‘The Challenge 40’ Ousted Player Admits ‘Pride Got the Best of Me,’ Shares ‘Contingency Plan’ That Fell Through and Reacts to Claim He Wanted to Go Home

As a seasoned competitor myself, I can empathize with Tony’s predicament. It’s a tough balance between family and fame, and it seems like he had made his decision, ready to stand firm. Yet, the human heart is complex, and even the strongest among us may waver under certain circumstances.

⚠️ Caution: The following narrative discloses details from the August 28 episode of “The Challenge 40: Battle of the Eras.” Proceed with caution if you wish to avoid spoilers.

It’s common knowledge among the cast of “The Challenge” and viewers alike that TJ Lavin doesn’t mince words. This was evident during the recent episode. Following Era 3 winning the daily challenge, captains Tony and Averey were obligated to choose which other team captains would battle against the losers, Jodi and Darrell, in elimination. However, they found it difficult to agree on their decision.

Instead of having Derek and Aviv compete in the arena as Tony initially planned due to Darrell’s request, Averey, who shares a strong bond with Derek, opted against betraying them. Instead, her focus shifted towards aiming for Kaycee and Kyland.

They both understood that if they couldn’t decide on which one of them should venture into the desert, TJ would force them to compete against each other. When neither of them backed down, that’s precisely what transpired. In a fit of rage, Averey accused Tony of not wanting to be there and vented her anger by outsmarting Jodi in a carefully planned puzzle. Unfortunately, Tony wasn’t as successful, losing to Darrell and being sent packing.

Below, Tony expresses his current feelings regarding his decision, EbMaster’s assertions that he didn’t wish to participate, and details exactly what he consumed during the daily contest.

We haven’t seen you on the flagship series since “Final Reckoning.” Why was now the right time to return?

Whenever suits you, it’s always ideal for Tony Time. Apologies for the pun, but it was too good to resist. After a hiatus from “The Challenge” since “Final Reckoning,” I’ve consistently received that fateful call. It has been incredibly challenging to decline those opportunities. The show means so much to me, and I’ve missed it deeply. With this being Season 40 and my departure on “All Stars,” I couldn’t let that be my final imprint on the game.

As a cinema enthusiast, I felt incredibly lucky when I received an invitation to work on a movie set once more. The thrill, the excitement, it all flooded back, igniting my passion once again. I eagerly hope for another opportunity, and if it comes, count me in – I’ve missed this world too much.

What was it like going back to living with all these people again? It’s physically challenging but a lot of this game is mental.

As soon as I stepped foot inside, it felt as if I had never left. The atmosphere enveloped me once more, making everything feel so effortless and instinctive – just like riding a bike. It was as if the walls whispered a warm welcome, assuring me that this was my place, where I truly belong.

OK let’s dive into this episode. Everyone knows you’re good at eating challenges, but which of those disgusting plates of food did you eat? And how fast were you?

It appears I consumed two plates of food, with certainty, I devoured the Thai chili grub worms which I distinctly recall due to swiftly consuming the bowlful. Some of the Thai chili sauce accidentally sprayed into my eye, making it an unforgettable experience due to the intense pain. Unfortunately, I can’t remember what the other item was, but I devoured it without hesitation – it’s nothing out of the ordinary for someone from the south. If you were to witness some of the foods we consume here, you’d appreciate the sentiment.

But the worms were alive.

As a movie buff might say, it’s more beneficial to savor foods when they’re fresh and vibrant, as that’s when they hold the most essential nutrients. You wouldn’t want to boil away those nutrients, or the vitamins for that matter. Let me tell you something, these foods weren’t created to be cooked; they were meant to thrive!

‘The Challenge 40’ Ousted Player Admits ‘Pride Got the Best of Me,’ Shares ‘Contingency Plan’ That Fell Through and Reacts to Claim He Wanted to Go Home

OK, gross! Moving on. You and Averey were captains so when Era 3 won, you guys got to choose who went into elimination against Darrell and Jodi but couldn’t agree. Heading to the arena, were you feeling prepared to go in or were you bluffing, thinking she’d budge?

I can remember saying, “If we can’t get on the same page, then we’ve got to get prepared to go down there, because I’m not backing down.” I said it so confidently, I made myself believe it, and I needed to do that so it got through to her that I wasn’t playing. Did I want to go down there? No, but I had to believe in my decision, and what I was doing was best for my game. I knew she was going to stand her ground with Derek because she plays with a lot of emotion. She plays with a lot of heart. And you could tell that connection that they had, that bond was going to be unbreakable. I was thinking maybe if I say I’m going to give Darrell who he wants and we get down there and we’re in a stalemate, maybe Derek goes, “Averey, don’t even worry about it. He wants to be an asshole? I’ll go down there.” Then we’re in the clear. I was thinking, I’ve got a contingency plan. I thought, there’s no way Derek’s going to let Averey go down there. There’s no way. And he didn’t say a peep.

