The Most Hilarious Bugs in Destiny 2’s History: A Reddit Exploration

As a seasoned Guardian with countless hours logged into Destiny 2, I can attest to the game’s unique ability to turn even the most mundane moments into hilarious escapades. The community’s recent reminiscing about favorite bugs has taken me on a nostalgic journey through my gaming history, filled with laughter and camaraderie.

Destiny 2, throughout its history, has been known for its amusing and bizarre glitches, providing players with not just a few chuckles but also memorable moments. A post on Reddit by ster1ing started a conversation that’s got gamers reminiscing about the oddities that turned their gaming experiences into hilarious escapades. The post playfully requests players to share their favorite glitches in D2, resulting in a collection of heartwarming stories that showcase the game’s unique appeal and the community’s affection for its unexpectedly funny incidents. From manufacturing blunders to mind-boggling 12-player raids, the replies demonstrate a genuine fondness for the glitches that brought fun, mayhem, and unforgettable moments to Guardians worldwide.

What’s been your favorite bug in D2 throughout the years?
byu/ster1ing inDestinyTheGame


  • Players fondly recall amusing bugs that added unexpected chaos and fun into their gaming experiences.
  • Consensus builds around specific glitches, particularly those involving unusual gameplay mechanics or overpowered weapon effects.
  • The community’s lighthearted take on game bugs showcases a strong bond among players, emphasizing humor as a common thread.
  • Reflects a culture where bugs are not just issues but moments to embrace and laugh about.

Memorable Glitches Spark Joy

Within the Destiny 2 gaming community, there’s a tangible sense of nostalgia as players often find humor in certain game bugs they’ve experienced. For example, user Manny-01 humorously referenced crafting by saying, “Many people joined in and Bungie told us to go wild.” This glitch prompted a surge of players experimenting with the crafting system, unsure of the outcome, resulting in an enjoyable unpredictability that kept them hooked. It appears that when players are given freedom to explore beyond limits, they create remarkable moments that are both divisive and hilarious enough to keep the laughter going.

12-Man Raids and Their Glory

Initially, you might assume that regular raids are challenging, but a group of players unearthed an unprecedented level of mayhem in 12-player raids. User Cruggles30 humorously recounted their adventure with the words, “12 man raids.” Many others echoed this sentiment, such as uhhhhhhBORGOR, who boasted, “I got my Divinity during that time, laughing out loud.” The ridiculous and amusing incidents that arose from managing six more players than usual in a single raid have become cherished memories, demonstrating the unexpected joy of pushing the boundaries of gameplay to unimaginable extremes. Every Guardian knows that the most memorable experiences often come from utter chaos, and these raids certainly delivered, as players bonded over shared setbacks and victories.

Weapon Bugs: The Overpowered Laughs

In terms of glitchy weapons, Destiny 2 has had its share of amusing moments that made players feel unbeatable – if just for a brief spell. The weapon Wishender was particularly enjoyable for Momo1163, who remarked, “The Wishender dealing much more damage than usual was really fun to run around with as a bow enthusiast.” The excitement of handling a weapon that transformed into a powerhouse on the spot enhances the already fantastical adventures players seek. Players like Momo1163 and JACKAL0013 enjoyed benefits from other weapons, such as the Prometheus Lens, which JACKAL0013 called “**LASER TAG WEEKEND!!!**” This portrayal of Guardians having an absolute blast – literally – with overpowered features, turned a casual Crucible match into a hilarious chaos.

Post-Launch Mischief: Tales of Telesto

In any conversation about issues in Destiny 2, it’s essential to bring up Telesto, a notorious weapon known for causing its own amusing glitches. Humorously expressing a desire for an official report detailing all the bugs it triggered, it’s evident that Telesto has gained meme status. One particularly odd occurrence was recounted by T3hDonut, where they described a time when Bungie gifted Telesto to Banshee, which in turn led Tower instances to crash the game. The recurring references to Telesto highlight its deeply ingrained presence within players’ experiences and the ongoing humor it generates. If every Guardian has a story about Telesto, it simply provides another platform for the community to connect through shared affection for unforeseen entertainment.

As gamers reflect on their favorite bugs in Destiny 2, it’s clear that these moments are more than mere mishaps; they are cherished memories that have enriched the gaming experience. The lighthearted banter among players showcases a willing embrace of the unpredictable, turning glitches into delightful anecdotes. Rather than viewing these bugs as setbacks, many in the community have chosen to see them as opportunities for fun, friendship, and plenty of unforgettable laughter. In the chaotic world of Destiny 2, where the line between bug and feature often blurs, it seems the memes and stories are never-ending.

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2024-08-04 12:28