The Penguin Episode 3 recap: Oz and Sofia become friends & foes

As a seasoned observer of the underworld, I must say that Oz’s words to Vic in this scene echo the cold, hard truth about survival in a ruthless environment. His life experience has taught him that good and bad are mere constructs when one is trying to navigate the treacherous waters of organized crime. The fact that Vic is still grappling with these concepts shows his naivety, a luxury he can no longer afford if he wants to survive.

In The Penguin Episode 3, we delve into Victor Aguilar’s harrowing past, but the main emphasis is on the vibrant, fruitful relationship between Oz Cobb and Sofia Falcone. Unfortunately, this connection didn’t endure.

In Oz’s own terms, he was quite busy during The Penguin Episode 2. He devised a straightforward strategy: given that the Falcones were shifting their drug operations beyond Gotham, the Maronis could seize the opportunity to strike the convoy, capture the drugs, and swiftly retreat.

The plan fell through, and as the family was on a hunt for a traitor, he attempted to shift the responsibility onto Johnny Viti. However, this tactic didn’t succeed, leading instead to a tragic turn of events. A helpless Maroni soldier was brutally stabbed, and Sofia’s bodyguard met his end, found with the incriminating knife in his possession.

In the end, everything seemed to fall into place. I, Oz, managed to win over Sofia’s faith, and just before time ran out, we made a pact – a promise to dance together.

Victor loses his family to the flood

The Penguin Episode 3 recap: Oz and Sofia become friends & foes

The story begins with a flashback to Crown Point, where Victor is preparing to attend a rooftop party with his girlfriend, Graciela. Before setting off, he pays a visit to his apartment to leave some items for his mother, father, and sister.

He tells his dad he should be paid more for his extra effort. “You act like wanting more is a bad thing, don’t you want a better life than this?” he asks, but his father says they have “more than enough.”

On his way to the party, his father questions if Squid will be present. Given the circumstances, it’s evident that Squid is a troublemaker – a drug dealer, ruffian, and gang associate, among other unsavory traits.

In this scenario, Vic and Graciela are positioned at an edge, but their private moment is abruptly ended due to explosions echoing throughout Gotham. These blasts were orchestrated by the Riddler, as seen in The Batman, causing a torrent of water to sweep through the city streets and ultimately destroy Victor’s residence, with his loved ones inside.

The scene shifts to the current moment where Oz is about to release an extraordinary, innovative drug alongside Sofia. Oz informs Vic that they’re joining forces for now, hinting that Luca and their family will eventually deal with her, thus maintaining Oz’s position at the head of things.

Oz and Sofia hit the town

The Penguin Episode 3 recap: Oz and Sofia become friends & foes

He requests Vic to chauffeur him and Sofia, however, Oz later remembers he hasn’t provided any payment for his services yet. He initially offers Vic a thousand dollars per week, telling him to request additional compensation whenever needed. “How can anyone understand your value unless you express it?” he questions, but he chuckles when Vic asks for two thousand dollars.

In this scenario, Oz receives a phone call from Salvatore, allowing Vic to handle Sofia’s presence. Oz is understandably anxious as Sofia casually queries about how they first met. He concocts an ambiguous, awkward tale, claiming that Oz admired his auto work. “Did Oz ever mention he was my driver?” he had once been a chauffeur for Oz, a detail she didn’t seem to know, easing the tension in their relationship.

In a different scenario, Sofia asks Vic to remain at home since the evening might stretch longer (and perhaps she wishes to maintain confidentiality about the fresh medication). So, as Oz chauffeurs Sofia, Vic extends an invitation to Graciela for their apartment gathering.

Oz and Sofia make their way to the warehouse containing the storage of the substance in question. These aren’t groundbreaking discoveries, as they are actually mushrooms, but Oz jokingly remarks about this. It’s not the mushroom itself that’s the drug; rather, it’s the “basidiospores” produced by these mushrooms – the red liquid on top of them – that holds the potency.

It produces a powerful, exhilarating effect that’s unmatched among existing drugs, and there’s a suggestion that it might be administered to the prisoners at Arkham Asylum.

“Find me a distributor and we’ll paint the town red,” Sofia tells Oz.

Vic considers his future

The Penguin Episode 3 recap: Oz and Sofia become friends & foes

Graciela shows up at Oz’s house, taken aback by its high-class feel and Vic’s comfortable living situation. She confides that she’s relocating to California to escape the poverty and sorrow back in Gotham, particularly after the Riddler’s attacks.

He wonders if he can accompany her, but Vic is uncertain if it’d be permitted given that the person she’s asking isn’t just a club owner, but more like a gangster. In his words, “He likes having me around because I’m sort of like a companion for him. He seems quite lonely and I’ve seen things I shouldn’t have. If I were to leave, I’m not sure what he might do.

