily, which was an underhanded remark. Emily persists in antagonizing Heater primarily because she refuses to listen and give Emily a chance to voice her thoughts. Heather labels Emily as rude, and Emily brands Heather as aloof and condescending, but truth be told, they both have valid points.

In this situation, both individuals appear to have fallen short, but I lean slightly towards Heather’s perspective. It appears that Heather felt Emily was criticizing her actions related to Straightless Not Dateless, which she was trying to support financially. However, Emily may have unintentionally come off as critical. Emily seemed to be expressing her personal struggles, aiming to share her feelings with the other women, but it appeared as if she had an issue with Heather. This vulnerability was commendable, but Heather’s reaction was aggressive. Katie notes that instead of acknowledging potential flaws and moving on, Heather tends to make the focus about herself when criticized, earning a D minus in this instance for all parties involved.

Yet again, credit is given solely to JJ, who managed to transform a situation that didn’t necessitate personal involvement into one about herself. “I find myself at my lowest ebb currently,” she declares, “and you said, ‘How audacious of you to dress me next to Alexis.'” Oh dear lady, enough already. What she was essentially expressing is that she disliked wearing a similar dress as the slimmest woman in the group, excluding Heather and Tamra. This could be interpreted as a subtle compliment, but Alexis, the modern-day equivalent of a Christian martyr, insists on portraying herself as the victim in this scenario.

As the conflict subsides, Heather shares with the other women, excluding Emily and Gina, that her actions were unintentional. Meanwhile, Alexis continues attempting to join the grievance competition, remarking, “And then she said you put me next to Alexis…” Essentially translating NeNe Leakes’ words, Alexis seems to be asking why she’s involved in this situation as she has no connection to it.

Emily and Gina enter to inform everyone they’re departing, and Emily and Heather exchange their farewells. Emily expresses to Heather that she didn’t believe she had done anything wrong, but when she expressed her desires, Heather became angry. Alexis adds, “Yet you persisted.” This is the moment Emily loses her cool.

Emily expressed her frustration to Alexis, saying “Please keep quiet, Alexis.” As a friend, Emily felt it was important to assert herself in this situation where she wasn’t directly involved. Emily’s words carried weight, and they resonated with everyone present. On her way out, Emily exclaimed, “Alexis, please be silent.” She added, “Keep on bothering John if you must, but honestly, you’re being ridiculous.” Emily’s honesty was appreciated by those around her, as it mirrored the thoughts of many.

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2024-09-20 05:54