The Hilarity of the New Akimbo Meta in Apex Legends: A Dive into Player Reactions

As a seasoned Apex Legends player with over 500 wins to my name, I’ve seen it all – from the rise and fall of various metas to the infamous Wraith town glitch. The new akimbo meta is undeniably one for the books, and while it may be a bit over-the-top for some, I can’t help but find myself chuckling at the sheer absurdity of it all.

The game Apex Legends is known for keeping its players constantly surprised, and lately, a post from user “mrcantrilllad” sparked discussions about the new double-wielding (akimbo) trend that has left many players puzzled and chuckling. The original message read, ‘When will this double-wielding style be adjusted… I shouldn’t have won this match, I was laughing out loud!’, expressing the perplexity and amusement over the popular double-wielding weapon stance in Season 22. This post resonated with players, leading to a wave of comments discussing whether the double-wielding setup is enjoyable, balanced, or simply absurd.

The new akimbo meta is so stupid
byu/mrcantrilllad inapexlegends


  • The akimbo meta has sparked a lively debate about balance versus fun in Apex Legends.
  • Players are split on whether the new feature is a gameplay disaster or an entertaining addition.
  • Some users feel nostalgic about previous seasons while others embrace the chaos.
  • Community reactions highlight Respawn’s trend of introducing overpowered elements followed by balancing tweaks.

The Akimbo Shift: Fun or Folly?

As a gamer myself, I can’t hide my feelings about the akimbo meta – it’s causing quite a stir among us players! The balance just seems off, and opinions are all over the place, from finding it amusing to downright infuriating. OptionalOlive put it best when they said, “It’s not balanced, but it sure is fun and looks awesome.” That sums up the playful vibe of this new playstyle perfectly – even though it might not be fair, many of us are enjoying the extra dash of excitement it brings to the game. The thrill of wielding two guns at once is hard to beat, let me tell you! It’s like a wild, over-the-top ride that takes us back to the adrenaline rush of close-quarters combat.

Debating the Fairness of Akimbo

Although the humor is present, there’s a genuine worry among players about the impact of dual-wielded weapons on gameplay equilibrium in this game. User Fluid-Expert humorously pointed out the inconsistency in weapon balancing by comparing past changes to the P2020 in Apex with the recent introduction of akimbo, stating: ‘Respawn in season 9 – “We’re going to lower the fire rate of the p2020 due to different skill levels required for its use.” Respawn season 22 – “Akimbo goes brrrrrrrrrrrrr.”‘ This playful remark underscores the game’s unpredictable weapon balancing, which can lead to discouraging encounters when players are quickly defeated by rapid dual-wielding fire without sufficient reaction time. Users like Pigtron-42 also voiced their dissatisfaction with dying to an akimbo setup, saying, ‘It feels so ridiculous every time I die to akimbo mozams.’ This absurdity might very well fuel the belief that the current akimbo meta is too overpowered and requires adjustment.

Nostalgia vs. New Meta

However, it’s not all gloomy; some players are thriving on the unpredictability and adaptability that the game offers. As vidic17 points out, there’s a certain thrill in discovering new strategies while understanding that the game’s recurring pattern of weapon balancing inevitably results in nerfs, ‘It’s fun right now, but they’ll probably tone it down like they always do and rotate the meta.’ This consistent pattern suggests that the current akimbo meta is temporary and may soon be replaced in Apex Legends’ chronicles. Players have learned to adapt to each new phase, eagerly anticipating the next creative combination the developers will create. Whether the akimbo phase becomes a fond memory or a source of annoyance is yet to be determined, but for now, players are enjoying the journey.

Akimbo and Team Dynamics

In the context of this discussion, it’s crucial to consider the interplay of team dynamics that the ‘akimbo meta’ introduces. Guacamole86Avocados made an insightful observation: “Although it has its issues, this clip demonstrates teamwork and enemies not attacking you.” This observation underscores the importance of communication within teams, as victory often hinges more on collaborative efforts than individual skill. When a player excels using ‘akimbo weapons’, it can frequently be due to the opponents’ lack of concentration. The camaraderie and teamwork exhibited in this context add another dimension to how players perceive not only the ‘akimbo meta’, but also their interactions with fellow players during matches.

In Apex Legends, the use of akimbo meta (a strategy using dual weapons) has brought about a gaming terrain filled with bewilderment and exhilaration. Players find themselves walking the tightrope between skillful gameplay and blind fortune as they passionately discuss its worth. For now, gamers can enjoy the absurdity and adrenaline rush of twin-gun chaos while contemplating what adjustments might be made to weapon equilibrium within the game. No matter whether you’re a fan, a critic, or simply an observer, one thing remains undeniable: the Apex Legends community will keep evolving and innovating, ensuring more enjoyable gaming sessions as well as lively debates on the forums.

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2024-08-17 13:28