Can you explain why you wouldn’t budge — why you’d rather put yourself in than someone Darrell didn’t want?

In “Vendettas,” I chose actions that benefited my competition. This moment marked a significant shift in my journey on “The Challenge.” Someone offered me valuable advice: Distance yourself from the game and view it as if it’s a chessboard. What should be your next strategic move to win? When I began thinking this way, my performance improved significantly. That was when Tony Time began. I saw myself as being at the bottom of the pecking order in my era. No one had my back except Devin. So, I decided to reach out beyond my era and seek alliances. Darrell is someone I’ve known for a long time and we have mutual respect. I thought, if I make this move, you owe me a favor later on. That’s what was best for my game. I questioned Averey about her decisions, like, isn’t keeping Derek around just to trust him better for your game? Why? Are you thinking that’s the best move, and what’s the reasoning behind it? Although our private conversations and motivations might not have been shown, this was the general idea.

It seemed like most of the house was rooting against you, telling you just to give in. Is that accurate?

Everyone, aside from Darrell, should take note. Pride often leads to downfall, and it seems like this situation might have been a case where pride overcame me. It’s hard not to dwell on it because I know that returning home early, making that choice, getting home, having to see the disappointment on my family’s faces – even though they were glad to see me – is tough. At that moment, my mind was decided. I told myself I wouldn’t back down. However, I assumed she would give in and Derek would intervene.

Averey claimed you didn’t want to be there. Was there any truth to that, that you wanted to go home?

She recalled her mentioning that she felt uncomfortable at home, and later expressed to TJ her disinterest in staying there, seeming detached. It struck her as peculiar, given our prior heartfelt discussions, the purpose of which was my commitment to supporting my family. My objective is to accumulate as much wealth as possible. If I don’t reach the million-dollar mark and make it to week 12 or beyond, that’s additional income for me. It’s not as if we simply participate without any reward. Every week we surpass a specific timeframe, we receive extra paychecks. So far, I’ve given up three weeks of my life. I’m aiming to last until the end. Even if I reach the finale, I’ll return home with a substantial savings for my family.

I confided in her. We had a great relationship. She was probably the girl I talked to the most out there, which won’t be aired, which is a shame. We talked a lot on “All Stars.” She confided in me. Did I tell her that I miss my family, that I would tear up when I FaceTimed them? Yeah because I love my family, and it’s just natural. But to say that I was checked out when I was having the time of my life? I wasn’t checked out, but was I bummed out? Yes, I was bummed out when it came to that point. I could tell her mood and her attitude toward me changed because of what I wanted to do. It sucked. As far as not wanting to be there, that’s just something that shouldn’t be said. Honestly, I kind of take offense to it.

‘The Challenge 40’ Ousted Player Admits ‘Pride Got the Best of Me,’ Shares ‘Contingency Plan’ That Fell Through and Reacts to Claim He Wanted to Go Home
That makes sense! Ok, getting into the elimination, how heavy were those pieces?

As a movie buff, I was ballparking their weights, figuring around 35 to 45 pounds. To me, it seemed as if they were 45-pound dumbbells you’d find at the gym. Frankly, I couldn’t believe both girls and guys were handling the same weight!

Was anyone cheering for you or helping you?

I caught fragments of Devin and Jordan’s conversation. During Era 1’s outburst, they were both assisting Darrell and the noise was overwhelming. They seemed to be intentionally confusing me. Amid all the chaos, I felt drained. It appeared my team was already in a disadvantageous position from the start. Later, during the girls’ round, my team was providing significant support to Averey, which I have no issue with. However, I found it peculiar that the same level of support wasn’t extended to me when I needed help. It felt odd that everyone remained quiet while Averey was trying to solve the problem.

After being eliminated, you were able to give people extra points, which will help them, somehow, down the line. Can you share who you helped?

Without a shadow of a doubt, Derrick Kosinski is who I’m cheering for. He’s a fantastic individual and I’ve always admired him. Devin was my top pick, but Averey too, we had a wonderful bond before the unfortunate events transpired. Her determination is evident, she embodies that underdog spirit, which I truly appreciate because I experienced it in my early days on “The Challenge.”

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2024-08-29 04:47