The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: Flag on the Play

As a woman who has been through a messy divorce myself, I can relate to Gina’s struggle to move on and put herself first. It’s a difficult decision to make, especially when children are involved. But as my wise friend Tamra once said, you need to stay in the driver’s seat and not let yourself be dragged down by someone else’s drama.

Although this episode seemed less exciting than usual, it was filled with classic early Housewives‘ drama. Katie grew frustrated that not all housewives welcomed the newcomer warmly? Quintessential! A husband constantly carrying a large Big Gulp drink around the house. So retro! An argument erupted over which wife had the right to use a specific gym. Was this a throwback to 2009? The recent fight was so trivial, so absurd, and yet so delightfully low-stakes – the kind of Housewives’ drama we seldom see anymore (except in Miami). Nowadays, it seems all about divorces, court cases, and lawsuits. Oh please, oh please, could we go back to just squabbling over gym ownership?

Based on Shannon Storms Beador’s account, when they were still dating, John Janssen went to her gym and hired a trainer. After their breakup, he continued working out there with his new girlfriend, Alexis JJ Bellino. The trainers reportedly requested no drama at the gym, which upset John, causing him to vow never to return. According to Alexis, Shannon hasn’t visited the gym in half a year. Her casual reference to it as “my gym” during a conversation with Gina seems more like a jab at Shannon’s fitness level than an ownership claim.

I’ve had my fair share of relationship drama in my time, and the situation between Alexis and her ex-partner John leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It’s not just one issue that’s bothering me; there are several red flags waving here.

Despite the similarities between Alexis’s new dog Biscuit and Shannon’s dog Archie, who is the only appealing character on this problematic show, Alexis’s recent actions towards Shannon are questionable. Her past infidelity with Shannon’s man, appearances on Shannon’s program, and sudden reconnection with Shannon’s friends seem strange, almost as if she’s trying to imitate or outshine Shannon. However, it appears that Alexis isn’t seeking to replace Shannon; instead, she simply desires the title and privileges of being a Housewife, using Shannon as her primary target.

One aspect of this ongoing debate highlights why I’ve never been fond of Alexis Bellino. In her confessional, she states, “You can’t call it your gym unless you own it. Did you buy the place?” This argument is both ill-informed and simple to refute, much like every other statement Alexis makes. We frequently refer to places as ours based on our regular attendance. I assume Alexis attends a specific church every Sunday. Did she acquire it from the divine being, Jesus Christ? Can she label it “her” church if she hasn’t been there for months? No, it remains hers because she is a constant attendee, just like Shannon considers her gym as such. It would infuriate Alexis if one Sunday, Jim Bellino’s new companion showed up with him, attempting to claim they had attended that church together. If I were the judge, I would grant the gym to Shannon and divide Alexis Bellino in two. Isn’t that how the well-known tale of two women fighting over a baby ends? (However, it is essential to note that this metaphorical division is not an actual suggestion for resolving any disputes between individuals.)

At Emily’s flag football gathering among the Housewives, an intriguing event unfolds. The rules of the game remain a mystery to all, and few are enthusiastic about participating. Instead, they prefer focusing on creating their team jerseys and engaging in gossip rather than actively playing with the ball on the sand. Heather Dubrow is the sole exception, reveling in her role as referee. Her perfect afternoon involves blowing the whistle and enforcing the random regulations she has established for the group.

After their confrontation, the women, excluding Alexis who left to buy a church, gathered and engaged in an engaging discussion between Gina and Jenn. However, the conversation took a turn when Gina labeled Jenn as a squatter. Although technically correct, it came across as unkind. Gina expressed her disappointment that Jenn hadn’t informed her of her financial situation or considered the impact on her. In response, Jenn shared that she was unaware of the rent issues when she signed the contract. Gina suggested that if there had been a chance she might not be able to pay, she should have opted for a more affordable home instead of the large one her father is financing.

Although all points raised are significant, it’s crucial to acknowledge that Jenn is repeating past mistakes. She married young and let her ex-husband handle finances, now relying on Ryan for shelter and transportation. Fearful of losing these comforts, she finds herself in a similar predicament. The ladies advise Jenn to gain independence and take control, but warn that the car and living situation are not sustainable solutions. Gina shares her recent experience of post-divorce financial struggles, urging empathy and understanding. Tensions seem to have eased for now, yet there’s a possibility this issue may resurface unexpectedly.

The episode concludes with three intriguing scenes that enhance our understanding of the distinct personalities of the women on RHOBH, although they don’t significantly contribute to the season’s main drama. Firstly, Sutton Strack invites Gina and Katie for lunch and brings her new French bulldog, Junebug Carter Cash. Katie recalls past instances where Heather allegedly snubbed her despite their prior acquaintance. She expresses confusion over Heather’s behavior, unsure which persona is genuine: the cold, unfriendly one or the friendly, welcoming one. It’s obvious that the former is the real Heather. We’ve seen enough of RHOBH to recognize Sutton’s description of Fancy Pants as insincere. However, Sutton is wise to caution Katie about engaging with Heather. I may not be as gullible as a wet towel in the tub, but even I can see the appeal of a well-crafted facade.

Moving on, let’s discuss Emily’s upcoming lingerie photoshoot for her anniversary with Shane, as well as her newfound confidence in her body. Previously, Emily was not your typical “ideal” figure, but she never appeared unattractive or unhappy. In fact, she seemed more content and natural than several other housewives who were smaller in size.

Many times, we come across individuals appearing in Jenny Craig advertisements, giving the impression that weight loss and achieving a perfect body is effortless and natural for them. However, behind the scenes, looking “TV-ready” involves significant investment of time, energy, and resources, taking a toll on personal relationships and well-being. I’m glad Emily feels content with her appearance, but it’s important that she doesn’t make others feel inadequate as well. During her photoshoot, she looked stunning wearing an outfit reminiscent of a one-piece bathing suit. Emily excels in rocking a one-piece swimsuit – if there’s an antidote to my kryptonite, it might just be her in that attire.

Lastly, there’s Gina. Oh dear, Gina. She stands by as Travis gathers his ties and work attire, preparing to leave their shared home. I must confess, I still believe this decision is misguided. Apologies for my previous stance. However, after reflecting on Gina’s perspective, I now see her reasoning more clearly. According to her, she has recently emerged from a distressing divorce settlement and her life with Matt is prospering. She fears that Travis’ ongoing issues with his ex might negatively impact this newfound stability. Furthermore, she is gradually earning some additional income and is uncertain whether to allocate these funds solely for her children, or for all six kids, or save nothing at all to preserve the current situation.

Although I believe Gina’s plan to save this relationship seems unwise, as indicated by Travis’ expression and attitude, I also acknowledge her perspective. She must prioritize herself and her family’s well-being, as advised for Jenn. Standing in her driveway before the downpour, Gina watches as Travis departs in his Nissan Leaf, leaving behind a half-emptied home. Her farewell resembles Betty Draper bidding Don farewell for work, but this isn’t just another day; it’s an emotional goodbye. This wave signifies the end of their journey together, with Gina left alone and trying to dry her hair after the rain while feeling dismal about her appearance on camera despite her earnings.

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2024-07-26 06:54