The Beautiful Crowd in Smite 2 Arena: Reddit Reactions & Insights

As a long-time Smite fan with countless hours spent battling it out in the arena mode, I can’t help but feel a surge of nostalgia and anticipation as I witness the ongoing Reddit discussion about Smite 2’s arena. The excitement is palpable, and I find myself reminiscing about the good old days when the arena was at its peak.

Excitement brews as Redditors discuss the crowd in Smite 2 Arena. Engaged in a lively conversation…


  • Opinions on Smite 2’s crowd range from excitement to skepticism.
  • Some users critique the unfinished state of the game, urging realistic expectations.
  • Comparisons drawn between Arena and Conquest map design.

Reactions to Smite 2 Arena

The excitement is palpable on Reddit as users share their joy over the revival of the arena in Smite 2. User Sherg_7 reflects on the past, wistfully recalling the community presence that was lost with the previous arena version.

Link the Fire Skelly advocates for genuine game appraisal, emphasizing the value of offering constructive comments instead of severe critiques.

Womz69 makes an uncomplicated comment: The crowd visuals are satisfactory at a glance, but they may appear less polished when examined closely. In comparison, User E_boiii notes that the arena map in development has a rougher appearance compared to the more detailed Conquest map design.

The Snufflebox reveals how the community impacts this game, explaining that the arena map functions as a temporary stand-in, shaped primarily by player preference.

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2024-07-19 17:43