That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Isekai Chronicles Review

As a long-time fan of the That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime series, I was eagerly anticipating the release of Isekai Chronicles, hoping it would capture the magic and excitement of Rimuru’s adventures. Unfortunately, the game fell short of my expectations in several key areas.

Transforming original content into a different format can be quite challenging. For instance, turning static comic panels into smooth motion pictures; bringing written words to life on a screen; or reimagining past works through reboots or remakes. Vibrant adaptations expand upon the source material, offering both long-time fans and newcomers to the series something fresh and engaging. On the other hand, less imaginative adaptations merely recreate what has already been done, missing an opportunity to enrich the source material or offer anything unique in their own right.

In the realm of video games inspired by anime or manga, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Isekai Chronicles attempts to find a balance, offering a blend of the storyline from the series and some fresh content. The game’s fight sequences, while functional, can become predictable, and its town-building management element lacks innovation. This game might resonate most with fans of the original series.

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Isekai Chronicles Review

In simpler terms, Slime Isekai Chronicles tells the story of a Japanese man named Rimuru Tempest who was killed and then reborn as a slime-like creature in a different world. This creature can absorb abilities from those it consumes, similar to the character Kirby. The game adapts parts of the original manga’s early chapters, along with some new content created by the series creator specifically for this game. Although fans of the series will appreciate the respect shown towards the IP, the large number of characters can be confusing initially.

The narrative of this game is divided into sections with a well-defined gameplay pattern. Narrative segments are conveyed via short stories illustrated like comic strips, complete with character illustrations and text during most interactions. There aren’t too many cutscene sequences, but they do occur occasionally. Rimuru starts a story or side quest by conversing with a villager. After choosing his party, he ventures out to conquer a dungeon. When inside the dungeon, players navigate a 2D side-scrolling map, battling enemies to clear rooms and finding loot hidden in chests scattered around. Once the area is cleared, Rimuru and his party return to the village for rewards and then can restart the loop.

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Isekai Chronicles Review

Initially, a blueprint for constructing a village becomes accessible to Rimuru. With resources gathered from battles and assignments, players can erect structures and manage various village activities to enhance its efficiency. Additionally, these facilities grant minor stat bonuses to Rimuru and his companions.

In the dungeon scenes, exploration and battles occur using a 2D side-view angle. During combat, players have the ability to switch between three active fighters, while two additional team members remain on standby, ready to unleash special attacks. Each fighter possesses a regular attack, along with a rechargeable special and ultimate moves, some of which include skippable animated cutscenes. With numerous characters available, there’s a diverse range of fighting styles; however, several characters exhibit similarities in their combat methods.

In battle, it’s essential to skillfully carry out attack sequences, always watching for a yellow exclamation mark – a signal of an approaching enemy’s special move. This warning helps you press the dodge button at the right moment. Mastering the art of dodging an enemy’s signaled special attack sets the stage for parrying and causing significant damage to the opponent’s armor or health meter. This strategic aspect introduces an extra layer of complexity to what would otherwise be simple combat sequences, all while adding visually impressive combat effects.

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Isekai Chronicles Review

Despite the thrill of battle, particularly when unleashing high-scoring combo attacks, it eventually becomes monotonous after repeatedly battling through the same level. Switching to different characters doesn’t offer enough diversity to warrant continued play, as their combat styles are too similar. It’s puzzling that Rimuru’s standout ability – the power to assimilate the abilities of creatures he consumes – was not utilized in combat or any other aspect of gameplay. Given its prominence in his character and skillset within the series, its omission is noticeable here. It’s disappointing because incorporating enemy absorption and ability assimilation could have expanded the possibilities for exploration and customization.

Even character progression feels hamstrung by a feeling of deja vu. Characters are awarded points to expend at the player’s discretion in something that feels like a Sphere Grid from Final Fantasy X. While there is initially a sense of customization, these too feel entirely similar, with each character’s grid loaded with marginal stat increases where the juice doesn’t feel worth the squeeze. Thankfully, this process can be automated, unburdening those who lack preferences over which incremental stat increases to unlock first.

The game’s design reflects its original inspiration quite distinctly. Fans of the series will be pleased with the vivid character models for both party members and adversaries. Even common enemies have been skillfully designed to look dynamic on-screen. The soundscape is fitting and competently produced, featuring lively battle themes and a guide reminiscent of digital assistants who occasionally offers guidance (though it might announce too frequently). Sound effects are effectively utilized, particularly during combat when powerful attacks are unleashed. The levels offer detail and variety, although they may not seem overly innovative.

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Isekai Chronicles Review

Essentially, each part of the game functions adequately, but lacks complexity or richness, which might not appeal to those unfamiliar with the original content. It seems that Slime might be just functional, if I may say so. However, does it offer anything more than checking off boxes for both newcomers and seasoned players? The storyline of the game is poorly developed, particularly noticeable due to the scarcity of actual cutscenes within the game. Repeating levels can become tiresome, as well as fighting the same adversaries repeatedly. The village-building aspect of the game feels underdeveloped, with minor bonuses making the task seem routine rather than fulfilling.

Similarly, in the village, the same visual elements are often repeated, giving a feeling of stagnation or lack of progression, with minimal signs of pride in its construction. With scant physical benefits and fewer appealing ones provided, there was little incentive to develop my village beyond the few main missions that necessitated it.

In “That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: Isekai Chronicles,” an attempt is made to recount parts of Rimuru’s story, but this adaptation has mixed results. The presentation is fairly stationary and the combat sequences tend to repeat, which might make it challenging for new viewers to dive into the series. Long-time fans, on the other hand, may find themselves debating certain design choices, feeling that they could have better captured Rimuru’s journey from the books to the screen.


Additionally available on: PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch for versions beyond PC, in case you’re interested in playing “That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Isekai Chronicles” on these platforms.

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2024-09-01 07:26