I suggested to him, as a fellow gamer, that it’d be best for him to move on right now. Seeing as I had some spare cash, I offered to help him book a hotel and buy a bus ticket to California. I figured he could use this time away to sort out how to share the tough news with Oz.

Johnny Viti gives Sofia an ultimatum

The Penguin Episode 3 recap: Oz and Sofia become friends & foes

At the Falcone residence, now filled with security following the event at Alberto’s funeral, Johnny Viti opens up to Sofia in a straightforward manner.

“This business ain’t your business. Take a f**kin’ hint. Luca, he’s the head of the family now. So when he tells you to go to Italy, you get on a f**king plane,” he says, before handing her a ticket to Rome.

In a straightforward manner, “I realize you’re not entirely normal… yet I’m not intimidated by you. To me, you’re just a pampered child who reaped what she sowed,” I cautioned her, giving her two days to depart or face dire consequences.

Sofia and Oz try to sell Bliss

The Penguin Episode 3 recap: Oz and Sofia become friends & foes

The following day, Oz and Sofia venture into Chinatown with their freshly developed substance, intending to present it to Link Tsai, a key figure in the Triads who manages their establishments. Feng Zhao leads the Triads, being the one who can sanction an alliance, but as Oz explains, they must initiate somewhere – and this is the perfect opportunity.

Link and Oz don’t have a great relationship, with hints that Link sold cigarettes to Oz without sharing the profits. This has put their friendship at risk, but Oz understands that if the Triads sought retribution, he wouldn’t be alive today. Intriguingly, Oz offers a promising opportunity, saying playfully, “I’ve got something special for you here.

Following Oz’s revelation about the substance he calls “Bliss”, Link expresses concern that he might be part of a power grab instead. Oz reassures him, explaining that it’s essentially a “reorganization within the company” and they have backing from inside their kinship group.

Later on, Oz lands them in a tricky situation: he suggests that Johnny Viti supports Sofia instead of Luca, which is completely untrue. Sofia chooses to go along with this falsehood, but Link insists that they need a call from Johnny Viti to confirm the story. They all agree, on the condition that they receive a meeting with Zhao as soon as it can be arranged.

I’ve always suspected that you’d eventually take action, Oz. I didn’t anticipate it happening in quite this way,” says Link to him.

In the open air, Victor rehearses his speech for Oz, but then a policeman parks his vehicle behind him. The officer requests Victor to exit his vehicle, stating that he had been parked in a prohibited loading area.

He checks him and locates a stack of cash in his pocket. “That’s quite a sum for someone your age to be hauling around,” he remarks, and Vic comprehends the situation: he requires a bribe. “I have no idea what you’re implying, I don’t possess any money,” he replies, and the officer departs.

Oz teaches Vic how to value himself

The Penguin Episode 3 recap: Oz and Sofia become friends & foes

Afterward, Oz treats Vic to an elegant meal. They share a good laugh over Vic’s experience of bribing a policeman, who referred to it as “part of the deal.

In the restaurant, Vic has difficulty verbally ordering steak frites due to his stutter. Anticipating this, the waiter steps in before him, which provokes Oz. Vic tries to dismiss Oz’s concern, but Oz insists: “You need to speak up for yourself. Disregard their opinions. Make them wait. Claim your space. You have spirit inside you, Vic, let it show.

In simpler terms, Vic shares with Oz that his father had dreams of being a chef rather than a mechanic. He mentions that, unfortunately, his father may not have had the opportunity to dine in many fine restaurants. Oz then expresses disappointment about the American dream, stating that it can be difficult for honest individuals to achieve success. They both raise a toast in honor of Vic’s father, and Oz praises him by saying he raised a great son, who should feel proud knowing his dad would be pleased with him.

Oz and Sofia force Johnny Viti’s hand

Of course, they’re not just there to eat. Upstairs, Johnny Viti is having sex with Luca’s wife, so Oz and Sofia steal a key to his room and confront him.

Johnny can’t believe Oz is supporting a “psychopath”, but Oz lays it out for him: he’s going to call Zhao and tell him that he supports them. It doesn’t even need to be a lie – Johnny could help them and fly off to a sunny country with Luca’s wife.

1) He teases Oz by saying no one respects “the Penguin,” which displeases him. In response, he forces his phone into Johnny Viti’s mouth, widening his jaw and breaking the glass against his teeth. “Make the damn call,” he commands. (79 words)

Gotham tries Bliss for the first time

The Penguin Episode 3 recap: Oz and Sofia become friends & foes

On that particular evening, Oz equips Eve’s daughters with a supply of Bliss and releases them into the Triad club, while Vic functions as their financial manager, safeguarding the earnings and providing additional drugs for them to distribute.

Sofia appears to harbor some doubts about Oz, as she questions him by saying, “Aren’t you just saying the perfect words?” followed by, “Did your actions against me pay off? Did you achieve all that you desired? It seems like there is still something else you are after.

