The Best Non-Exotic Solar Hand Cannons in Destiny 2: Top Picks and Player Insights

As a seasoned veteran of Destiny 2, I can confidently say that the lively discussions sparked by posts like “Best Non-Exotic Solar Hand cannon?” have become my bread and butter. The wealth of knowledge shared by fellow Guardians is not only enlightening but also serves as a testament to the vibrant community that thrives in this game.

Destiny 2 has been consistently developing since its debut, captivating gamers with its thrilling gameplay and extensive array of weapons. Lately, a post by user “ObligationFriendly72” caused quite a stir within the Destiny community, as they requested suggestions for the top non-exotic solar hand cannons. This query ignited an engaging conversation, shedding light on players’ preferred weapons and the intricacies of weapon slots within solar damage-focused builds. Whether you’re part of a friend group, fireteam, or just a casual player, everyone had something to contribute – offering their favorite hand cannons, discussing optimal weapon combinations for various builds, and even debating the best ways to pair weapons.

Best Non-Exotic Solar Hand cannon?
byu/ObligationFriendly72 inDestinyTheGame


  • Players recommend several non-exotic hand cannons, including Zaouli’s Bane, Luna’s Howl, and Trust.
  • Engaging discussions highlight the challenges of pairing weapons when using specific builds.
  • A common theme is the importance of elemental synergies in weapon selection for optimal gameplay.
  • Crafting also plays a significant role in the current weapon meta, with some players suggesting that players focus on acquireable options.

Examining Popular Recommendations

In the article, several individuals propose leading candidates for solar-powered hand cannons that aren’t exotic. Among these recommendations, “Dawei_Hinribike” strongly endorses Zaouli’s Bane and Luna’s Howl as top picks. Zaouli’s Bane, a weapon craftable from the King’s Fall raid, boasts advantageous traits that can cater to any Guardian’s requirements. Yet, the creation of such weapons raises concerns about how easy it is for less frequent raiders to obtain them. Conversely, Luna’s Howl enjoys a reputation as a reliable pick due to its adaptability across various gameplay styles. Acquiring this hand cannon may challenge some players, guiding them through diverse Destiny 2 activities in pursuit of the sought-after weapon, thus deepening their experience within the game world.

Elemental Synergies: Weapon Slot Mechanics

One of the key points in the thread revolves around the frustration that arises from weapon slots. “CDanny99” bluntly points out that using both Lord of Wolves and a solar hand cannon won’t be viable since they both occupy the same energy slot. This clarity helps shape the debate on weapon functionality in the game. Many users reflect on how one must carefully plan their loadouts based on the elemental type of their chosen primary and secondary weapons, especially with the new Shotgun, Lord of Wolves, creeping into their arsenal. Later comments elaborate on alternatives such as Midnight Coup, which happens to be a kinetic option but can fulfill solar criteria through perks like Firefly, making it a surprisingly adaptable choice for those wanting to harness solar damage without sacrificing their energy slot.

Crafting the Perfect Loadout

The weapon-crafting system has sparked renewed enthusiasm among players for procuring weapons. In particular, “APartyInMyPants” has highlighted Zaouli’s Bane, stating that it demands players to raid and can potentially offer outstanding traits that boost gameplay flexibility. This discussion about perks likely brings up the current weapon trend, causing players to prioritize crafting weapons and the resources needed for those coveted rolls. On the flip side, some players have expressed that while crafted weapons are potent, the strict RNG in obtaining precise perks can leave them longing for something more dependable like Trust. This weapon not only offers consistency but is also enjoyable to use, highlighting the contrast between reliability and the excitement of a flawlessly crafted weapon based on player preferences.

User Experiences and Reflections

The vibrant tapestry of experiences shared in the discussion reflects a broader sentiment in the Destiny 2 community. Players reminisce about their favorite weapons and builds while also highlighting the nuances of gameplay over time. As players like “s-multicellular” and “pitperson” analyze slot mechanics, the community collectively engages in a dialogue that could emphasize a deeper understanding of elemental synergies, weapon viability, and the art of crafting the most effective loadouts. It’s a bit like playing chess, selecting pieces with foresight before making a strategic move on the battlefield. It’s clear that understanding weapon slots is critical to improving as a player, and the willingness to share knowledge strengthens the community as a whole, fostering connectivity and camaraderie.

Distinct Strategies for Diverse Adventures

What shines through the discussion is the idea that no single weapon is superior in every scenario. Rather, players emphasize the strategic nature of loadouts based on playstyle and situation. While Luna’s Howl may reign supreme in Crucible, its powerhouse nature may not land with the same impact in PVE. The conversation immediately shifts gears as different players reveal their experiences with hand cannons across various activities, while the need for adaptability remains a common theme. Crafting and acquiring weapons that excel in certain aspects of the game highlights the constant balancing act players face, ensuring that while they may have preferences, they are always ready to pivot as new challenges arise.

Ultimately, the rich discussions around non-exotic solar hand cannons in Destiny 2 provide valuable insights for both new and seasoned players alike. With a wealth of recommendations and strategies shared across the community, the understanding of loadout mechanics and crafting not only enhances gameplay experiences, it also builds a vibrant, supportive community. Engaging dialogues like this one lead players to explore diverse strategies while encouraging creative thinking and experimentation with various weapons. So the next time you’re looking to perfect your loadout, just remember: your fellow Guardians have got your back, and they always have insights to share.

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2024-08-14 14:43