“Zhao has come to speak with me, not my previous chauffeur,” she explains. Meanwhile, the dance floor crowd is enjoying Bliss in increasing numbers.

Sofia and Oz encounter Zhao, who expresses that there’s a significant opportunity associated with their proposal. Nevertheless, he is concerned about the risk due to the Falcone family’s past connections with the Triads. He remains unsure whether he can rely on Sofia, taking into account her recent release from Arkham.

She tells him that Bliss is helping Gotham’s citizens break free from their hardships. “There’s no better way to escape than with Bliss,” she says, explaining how it was distributed in Arkham. “It brought us happiness and submission. The pain we felt just disappeared, making us forget where we were.

“Whoever it controls it will control the future of the drug trade in Gotham. But if you are not interested, it’s fine. I can go to the Neon Dragons or the Odessa mob. I don’t care much who our sales reps are.”

Sofia leaves, telling Oz to “make the deal or don’t.”

Vic tries to leave Oz

The Penguin Episode 3 recap: Oz and Sofia become friends & foes

In the midst of the deafening music and blinding lights, Vic experiences a frightening, dream-like episode reminiscent of the tragic night when his parents passed away and floodwaters swept through the city. He later awakens, having accidentally spilled all the drugs on the floor, and staggers towards the bathroom.

Graciela sends a text message to him. She’s currently at the bus station, waiting for his arrival. Oz bursts in, having just sealed the deal and eager to celebrate. Upon noticing Vic’s phone vibrating, he demands to see who’s contacting him.

As a devoted admirer, let me share how Vic expresses his predicament. Instead of using crass language, he insists it’s not about an objectified person. He’s grappling with a moral dilemma. Oz advises him to depart, but when Vic voices his inability to leave, it only intensifies the situation.

He seems to imply that you’re acting as if he’s imprisoning you or something. His words are: “Don’t you act like I’m holding you captive? It’s like you think I’ve made you my prisoner!” He says this while pointing a gun at you. However, he provides you with clothes, money, and a place to stay. Essentially, he’s offering you numerous chances here.

You opted to remain here. Perhaps it’s worth contemplating the reason behind your decision. You persisted in staying because you aspire for something greater, something more than what your father had… What’s regrettable is spending one’s entire life working and having nothing significant to show for it.

Do you still believe in the distinction between good and evil, right and wrong? I’d argue that those concepts don’t truly exist. What we have instead is survival, safety, and enjoyment. No one gets a trophy for dying in the projects… if you feel insignificant, you remain so until the day you pass away.

Oz orders him to leave, and as he angrily exits the club, he forgets he has Oz’s Maserati keys. Instead of returning them, he decides to take the car! He heads to the bus station, but finds Graciela there. However, he hesitates to board the bus.

Sofia and Oz’s night goes haywire

The Penguin Episode 3 recap: Oz and Sofia become friends & foes

Following some thoughtful contemplation while sipping his beverage, Oz steps outside to share the positive update with Sofia. However, she doesn’t seem overly thrilled by the news.

Jesus Christ, it seems I’ve made a mistake. I wasn’t aware of what Carmine might do… betraying Arkham, his very own kin? I truly believed I was protecting you,” he explains to her.

Sofia emphasizes that he hasn’t yet reached the rank of a ‘made man’, but he’s still reaping significant rewards. “I managed to come out on top like a thief in the night… it was worth every moment. You wanted to know, and that’s my honest response. I earned control over the club, a chance to run my own operation. A character like me, achieving all that? It doesn’t mean much to you perhaps, but it means everything to me… I have no regrets about what I’ve gained.

Oz expresses his regret for any harm done to Sofia, saying, “What’s transpired between us has had a significant impact on me, one that I unfortunately mishandled. It’s something I will always carry with me.

She expresses her uncertainty about trusting him, but before he could prove himself, they were met by Salvatore’s companion, Nadia, who challenges him with a threatening tone, saying, “We’ve been keeping tabs on you, buddy.

In another location, Vic spins the vehicle around to return to Oz – fortunately, they arrive just in the nick of time. Upon arrival, they discover Oz and Sofia kneeling down, so he collides the car with Nadia’s men, providing them an opportunity to flee. With Oz hopping inside the car, he instructs Vic to drive off, abandoning Sofia behind. As they speed away, Oz informs them, “We’re in this together now, Vic, we’re in this together,” emphasizing their shared predicament.

Catch up on summaries of Episodes 1 and 2 of “The Penguin” series, to learn when Episode 4 will be released. Additionally, explore our speculations about Dr Julian Rush potentially being a hidden Batman villain and the reasons why Batman might not feature in “The Penguin.” Keep yourself updated on the latest developments regarding “The Batman 2.

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2024-10-07 05:21